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update README.md.

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...@@ -5,9 +5,14 @@ jforum2是基于jdk 11+ 开发的jforum. jforum的核心实体和业务接口将 ...@@ -5,9 +5,14 @@ jforum2是基于jdk 11+ 开发的jforum. jforum的核心实体和业务接口将
![输入图片说明](https://images.gitee.com/uploads/images/2020/0512/095151_2706b720_351732.jpeg "在这里输入图片标题") ![输入图片说明](https://images.gitee.com/uploads/images/2020/0512/095151_2706b720_351732.jpeg "在这里输入图片标题")
#### :tada: 分支说明 #### :tada: 事件分发
master 主分支使用RedisQ 来替换jforum使用的Spring内置的ApplicationEvent事件分发。RedisQ是一个gitHub上一个开源项目,基于Redis来实现发布/订阅模式. 但她并没有使用Redis内置的Pub/Sub 功能. 项目中作了以下说明:
integration 分支使用ActiveMQ 来替换Master主分支的事件分发. 这样管理端触发的事件,前端可以订阅事件以作出相应的响应. 需要前后端都连接到同一个消息中间件地址上 > What Redis offers with Pub/Sub is a listener model, where each subscriber receives each messages when it is listening, but won't receive them when not connected. We want every consumer to eventually receive all messages, independently of their online or offline status.
> In a clustered environment where you have multiple instances of your consumer component (application) running at the same time, each instance would receive each message produced on the channel. This library makes sure any given message is consumed once per logical consumer, even when multiple instances of this component are running.
integration 分支使用ActiveMQ 来替换jforum使用的Spring内置的ApplicationEvent事件分发. 这样管理端触发的事件,前端可以订阅事件以作出相应的响应. 需要前后端都连接到同一个消息中间件地址上
### :ghost: Redis说明 ### :ghost: Redis说明
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