# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # MegEngine is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") # # Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Megvii Inc. All rights reserved. # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT ARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. import megengine as mge import megengine.functional as F import megengine.hub as hub import megengine.module as M import official.vision.classification.resnet.model as resnet import numpy as np from functools import partial class DeconvLayers(M.Module): def __init__(self, nf1, nf2s, kernels, num_layers, bias=True, norm=M.BatchNorm2d): super(DeconvLayers, self).__init__() _body = [] for i in range(num_layers): kernel = kernels[i] padding = ( kernel // 3 ) # padding=0 when kernel=2 and padding=1 when kernel=4 or kernel=3 _body += [ M.ConvTranspose2d(nf1, nf2s[i], kernel, 2, padding, bias=bias), norm(nf2s[i]), M.ReLU(), ] nf1 = nf2s[i] self.body = M.Sequential(*_body) def forward(self, x): return self.body(x) class SimpleBaseline(M.Module): def __init__(self, backbone, cfg, pretrained=False): norm = partial(M.BatchNorm2d, momentum=cfg.bn_momentum) self.backbone = getattr(resnet, backbone)(norm=norm, pretrained=pretrained) del self.backbone.fc self.cfg = cfg self.deconv_layers = DeconvLayers( cfg.initial_deconv_channels, cfg.deconv_channels, cfg.deconv_kernel_sizes, cfg.num_deconv_layers, cfg.deconv_with_bias, norm, ) self.last_layer = M.Conv2d(cfg.deconv_channels[-1], cfg.keypoint_num, 3, 1, 1) self._initialize_weights() self.inputs = { "image": mge.tensor(dtype="float32"), "heatmap": mge.tensor(dtype="float32"), "heat_valid": mge.tensor(dtype="float32"), } def calc_loss(self): out = self.forward(self.inputs["image"]) valid = self.inputs["heat_valid"][:, :, None, None] label = self.inputs["heatmap"][:, 0] loss = F.square_loss(out * valid, label * valid) return loss def predict(self): return self.forward(self.inputs["image"]) def _initialize_weights(self): for k, m in self.deconv_layers.named_modules(): if isinstance(m, M.ConvTranspose2d): M.init.normal_(m.weight, std=0.001) if self.cfg.deconv_with_bias: M.init.zeros_(m.bias) if isinstance(m, M.BatchNorm2d): M.init.ones_(m.weight) M.init.zeros_(m.bias) M.init.normal_(self.last_layer.weight, std=0.001) M.init.zeros_(self.last_layer.bias) def forward(self, x): f = self.backbone.extract_features(x)["res5"] f = self.deconv_layers(f) pred = self.last_layer(f) return pred class SimpleBaseline_Config: initial_deconv_channels = 2048 num_deconv_layers = 3 deconv_channels = [256, 256, 256] deconv_kernel_sizes = [4, 4, 4] deconv_with_bias = False bn_momentum = 0.1 keypoint_num = 17 cfg = SimpleBaseline_Config() @hub.pretrained( "https://data.megengine.org.cn/models/weights/simplebaseline50_256x192_0_255_71_2.pkl" ) def simplebaseline_res50(**kwargs): model = SimpleBaseline(backbone="resnet50", cfg=cfg, **kwargs) return model @hub.pretrained( "https://data.megengine.org.cn/models/weights/simplebaseline101_256x192_0_255_72_2.pkl" ) def simplebaseline_res101(**kwargs): model = SimpleBaseline(backbone="resnet101", cfg=cfg, **kwargs) return model @hub.pretrained( "https://data.megengine.org.cn/models/weights/simplebaseline152_256x192_0_255_72_4.pkl" ) def simplebaseline_res152(**kwargs): model = SimpleBaseline(backbone="resnet152", cfg=cfg, **kwargs) return model