import os from cores import Options,core from util import util opt = Options().getparse() util.file_init(opt) def main(): if opt.mode == 'add': if util.is_img(opt.media_path): core.addmosaic_img(opt) elif util.is_video(opt.media_path): core.addmosaic_video(opt) else: print('This type of file is not supported') elif opt.mode == 'clean': if util.is_img(opt.media_path): core.cleanmosaic_img(opt) elif util.is_video(opt.media_path): if opt.netG == 'video': core.cleanmosaic_video_fusion(opt) else: core.cleanmosaic_video_byframe(opt) else: print('This type of file is not supported') util.clean_tempfiles(tmp_init = False) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except Exception as e: print('Error:',e) input('Please press any key to exit.\n') util.clean_tempfiles(tmp_init = False) exit(0)