import torch from .pix2pix_model import define_G from .pix2pixHD_model import define_G as define_G_HD from .unet_model import UNet from .video_model import MosaicNet def show_paramsnumber(net,netname='net'): parameters = sum(param.numel() for param in net.parameters()) parameters = round(parameters/1e6,2) print(netname+' parameters: '+str(parameters)+'M') def __patch_instance_norm_state_dict(state_dict, module, keys, i=0): """Fix InstanceNorm checkpoints incompatibility (prior to 0.4)""" key = keys[i] if i + 1 == len(keys): # at the end, pointing to a parameter/buffer if module.__class__.__name__.startswith('InstanceNorm') and \ (key == 'running_mean' or key == 'running_var'): if getattr(module, key) is None: state_dict.pop('.'.join(keys)) if module.__class__.__name__.startswith('InstanceNorm') and \ (key == 'num_batches_tracked'): state_dict.pop('.'.join(keys)) else: __patch_instance_norm_state_dict(state_dict, getattr(module, key), keys, i + 1) def pix2pix(opt): # print(opt.model_path,opt.netG) if opt.netG == 'HD': netG = define_G_HD(3, 3, 64, 'global' ,4) else: netG = define_G(3, 3, 64, opt.netG, norm='batch',use_dropout=True, init_type='normal', gpu_ids=[]) show_paramsnumber(netG,'netG') netG.load_state_dict(torch.load(opt.model_path)) netG.eval() if opt.use_gpu: netG.cuda() return netG def style(opt): if opt.edges: netG = define_G(1, 3, 64, 'unet_256', norm='instance',use_dropout=True, init_type='normal', gpu_ids=[]) else: netG = define_G(3, 3, 64, 'resnet_9blocks', norm='instance',use_dropout=False, init_type='normal', gpu_ids=[]) #in other to load old pretrain model # if isinstance(netG, torch.nn.DataParallel): netG = netG.module # if you are using PyTorch newer than 0.4 (e.g., built from # GitHub source), you can remove str() on self.device state_dict = torch.load(opt.model_path, map_location='cpu') if hasattr(state_dict, '_metadata'): del state_dict._metadata # patch InstanceNorm checkpoints prior to 0.4 for key in list(state_dict.keys()): # need to copy keys here because we mutate in loop __patch_instance_norm_state_dict(state_dict, netG, key.split('.')) netG.load_state_dict(state_dict) if opt.use_gpu: netG.cuda() return netG def video(opt): netG = MosaicNet(3*25+1, 3,norm = 'batch') show_paramsnumber(netG,'netG') netG.load_state_dict(torch.load(opt.model_path)) netG.eval() if opt.use_gpu: netG.cuda() return netG def unet_clean(opt): net = UNet(n_channels = 3, n_classes = 1) show_paramsnumber(net,'segment') net.load_state_dict(torch.load(opt.mosaic_position_model_path)) net.eval() if opt.use_gpu: net.cuda() return net def unet(opt): net = UNet(n_channels = 3, n_classes = 1) show_paramsnumber(net,'segment') net.load_state_dict(torch.load(opt.model_path)) net.eval() if opt.use_gpu: net.cuda() return net