未验证 提交 86afd238 编写于 作者: martianzhang's avatar martianzhang 提交者: GitHub

polish code before lunar new year (#193)

* add test case  and notes

* vendor update

* use `tput setaf/srg0` set color in Makefile

* fix loadExternalResource fail cause panic
上级 b1860bb1
......@@ -18,13 +18,10 @@ BUILD_TIME=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`
COMMIT_VERSION=`git rev-parse HEAD`
# colors compatible setting
COLOR_ENABLE=$(shell tput colors > /dev/null; echo $$?)
ifeq "$(COLOR_ENABLE)" "0"
CRED=$(shell printf "\033[91m")
CGREEN=$(shell printf "\033[92m")
CYELLOW=$(shell printf "\033[93m")
CEND=$(shell printf "\033[0m")
CRED:=$(shell tput setaf 1 2>/dev/null)
CGREEN:=$(shell tput setaf 2 2>/dev/null)
CYELLOW:=$(shell tput setaf 3 2>/dev/null)
CEND:=$(shell tput sgr0 2>/dev/null)
# Add mysql version for testing `MYSQL_RELEASE=percona MYSQL_VERSION=5.7 make docker`
# MySQL 5.1 `MYSQL_RELEASE=vsamov/mysql-5.1.73 make docker`
......@@ -161,8 +158,6 @@ pingcap-parser: tidb
.PHONY: vendor
vendor: vitess pingcap-parser
# gometalinter
# 如果有不想改的lint问题可以使用metalinter.sh加黑名单
#@bash doc/example/metalinter.sh
.PHONY: lint
lint: build
@echo "$(CGREEN)Run linter check ...$(CEND)"
......@@ -44,40 +44,37 @@ func MarkdownEscape(str string) string {
return str
// loadExternalResource load js/css resource from http[s] url
func loadExternalResource(resource string) string {
var content string
var body []byte
if strings.HasPrefix(resource, "http") {
resp, err := http.Get(resource)
if err == nil {
body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err == nil {
content = string(body)
} else {
Log.Debug("ioutil.ReadAll %s Error: %v", resource, err)
} else {
Log.Debug("http.Get %s Error: %v", resource, err)
if err != nil {
Log.Error("http.Get %s Error: %v", resource, err)
return content
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
Log.Error("ioutil.ReadAll %s Error: %v", resource, err)
} else {
content = string(body)
} else {
fd, err := os.Open(resource)
defer func() {
err = fd.Close()
if err != nil {
Log.Error("loadExternalResource(%s) fd.Close failed: %s", resource, err.Error())
if err == nil {
body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(fd)
if err != nil {
Log.Debug("ioutil.ReadAll %s Error: %v", resource, err)
} else {
content = string(body)
if err != nil {
Log.Error("os.Open %s Error: %v", resource, err)
return content
defer fd.Close()
body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(fd)
if err != nil {
Log.Error("ioutil.ReadAll %s Error: %v", resource, err)
} else {
Log.Debug("os.Open %s Error: %v", resource, err)
content = string(body)
return content
......@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ allow-online-as-test: true
drop-test-temporary: true
# 语法检查小工具
only-syntax-check: false
sampling-data-factor: 100
sampling: true
sampling-statistic-target: 100
sampling: false
# 日志级别,[0:Emergency, 1:Alert, 2:Critical, 3:Error, 4:Warning, 5:Notice, 6:Informational, 7:Debug]
log-level: 7
log-output: ${your_log_dir}/soar.log
......@@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ soar -h
### 命令行参数配置DSN
SOAR 最新版本已经使用`go-sql-driver`替代了`mymysql`,DSN将使用`go-sql-driver`格式并且保持向前兼容,请参考[go-sql-driver](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#dsn-data-source-name)文档。
> 账号密码中如包含特殊符号(如:'@',':','/'等)可在配置文件中设置,存在特殊字符的情况不适合在命令行中使用。目前`soar`只支持 tcp 协议的 MySQL 数据库连接方式,如需要配置本机MySQL环境建议将`localhost`修改为'',并检查对应的 'user'@'' 账号是否存在。
......@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ func BuildEnv() (*VirtualEnv, *database.Connector) {
common.Config.OnlineDSN.Disable = true
// 判断测试环境与remote环境版本是否一致
// 判断测试环境与线上环境版本是否一致,要求测试环境版本不低于线上环境
if vEnvVersion < rEnvVersion {
common.Log.Warning("TestDSN MySQL version older than OnlineDSN(%d), TestDSN(%d) will not be used", vEnvVersion, rEnvVersion)
common.Log.Warning("TestDSN MySQL version older than OnlineDSN(%d), TestDSN(%d) will not be used", rEnvVersion, vEnvVersion)
common.Config.TestDSN.Disable = true
"687D590364E29465": {
"CLA.001": {
"Item": "CLA.001",
"Severity": "L4",
"Summary": "最外层 SELECT 未指定 WHERE 条件",
"Content": "SELECT 语句没有 WHERE 子句,可能检查比预期更多的行(全表扫描)。对于 SELECT COUNT(*) 类型的请求如果不要求精度,建议使用 SHOW TABLE STATUS 或 EXPLAIN 替代。",
"Case": "select id from tbl",
"Position": 0
"COL.001": {
"Item": "COL.001",
"Severity": "L1",
"Summary": "不建议使用 SELECT * 类型查询",
"Content": "当表结构变更时,使用 * 通配符选择所有列将导致查询的含义和行为会发生更改,可能导致查询返回更多的数据。",
"Case": "select * from tbl where id=1",
"Position": 0
# Query: 687D590364E29465
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 75分
## 最外层 SELECT 未指定 WHERE 条件
* **Item:** CLA.001
* **Severity:** L4
* **Content:** SELECT 语句没有 WHERE 子句,可能检查比预期更多的行(全表扫描)。对于 SELECT COUNT(\*) 类型的请求如果不要求精度,建议使用 SHOW TABLE STATUS 或 EXPLAIN 替代。
## 不建议使用 SELECT * 类型查询
* **Item:** COL.001
* **Severity:** L1
* **Content:** 当表结构变更时,使用 \* 通配符选择所有列将导致查询的含义和行为会发生更改,可能导致查询返回更多的数据。
user: online-test
password: '********'
net: tcp
schema: information_schema
charset: utf8mb4
collation: utf8mb4_general_ci
loc: GMT
tls: dsfsfdsf
server-public-key: AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC0JFhoEgrl5/51UHlIIlfWwhiJLR/EEeF8enGnY0PnAldLQ8STdWD8Um2BUtVjgE9COl1X3mN4vMvnSm8A6aPn66enHn0hKzwh1GvcuZNTPgeaZyGKWG0kcvbziUjAPsxxvRvvoaUspSkRYAP/9vpq3SImJKuIHCPfjnGMurKV1n7W/QfpmNjUEwYOswDjL1Ik6Jy6Lrzf8T0hQEy+dYoV4zNM0HcROCXFuu1LyG+WTch3FW660BecNT8+c4sVTHuUMXgGot8OUtwgfXrt5ZL5as7cuyKiWsLVrtrtvL3T0ZHlV8qxQ3DT1gqjSw6jBOzyDOx3jwthAbdsWjyK4Oqp
maxallowedpacket: 419437
charset: utf8mb4
timeout: 60
read-timeout: 70
write-timeout: 80
allow-native-passwords: false
allow-old-passwords: true
disable: false
user: test-user
password: '********'
net: tcp
schema: information_schema
charset: utf8mb4
collation: utf8mb4_general_ci
loc: GMT
tls: aabbbaa
server-public-key: this is a tset serverpublic
maxallowedpacket: 4194309
charset: utf8mb4
timeout: 50
read-timeout: 40
write-timeout: 30
allow-native-passwords: false
allow-old-passwords: true
disable: false
allow-online-as-test: true
drop-test-temporary: false
cleanup-test-database: true
only-syntax-check: true
sampling-statistic-target: 110
sampling: true
sampling-condition: aaa
profiling: true
trace: true
explain: false
delimiter: ;
log-level: 3
log-output: /dev/null
report-type: html
report-css: sdfs
report-javascript: sdfsd
report-title: SQL优化分析报告-test
markdown-extensions: 92
markdown-html-flags: 10
- COL.012
- delimiter
- orderbynull
- groupbyconst
- dmlorderby
- having
- star2columns
- insertcolumns
- distinctstar
blacklist: /tmp/blacklist
max-join-table-count: 12
max-group-by-cols-count: 15
max-distinct-count: 7
max-index-cols-count: 2
max-text-cols-count: 3
max-total-rows: 9999991
max-query-cost: 9992
spaghetti-query-length: 2041
allow-drop-index: true
max-in-count: 101
max-index-bytes-percolumn: 762
max-index-bytes: 3073
- utf8
- utf8mb4
allow-collates: []
- innodb
- tokudb
max-index-count: 12
max-column-count: 41
max-value-count: 102
index-prefix: idx_
unique-key-prefix: uk_
max-subquery-depth: 6
max-varchar-length: 1022
- boolean
min-cardinality: 2
explain-sql-report-type: pretty
explain-type: extended
explain-format: traditional
- ""
explain-max-keys: 31
explain-min-keys: 10
explain-max-rows: 10002
- Using temporary
- Using filesort
explain-max-filtered: 120
- O(log(n))
show-warnings: true
show-last-query-cost: true
query: ""
list-heuristic-rules: true
list-rewrite-rules: true
list-test-sqls: true
list-report-types: true
verbose: true
dry-run: false
max-pretty-sql-length: 1022
......@@ -2,41 +2,139 @@
load test_helper
# 1. 检查版本输出格式是否正确
# 2. 检查版本是否为当天编译的
@test "Test soar version" {
run ${SOAR_BIN} -version
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[ "${lines[0]%% *}" == "Version:" ]
[ "${lines[1]%% *}" == "Branch:" ]
[ "${lines[2]%% *}" == "Compile:" ]
[ $(expr "${lines[2]}" : "Compile: $(date +'%Y-%m-%d').*") -ne 0 ]
[ $(expr "${lines[2]}" : "Compile: $(date +'%Y-%m-%d').*") -ne 0 ] # 检查当前版本是否为今日编译的
# 3. 无参数执行是否正确
@test "No arguments prints message" {
run ${SOAR_BIN}
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ "${lines[0]}" == 'Args format error, use --help see how to use it!' ]
# 4. 检查输出的默认值是否改变 soar -print-config 加log-outpt 是因为日志默认是相对路径
@test "Run default printconfig cases" {
${SOAR_BIN} -print-config -log-output=/dev/null > ${BATS_TMP_DIRNAME}/${BATS_TEST_NAME}.golden
run golden_diff
[ $status -eq 0 ]
# 5. soar 使用 config 配置文件路径是否正确
# 13. soar -check-config 数据库连接配置检查 *
# soar 数据库测试(线上、线下、-allow-online-as-test)
@test "Check config cases" {
run ${SOAR_BIN_ENV} -check-config
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ -z ${output} ]
# 6. soar 使用配置文件修改默认参数是否正确
# 注意:不启用的配置为默认配置项目
@test "Check the default config of the changes" {
${SOAR_BIN} -config ${BATS_FIXTURE_DIRNAME}/${BATS_TEST_NAME}.golden -print-config -log-output=/dev/null > ${BATS_TMP_DIRNAME}/${BATS_TEST_NAME}.golden
run golden_diff
[ $status -eq 0 ]
# 8. 执行 soar -query 为文件时是否正常
@test "Check soar query for input file" {
${SOAR_BIN} -query <(${SOAR_BIN} -list-test-sqls) > ${BATS_TMP_DIRNAME}/${BATS_TEST_NAME}.golden
run golden_diff
[ $status -eq 0 ]
# 9. 管道输入 SQL 是否正常
@test "Check soar for pipe input" {
${SOAR_BIN} -list-test-sqls |${SOAR_BIN} > ${BATS_TMP_DIRNAME}/${BATS_TEST_NAME}.golden
run golden_diff
[ $status -eq 0 ]
# 10. report 为 json 格式是否正常
@test "Check soar report for json" {
${SOAR_BIN} -query "select * from film" \
-report-type json > ${BATS_TMP_DIRNAME}/${BATS_TEST_NAME}.golden
run golden_diff
[ $status -eq 0 ]
# 10. report 为 markdown 格式是否正常
@test "Check soar report for markdown" {
${SOAR_BIN} -query "select * from film" \
-report-type markdown > ${BATS_TMP_DIRNAME}/${BATS_TEST_NAME}.golden
run golden_diff
[ $status -eq 0 ]
# 11. report 格式 html 检查
@test "Check soar report for html" {
${SOAR_BIN} -query "select * from film" \
-report-title "soar report check" \
-report-type html > ${BATS_TMP_DIRNAME}/${BATS_TEST_NAME}.golden
run golden_diff
[ $status -eq 0 ]
# 12. 黑名单功能是否正常
# soar 的日志和黑名单的相对路径都相对于 soar 的二进制文件路径说的
@test "Check soar blacklist" {
run ${SOAR_BIN} -blacklist ../etc/soar.blacklist -query "show processlist;"
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ -z ${output} ]
# 13. soar -check-config 数据库连接配置检查 *
# 参见 5
# 14. soar -help 检查
@test "Check soar help" {
run ${SOAR_BIN} -help
[ $status -eq 2 ]
[ "${#lines[@]}" -gt 30 ]
# 15. soar 数据库测试(线上、线下、-allow-online-as-test)
# 参见 5
# 16. 语法检查(正确)
@test "Syntax Check OK" {
run ${SOAR_BIN} -query "select * from film" -only-syntax-check
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ -z $ouput ]
# 16. 语法检查(错误)
@test "Syntax Check Error" {
run ${SOAR_BIN} -query "select * frm film" -only-syntax-check
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ -n $ouput ]
# 17. dsn 检查
@test "Check soar test dsn root:passwd@host:port/db" {
run ${SOAR_BIN} -online-dsn="root:pase@D@" -print-config
[ $(expr "$output" : ".*user: root") -ne 0 ]
[ $(expr "$output" : ".*addr:") -ne 0 ]
[ $(expr "$output" : ".*schema: testDB") -ne 0 ]
[ $(expr "$output" : ".*charset: utf8") -ne 0 ]
# 18. 日志中是否含有密码
@test "Check log has password" {
${SOAR_BIN_ENV} -query "select * from film" -log-level=7
run grep "1tIsB1g3rt" ${SOAR_BIN}.log
[ ${status} -eq 1 ]
# 18. 输出中是否含有密码
@test "Check stdout has password" {
run ${SOAR_BIN_ENV} -query "select * from film" -log-level=7
[ $(expr "$output" : ".*1tIsB1g3rt.*") -eq 0 ]
[ ${status} -eq 0 ]
......@@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ load test_helper
@test "Check Query Optimizer" {
run ${SOAR_BIN} -query "select * from film where length > 120"
[ $status -eq 0 ]
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -370,7 +370,51 @@ type ColumnOption struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *ColumnOption) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
switch n.Tp {
case ColumnOptionNoOption:
return nil
case ColumnOptionPrimaryKey:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("PRIMARY KEY")
case ColumnOptionNotNull:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("NOT NULL")
case ColumnOptionAutoIncrement:
case ColumnOptionDefaultValue:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("DEFAULT ")
if err := n.Expr.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while splicing ColumnOption DefaultValue Expr")
case ColumnOptionUniqKey:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("UNIQUE KEY")
case ColumnOptionNull:
case ColumnOptionOnUpdate:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("ON UPDATE ")
if err := n.Expr.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while splicing ColumnOption ON UPDATE Expr")
case ColumnOptionFulltext:
return errors.New("TiDB Parser ignore the `ColumnOptionFulltext` type now")
case ColumnOptionComment:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("COMMENT ")
if err := n.Expr.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while splicing ColumnOption COMMENT Expr")
case ColumnOptionGenerated:
if err := n.Expr.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while splicing ColumnOption GENERATED ALWAYS Expr")
case ColumnOptionReference:
if err := n.Refer.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while splicing ColumnOption ReferenceDef")
return errors.New("An error occurred while splicing ColumnOption")
return nil
// Accept implements Node Accept interface.
......@@ -489,13 +533,18 @@ func (n *Constraint) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("UNIQUE KEY")
case ConstraintUniqIndex:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("UNIQUE INDEX")
case ConstraintForeignKey:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("FOREIGN KEY")
case ConstraintFulltext:
if n.Name != "" {
if n.Tp == ConstraintForeignKey {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("CONSTRAINT ")
if n.Name != "" {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
ctx.WriteKeyWord("FOREIGN KEY ")
} else if n.Name != "" {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
......@@ -570,7 +619,22 @@ type ColumnDef struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *ColumnDef) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
if err := n.Name.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while splicing ColumnDef Name")
if n.Tp != nil {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if err := n.Tp.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while splicing ColumnDef Type")
for i, options := range n.Options {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if err := options.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while splicing ColumnDef ColumnOption: [%v]", i)
return nil
// Accept implements Node Accept interface.
......@@ -613,7 +677,73 @@ type CreateTableStmt struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *CreateTableStmt) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
ctx.WriteKeyWord("CREATE TABLE ")
if n.IfNotExists {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("IF NOT EXISTS ")
if err := n.Table.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while splicing CreateTableStmt Table")
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if n.ReferTable != nil {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("LIKE ")
if err := n.ReferTable.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while splicing CreateTableStmt ReferTable")
if lenCols := len(n.Cols); lenCols > 0 {
for i, col := range n.Cols {
if i > 0 {
if err := col.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while splicing CreateTableStmt ColumnDef: [%v]", i)
for i, constraint := range n.Constraints {
if i > 0 || lenCols >= 1 {
if err := constraint.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while splicing CreateTableStmt Constraints: [%v]", i)
for i, option := range n.Options {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if err := option.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while splicing CreateTableStmt TableOption: [%v]", i)
if n.Partition != nil {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if err := n.Partition.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while splicing CreateTableStmt Partition")
if n.Select != nil {
switch n.OnDuplicate {
case OnDuplicateCreateTableSelectError:
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" AS ")
case OnDuplicateCreateTableSelectIgnore:
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" IGNORE AS ")
case OnDuplicateCreateTableSelectReplace:
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" REPLACE AS ")
if err := n.Select.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while splicing CreateTableStmt Select")
return nil
// Accept implements Node Accept interface.
......@@ -822,7 +952,59 @@ type CreateViewStmt struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *CreateViewStmt) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
ctx.WriteKeyWord("CREATE ")
if n.OrReplace {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("OR REPLACE ")
ctx.WritePlain(" = ")
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" DEFINER")
ctx.WritePlain(" = ")
// todo Use n.Definer.Restore(ctx) to replace this part
if n.Definer.CurrentUser {
} else {
if n.Definer.Hostname != "" {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" SQL SECURITY ")
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" VIEW ")
if err := n.ViewName.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while create CreateViewStmt.ViewName")
for i, col := range n.Cols {
if i == 0 {
ctx.WritePlain(" (")
} else {
if i == len(n.Cols)-1 {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" AS ")
if err := n.Select.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while create CreateViewStmt.Select")
if n.CheckOption != model.CheckOptionCascaded {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" WITH ")
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" CHECK OPTION")
return nil
// Accept implements Node Accept interface.
......@@ -859,7 +1041,36 @@ type CreateIndexStmt struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *CreateIndexStmt) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
ctx.WriteKeyWord("CREATE ")
if n.Unique {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("UNIQUE ")
ctx.WriteKeyWord("INDEX ")
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" ON ")
if err := n.Table.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore CreateIndexStmt.Table")
ctx.WritePlain(" (")
for i, indexColName := range n.IndexColNames {
if i != 0 {
ctx.WritePlain(", ")
if err := indexColName.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore CreateIndexStmt.IndexColNames: [%v]", i)
if n.IndexOption.Tp != model.IndexTypeInvalid || n.IndexOption.KeyBlockSize > 0 || n.IndexOption.Comment != "" {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if err := n.IndexOption.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore CreateIndexStmt.IndexOption")
return nil
// Accept implements Node Accept interface.
......@@ -986,6 +1197,103 @@ type TableOption struct {
UintValue uint64
func (n *TableOption) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
switch n.Tp {
case TableOptionEngine:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("ENGINE ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
if n.StrValue != "" {
} else {
case TableOptionCharset:
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
case TableOptionCollate:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("DEFAULT COLLATE ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
case TableOptionAutoIncrement:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("AUTO_INCREMENT ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
ctx.WritePlainf("%d", n.UintValue)
case TableOptionComment:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("COMMENT ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
case TableOptionAvgRowLength:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("AVG_ROW_LENGTH ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
ctx.WritePlainf("%d", n.UintValue)
case TableOptionCheckSum:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("CHECKSUM ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
ctx.WritePlainf("%d", n.UintValue)
case TableOptionCompression:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("COMPRESSION ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
case TableOptionConnection:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("CONNECTION ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
case TableOptionPassword:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("PASSWORD ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
case TableOptionKeyBlockSize:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("KEY_BLOCK_SIZE ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
ctx.WritePlainf("%d", n.UintValue)
case TableOptionMaxRows:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("MAX_ROWS ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
ctx.WritePlainf("%d", n.UintValue)
case TableOptionMinRows:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("MIN_ROWS ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
ctx.WritePlainf("%d", n.UintValue)
case TableOptionDelayKeyWrite:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("DELAY_KEY_WRITE ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
ctx.WritePlainf("%d", n.UintValue)
case TableOptionRowFormat:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("ROW_FORMAT ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
switch n.UintValue {
case RowFormatDefault:
case RowFormatDynamic:
case RowFormatFixed:
case RowFormatCompressed:
case RowFormatRedundant:
case RowFormatCompact:
return errors.Errorf("invalid TableOption: TableOptionRowFormat: %d", n.UintValue)
case TableOptionStatsPersistent:
// TODO: not support
ctx.WritePlain(" /* TableOptionStatsPersistent is not supported */ ")
case TableOptionShardRowID:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("SHARD_ROW_ID_BITS ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
ctx.WritePlainf("%d", n.UintValue)
case TableOptionPackKeys:
// TODO: not support
ctx.WritePlain(" /* TableOptionPackKeys is not supported */ ")
return errors.Errorf("invalid TableOption: %d", n.Tp)
return nil
// ColumnPositionType is the type for ColumnPosition.
type ColumnPositionType int
......@@ -1072,6 +1380,20 @@ const (
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/alter-table.html#alter-table-concurrency
type LockType byte
func (n LockType) String() string {
switch n {
case LockTypeNone:
return "NONE"
case LockTypeDefault:
return "DEFAULT"
case LockTypeShared:
return "SHARED"
case LockTypeExclusive:
return "EXCLUSIVE"
return ""
// Lock Types.
const (
LockTypeNone LockType = iota + 1
......@@ -1102,7 +1424,159 @@ type AlterTableSpec struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *AlterTableSpec) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
switch n.Tp {
case AlterTableOption:
switch {
case len(n.Options) == 2 &&
n.Options[0].Tp == TableOptionCharset &&
n.Options[1].Tp == TableOptionCollate:
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" COLLATE ")
for i, opt := range n.Options {
if i != 0 {
ctx.WritePlain(", ")
if err := opt.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableSpec.Options[%d]", i)
case AlterTableAddColumns:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("ADD COLUMN ")
if n.Position != nil && len(n.NewColumns) == 1 {
if err := n.NewColumns[0].Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableSpec.NewColumns[%d]", 0)
if n.Position.Tp != ColumnPositionNone {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if err := n.Position.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableSpec.Position")
} else {
for i, col := range n.NewColumns {
if i != 0 {
ctx.WritePlain(", ")
if err := col.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableSpec.NewColumns[%d]", i)
case AlterTableAddConstraint:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("ADD ")
if err := n.Constraint.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableSpec.Constraint")
case AlterTableDropColumn:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("DROP COLUMN ")
if err := n.OldColumnName.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableSpec.OldColumnName")
// TODO: RestrictOrCascadeOpt not support
case AlterTableDropPrimaryKey:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("DROP PRIMARY KEY")
case AlterTableDropIndex:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("DROP INDEX ")
case AlterTableDropForeignKey:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("DROP FOREIGN KEY ")
case AlterTableModifyColumn:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("MODIFY COLUMN ")
if err := n.NewColumns[0].Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableSpec.NewColumns[0]")
if n.Position.Tp != ColumnPositionNone {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if err := n.Position.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableSpec.Position")
case AlterTableChangeColumn:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("CHANGE COLUMN ")
if err := n.OldColumnName.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableSpec.OldColumnName")
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if err := n.NewColumns[0].Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableSpec.NewColumns[0]")
if n.Position.Tp != ColumnPositionNone {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if err := n.Position.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableSpec.Position")
case AlterTableRenameTable:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("RENAME AS ")
if err := n.NewTable.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableSpec.NewTable")
case AlterTableAlterColumn:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("ALTER COLUMN ")
if err := n.NewColumns[0].Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableSpec.NewColumns[0]")
if len(n.NewColumns[0].Options) == 1 {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("SET DEFAULT ")
if err := n.NewColumns[0].Options[0].Expr.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableSpec.NewColumns[0].Options[0].Expr")
} else {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" DROP DEFAULT")
case AlterTableLock:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("LOCK ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
case AlterTableAlgorithm:
// TODO: not support
ctx.WritePlain(" /* AlterTableAlgorithm is not supported */ ")
case AlterTableRenameIndex:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("RENAME INDEX ")
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" TO ")
case AlterTableForce:
// TODO: not support
ctx.WritePlain(" /* AlterTableForce is not supported */ ")
case AlterTableAddPartitions:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("ADD PARTITION")
if n.PartDefinitions != nil {
ctx.WritePlain(" (")
for i, def := range n.PartDefinitions {
if i != 0 {
ctx.WritePlain(", ")
if err := def.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableSpec.PartDefinitions[%d]", i)
} else if n.Num != 0 {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" PARTITIONS ")
ctx.WritePlainf("%d", n.Num)
case AlterTableCoalescePartitions:
ctx.WritePlainf("%d", n.Num)
case AlterTableDropPartition:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("DROP PARTITION ")
case AlterTableTruncatePartition:
// TODO: not support
ctx.WritePlainf(" /* AlterTableType(%d) is not supported */ ", n.Tp)
return nil
// Accept implements Node Accept interface.
......@@ -1161,7 +1635,21 @@ type AlterTableStmt struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *AlterTableStmt) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
ctx.WriteKeyWord("ALTER TABLE ")
if err := n.Table.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableStmt.Table")
for i, spec := range n.Specs {
if i == 0 {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
} else {
ctx.WritePlain(", ")
if err := spec.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore AlterTableStmt.Specs[%d]", i)
return nil
// Accept implements Node Accept interface.
......@@ -1226,6 +1714,28 @@ type PartitionDefinition struct {
Comment string
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *PartitionDefinition) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("PARTITION ")
if n.LessThan != nil {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" VALUES LESS THAN ")
for k, less := range n.LessThan {
if err := less.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore PartitionDefinition.LessThan[%d]", k)
if n.Comment != "" {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" COMMENT ")
ctx.WritePlain("= ")
return nil
// PartitionOptions specifies the partition options.
type PartitionOptions struct {
Tp model.PartitionType
......@@ -1234,3 +1744,52 @@ type PartitionOptions struct {
Definitions []*PartitionDefinition
Num uint64
func (n *PartitionOptions) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("PARTITION BY ")
switch n.Tp {
case model.PartitionTypeRange:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("RANGE ")
case model.PartitionTypeHash:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("HASH ")
case model.PartitionTypeList:
return errors.New("TiDB Parser ignore the `PartitionTypeList` type now")
return errors.Errorf("invalid model.PartitionType: %d", n.Tp)
if err := n.Expr.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore PartitionOptions Expr")
ctx.WritePlain(") ")
for i, col := range n.ColumnNames {
if i > 0 {
if err := col.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while splicing PartitionOptions ColumnName: [%v]", i)
if n.Num > 0 {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("PARTITIONS ")
ctx.WritePlainf("%d", n.Num)
if len(n.Definitions) > 0 {
for i, def := range n.Definitions {
if i > 0 {
if err := def.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while splicing PartitionOptions Definitions: [%v]", i)
return nil
......@@ -183,7 +183,8 @@ type TableName struct {
DBInfo *model.DBInfo
TableInfo *model.TableInfo
IndexHints []*IndexHint
IndexHints []*IndexHint
PartitionNames []model.CIStr
// Restore implements Node interface.
......@@ -756,7 +757,110 @@ type SelectStmt struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *SelectStmt) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
ctx.WriteKeyWord("SELECT ")
if n.SelectStmtOpts.Priority > 0 {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if !n.SelectStmtOpts.SQLCache {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("SQL_NO_CACHE ")
if n.TableHints != nil && len(n.TableHints) != 0 {
ctx.WritePlain("/*+ ")
for i, tableHint := range n.TableHints {
if err := tableHint.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore SelectStmt.TableHints[%d]", i)
ctx.WritePlain("*/ ")
if n.Distinct {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("DISTINCT ")
if n.SelectStmtOpts.StraightJoin {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("STRAIGHT_JOIN ")
if n.Fields != nil {
for i, field := range n.Fields.Fields {
if i != 0 {
if err := field.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore SelectStmt.Fields[%d]", i)
if n.From != nil {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" FROM ")
if err := n.From.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore SelectStmt.From")
if n.From == nil && n.Where != nil {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" FROM DUAL")
if n.Where != nil {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" WHERE ")
if err := n.Where.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore SelectStmt.Where")
if n.GroupBy != nil {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if err := n.GroupBy.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore SelectStmt.GroupBy")
if n.Having != nil {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if err := n.Having.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore SelectStmt.Having")
if n.WindowSpecs != nil {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" WINDOW ")
for i, windowsSpec := range n.WindowSpecs {
if i != 0 {
if err := windowsSpec.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore SelectStmt.WindowSpec[%d]", i)
if n.OrderBy != nil {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if err := n.OrderBy.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore SelectStmt.OrderBy")
if n.Limit != nil {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if err := n.Limit.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore SelectStmt.Limit")
switch n.LockTp {
case SelectLockInShareMode:
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" LOCK ")
case SelectLockForUpdate:
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
return nil
// Accept implements Node Accept interface.
......@@ -855,7 +959,24 @@ type UnionSelectList struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *UnionSelectList) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
for i, selectStmt := range n.Selects {
if i != 0 {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" UNION ")
if !selectStmt.IsAfterUnionDistinct {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("ALL ")
if selectStmt.IsInBraces {
if err := selectStmt.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore UnionSelectList.SelectStmt")
if selectStmt.IsInBraces {
return nil
// Accept implements Node Accept interface.
......@@ -888,7 +1009,24 @@ type UnionStmt struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *UnionStmt) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
if err := n.SelectList.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore UnionStmt.SelectList")
if n.OrderBy != nil {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if err := n.OrderBy.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore UnionStmt.OrderBy")
if n.Limit != nil {
ctx.WritePlain(" ")
if err := n.Limit.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore UnionStmt.Limit")
return nil
// Accept implements Node Accept interface.
......@@ -979,7 +1117,36 @@ type LoadDataStmt struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *LoadDataStmt) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
ctx.WriteKeyWord("LOAD DATA ")
if n.IsLocal {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("LOCAL ")
ctx.WriteKeyWord("INFILE ")
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" INTO TABLE ")
if err := n.Table.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore LoadDataStmt.Table")
if n.IgnoreLines != 0 {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" IGNORE ")
ctx.WritePlainf("%d", n.IgnoreLines)
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" LINES")
if len(n.Columns) != 0 {
ctx.WritePlain(" (")
for i, column := range n.Columns {
if i != 0 {
if err := column.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore LoadDataStmt.Columns")
return nil
// Accept implements Node Accept interface.
......@@ -1013,12 +1180,52 @@ type FieldsClause struct {
Escaped byte
// Restore for FieldsClause
func (n *FieldsClause) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
if n.Terminated != "\t" || n.Escaped != '\\' {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" FIELDS")
if n.Terminated != "\t" {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" TERMINATED BY ")
if n.Enclosed != 0 {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" ENCLOSED BY ")
if n.Escaped != '\\' {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" ESCAPED BY ")
if n.Escaped == 0 {
} else {
return nil
// LinesClause represents lines references clause in load data statement.
type LinesClause struct {
Starting string
Terminated string
// Restore for LinesClause
func (n *LinesClause) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
if n.Starting != "" || n.Terminated != "\n" {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" LINES")
if n.Starting != "" {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" STARTING BY ")
if n.Terminated != "\n" {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" TERMINATED BY ")
return nil
// InsertStmt is a statement to insert new rows into an existing table.
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/insert.html
type InsertStmt struct {
......@@ -1037,7 +1244,90 @@ type InsertStmt struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *InsertStmt) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
if n.IsReplace {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("REPLACE ")
} else {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("INSERT ")
switch n.Priority {
case mysql.LowPriority:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("LOW_PRIORITY ")
case mysql.HighPriority:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("HIGH_PRIORITY ")
case mysql.DelayedPriority:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("DELAYED ")
if n.IgnoreErr {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("IGNORE ")
ctx.WriteKeyWord("INTO ")
if err := n.Table.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore InsertStmt.Table")
if n.Columns != nil {
ctx.WritePlain(" (")
for i, v := range n.Columns {
if i != 0 {
if err := v.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore InsertStmt.Columns[%d]", i)
if n.Lists != nil {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" VALUES ")
for i, row := range n.Lists {
if i != 0 {
for j, v := range row {
if j != 0 {
if err := v.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore InsertStmt.Lists[%d][%d]", i, j)
if n.Select != nil {
switch v := n.Select.(type) {
case *SelectStmt, *UnionStmt:
if err := v.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore InsertStmt.Select")
return errors.Errorf("Incorrect type for InsertStmt.Select: %T", v)
if n.Setlist != nil {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" SET ")
for i, v := range n.Setlist {
if i != 0 {
if err := v.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore InsertStmt.Setlist[%d]", i)
if n.OnDuplicate != nil {
for i, v := range n.OnDuplicate {
if i != 0 {
if err := v.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore InsertStmt.OnDuplicate[%d]", i)
return nil
// Accept implements Node Accept interface.
......@@ -1294,6 +1584,7 @@ const (
......@@ -1311,6 +1602,7 @@ const (
// ShowStmt is a statement to provide information about databases, tables, columns and so on.
......@@ -1336,7 +1628,170 @@ type ShowStmt struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *ShowStmt) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
restoreOptFull := func() {
if n.Full {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("FULL ")
restoreShowDatabaseNameOpt := func() {
if n.DBName != "" {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" IN ")
restoreGlobalScope := func() {
if n.GlobalScope {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("GLOBAL ")
} else {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("SESSION ")
restoreShowLikeOrWhereOpt := func() error {
if n.Pattern != nil && n.Pattern.Pattern != nil {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" LIKE ")
if err := n.Pattern.Pattern.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore ShowStmt.Pattern")
} else if n.Where != nil {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" WHERE ")
if err := n.Where.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore ShowStmt.Where")
return nil
restoreUserName := func() error {
if n.User.CurrentUser {
} else {
if n.User.Hostname != "" {
return nil
ctx.WriteKeyWord("SHOW ")
switch n.Tp {
case ShowCreateTable:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("CREATE TABLE ")
if err := n.Table.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore ShowStmt.Table")
case ShowCreateView:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("CREATE VIEW ")
if err := n.Table.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore ShowStmt.VIEW")
case ShowCreateDatabase:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("CREATE DATABASE ")
if n.IfNotExists {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("IF NOT EXISTS ")
case ShowCreateUser:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("CREATE USER ")
case ShowGrants:
if n.User != nil {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" FOR ")
case ShowMasterStatus:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("MASTER STATUS")
case ShowProcessList:
case ShowStatsMeta:
if err := restoreShowLikeOrWhereOpt(); err != nil {
return err
case ShowStatsHistograms:
if err := restoreShowLikeOrWhereOpt(); err != nil {
return err
case ShowStatsBuckets:
if err := restoreShowLikeOrWhereOpt(); err != nil {
return err
case ShowStatsHealthy:
if err := restoreShowLikeOrWhereOpt(); err != nil {
return err
case ShowProfiles:
case ShowPrivileges:
// ShowTargetFilterable
switch n.Tp {
case ShowEngines:
case ShowDatabases:
case ShowCharset:
case ShowTables:
case ShowTableStatus:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("TABLE STATUS")
case ShowIndex:
// here can be INDEX INDEXES KEYS
// FROM or IN
ctx.WriteKeyWord("INDEX IN ")
if err := n.Table.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while resotre ShowStmt.Table")
} // TODO: remember to check this case
case ShowColumns: // equivalent to SHOW FIELDS
if n.Table != nil {
// FROM or IN
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" IN ")
if err := n.Table.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while resotre ShowStmt.Table")
case ShowWarnings:
case ShowErrors:
case ShowVariables:
case ShowStatus:
case ShowCollation:
case ShowTriggers:
case ShowProcedureStatus:
ctx.WriteKeyWord("PROCEDURE STATUS")
case ShowEvents:
case ShowPlugins:
return errors.New("Unknown ShowStmt type")
return nil
// Accept implements Node Accept interface.
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ func (n *BinaryOperationExpr) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
if err := n.L.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred when restore BinaryOperationExpr.L")
if err := n.Op.Restore(ctx.In); err != nil {
if err := n.Op.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred when restore BinaryOperationExpr.Op")
if err := n.R.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
......@@ -347,7 +347,12 @@ type SubqueryExpr struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *SubqueryExpr) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
if err := n.Query.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore SubqueryExpr.Query")
return nil
// Format the ExprNode into a Writer.
......@@ -388,7 +393,21 @@ type CompareSubqueryExpr struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *CompareSubqueryExpr) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
if err := n.L.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore CompareSubqueryExpr.L")
if err := n.Op.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore CompareSubqueryExpr.Op")
if n.All {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("ALL ")
} else {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("ANY ")
if err := n.R.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore CompareSubqueryExpr.R")
return nil
// Format the ExprNode into a Writer.
......@@ -569,7 +588,15 @@ type ExistsSubqueryExpr struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *ExistsSubqueryExpr) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
if n.Not {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("NOT EXISTS ")
} else {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("EXISTS ")
if err := n.Sel.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore ExistsSubqueryExpr.Sel")
return nil
// Format the ExprNode into a Writer.
......@@ -615,21 +642,22 @@ func (n *PatternInExpr) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
} else {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" IN ")
for i, expr := range n.List {
if i != 0 {
if err := expr.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore PatternInExpr.List[%d]", i)
if n.Sel != nil {
if err := n.Sel.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore PatternInExpr.Sel")
} else {
for i, expr := range n.List {
if i != 0 {
if err := expr.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore PatternInExpr.List[%d]", i)
return nil
......@@ -817,6 +845,12 @@ func (n *PatternLikeExpr) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore PatternLikeExpr.Pattern")
escape := string(n.Escape)
if escape != "\\" {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" ESCAPE ")
return nil
......@@ -1071,7 +1105,7 @@ type UnaryOperationExpr struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *UnaryOperationExpr) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
if err := n.Op.Restore(ctx.In); err != nil {
if err := n.Op.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if err := n.V.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ package ast
import (
. "github.com/pingcap/parser/format"
......@@ -340,15 +341,7 @@ func (n *FuncCallExpr) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" USING ")
case "adddate":
if err := n.Args[0].Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore FuncCallExpr")
ctx.WritePlain(", ")
if err := n.Args[1].Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore FuncCallExpr")
case "date_add":
case "adddate", "subdate", "date_add", "date_sub":
if err := n.Args[0].Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore FuncCallExpr")
......@@ -413,6 +406,15 @@ func (n *FuncCallExpr) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore FuncCallExpr")
case "timestampdiff", "timestampadd":
for i := 1; i < len(n.Args); {
ctx.WritePlain(", ")
if err := n.Args[i].Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore FuncCallExpr")
for i, argv := range n.Args {
if i != 0 {
......@@ -644,12 +646,28 @@ func (n *AggregateFuncExpr) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
if n.Distinct {
ctx.WriteKeyWord("DISTINCT ")
for i, argv := range n.Args {
if i != 0 {
ctx.WritePlain(", ")
switch strings.ToLower(n.F) {
case "group_concat":
for i := 0; i < len(n.Args)-1; i++ {
if i != 0 {
ctx.WritePlain(", ")
if err := n.Args[i].Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore AggregateFuncExpr.Args[%d]", i)
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" SEPARATOR ")
if err := n.Args[len(n.Args)-1].Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "An error occurred while restore AggregateFuncExpr.Args SEPARATOR")
if err := argv.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore AggregateFuncExpr.Args %d", i)
for i, argv := range n.Args {
if i != 0 {
ctx.WritePlain(", ")
if err := argv.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "An error occurred while restore AggregateFuncExpr.Args[%d]", i)
......@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ var (
_ StmtNode = &UseStmt{}
_ StmtNode = &FlushStmt{}
_ StmtNode = &KillStmt{}
_ StmtNode = &CreateBindingStmt{}
_ StmtNode = &DropBindingStmt{}
_ Node = &PrivElem{}
_ Node = &VariableAssignment{}
......@@ -685,6 +687,64 @@ func (n *DropUserStmt) Accept(v Visitor) (Node, bool) {
return v.Leave(n)
// CreateBindingStmt creates sql binding hint.
type CreateBindingStmt struct {
GlobalScope bool
OriginSel StmtNode
HintedSel StmtNode
func (n *CreateBindingStmt) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
func (n *CreateBindingStmt) Accept(v Visitor) (Node, bool) {
newNode, skipChildren := v.Enter(n)
if skipChildren {
return v.Leave(newNode)
n = newNode.(*CreateBindingStmt)
selnode, ok := n.OriginSel.Accept(v)
if !ok {
return n, false
n.OriginSel = selnode.(*SelectStmt)
hintedSelnode, ok := n.HintedSel.Accept(v)
if !ok {
return n, false
n.HintedSel = hintedSelnode.(*SelectStmt)
return v.Leave(n)
// DropBindingStmt deletes sql binding hint.
type DropBindingStmt struct {
GlobalScope bool
OriginSel StmtNode
func (n *DropBindingStmt) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
func (n *DropBindingStmt) Accept(v Visitor) (Node, bool) {
newNode, skipChildren := v.Enter(n)
if skipChildren {
return v.Leave(newNode)
n = newNode.(*DropBindingStmt)
selnode, ok := n.OriginSel.Accept(v)
if !ok {
return n, false
n.OriginSel = selnode.(*SelectStmt)
return v.Leave(n)
// DoStmt is the struct for DO statement.
type DoStmt struct {
......@@ -985,7 +1045,20 @@ type TableOptimizerHint struct {
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (n *TableOptimizerHint) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
return errors.New("Not implemented")
if n.HintName.L == "max_execution_time" {
ctx.WritePlainf("%d", n.MaxExecutionTime)
} else {
for i, table := range n.Tables {
if i != 0 {
ctx.WritePlain(", ")
return nil
// Accept implements Node Accept interface.
......@@ -19,3 +19,12 @@ jobs:
- run:
name: "Build & Test"
command: make test
- run:
name: "Integration Test"
command: |
cd /go/src/github.com/pingcap/
git clone git@github.com:pingcap/tidb.git
cd tidb
rm go.sum
make test
......@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ module github.com/pingcap/parser
require (
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......@@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ var tokenMap = map[string]int{
"YEAR": yearType,
"YEAR_MONTH": yearMonth,
"ZEROFILL": zerofill,
"BINDING": binding,
"BINDINGS": bindings,
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/function-resolution.html for details
......@@ -511,6 +511,11 @@ func (m SQLMode) HasNoAutoCreateUserMode() bool {
return m&ModeNoAutoCreateUser == ModeNoAutoCreateUser
// HasAllowInvalidDatesMode detects if 'ALLOW_INVALID_DATES' mode is set in SQLMode
func (m SQLMode) HasAllowInvalidDatesMode() bool {
return m&ModeAllowInvalidDates == ModeAllowInvalidDates
// consts for sql modes.
const (
ModeNone SQLMode = 0
......@@ -546,6 +551,7 @@ const (
// FormatSQLModeStr re-format 'SQL_MODE' variable.
......@@ -623,6 +629,7 @@ var Str2SQLMode = map[string]SQLMode{
"HIGH_NOT_PRECEDENCE": ModeHighNotPrecedence,
"NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION": ModeNoEngineSubstitution,
"PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH": ModePadCharToFullLength,
"ALLOW_INVALID_DATES": ModeAllowInvalidDates,
// CombinationSQLMode is the special modes that provided as shorthand for combinations of mode values.
......@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ const (
ErrWindowFrameEndIllegal = 3585
ErrWindowFrameIllegal = 3586
ErrWindowRangeFrameOrderType = 3587
ErrWindowRangeFrameTEMPORALType = 3588
ErrWindowRangeFrameTemporalType = 3588
ErrWindowRangeFrameNumericType = 3589
ErrWindowRangeBoundNotConstant = 3590
ErrWindowDuplicateName = 3591
......@@ -915,9 +915,18 @@ const (
ErrWindowFunctionIgnoresFrame = 3599
// TiDB self-defined errors.
ErrMemExceedThreshold = 8001
ErrForUpdateCantRetry = 8002
ErrAdminCheckTable = 8003
ErrMemExceedThreshold = 8001
ErrForUpdateCantRetry = 8002
ErrAdminCheckTable = 8003
ErrInvalidPluginID = 8101
ErrInvalidPluginManifest = 8102
ErrInvalidPluginName = 8103
ErrInvalidPluginVersion = 8104
ErrDuplicatePlugin = 8105
ErrInvalidPluginSysVarName = 8106
ErrRequireVersionCheckFail = 8107
ErrUnsupportedReloadPlugin = 8018
ErrUnsupportedReloadPluginVar = 8019
// TiKV/PD errors.
ErrPDServerTimeout = 9001
......@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ var MySQLErrName = map[uint16]string{
ErrWrongTypeForVar: "Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'",
ErrVarCantBeRead: "Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not read",
ErrCantUseOptionHere: "Incorrect usage/placement of '%s'",
ErrNotSupportedYet: "This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'",
ErrNotSupportedYet: "This version of TiDB doesn't yet support '%s'",
ErrMasterFatalErrorReadingBinlog: "Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'",
ErrSlaveIgnoredTable: "Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rules",
ErrIncorrectGlobalLocalVar: "Variable '%-.192s' is a %s variable",
......@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ var MySQLErrName = map[uint16]string{
ErrWindowFrameEndIllegal: "Window '%s': frame end cannot be UNBOUNDED PRECEDING.",
ErrWindowFrameIllegal: "Window '%s': frame start or end is negative, NULL or of non-integral type",
ErrWindowRangeFrameOrderType: "Window '%s' with RANGE N PRECEDING/FOLLOWING frame requires exactly one ORDER BY expression, of numeric or temporal type",
ErrWindowRangeFrameTEMPORALType: "Window '%s' with RANGE frame has ORDER BY expression of datetime type. Only INTERVAL bound value allowed.",
ErrWindowRangeFrameTemporalType: "Window '%s' with RANGE frame has ORDER BY expression of datetime type. Only INTERVAL bound value allowed.",
ErrWindowRangeFrameNumericType: "Window '%s' with RANGE frame has ORDER BY expression of numeric type, INTERVAL bound value not allowed.",
ErrWindowRangeBoundNotConstant: "Window '%s' has a non-constant frame bound.",
ErrWindowDuplicateName: "Window '%s' is defined twice.",
......@@ -916,6 +916,16 @@ var MySQLErrName = map[uint16]string{
ErrForUpdateCantRetry: "[%d] can not retry select for update statement",
ErrAdminCheckTable: "TiDB admin check table failed.",
ErrInvalidPluginID: "Wrong plugin id: %s, valid plugin id is [name]-[version], both name and version should not contain '-'",
ErrInvalidPluginManifest: "Cannot read plugin %s's manifest",
ErrInvalidPluginName: "Plugin load with %s but got wrong name %s",
ErrInvalidPluginVersion: "Plugin load with %s but got %s",
ErrDuplicatePlugin: "Plugin [%s] is redeclared",
ErrInvalidPluginSysVarName: "Plugin %s's sysVar %s must start with its plugin name %s",
ErrRequireVersionCheckFail: "Plugin %s require %s be %v but got %v",
ErrUnsupportedReloadPlugin: "Plugin %s isn't loaded so cannot be reloaded",
ErrUnsupportedReloadPluginVar: "Reload plugin with different sysVar is unsupported %v",
// TiKV/PD errors.
ErrPDServerTimeout: "PD server timeout",
ErrTiKVServerTimeout: "TiKV server timeout",
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import (
. "github.com/pingcap/parser/format"
// Op is opcode type.
......@@ -102,9 +103,9 @@ func (o Op) String() string {
var opsLiteral = map[Op]string{
LogicAnd: "&&",
LogicOr: "||",
LogicXor: "^",
LogicAnd: " AND ",
LogicOr: " OR ",
LogicXor: " XOR ",
LeftShift: "<<",
RightShift: ">>",
GE: ">=",
......@@ -140,9 +141,9 @@ func (o Op) Format(w io.Writer) {
// Restore the Op into a Writer
func (o Op) Restore(w io.Writer) error {
func (o Op) Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error {
if v, ok := opsLiteral[o]; ok {
fmt.Fprint(w, v)
return nil
return errors.Errorf("Invalid opcode type %d during restoring AST to SQL text", o)
......@@ -423,6 +423,8 @@ import (
value "VALUE"
variables "VARIABLES"
view "VIEW"
binding "BINDING"
bindings "BINDINGS"
warnings "WARNINGS"
identSQLErrors "ERRORS"
week "WEEK"
......@@ -573,6 +575,7 @@ import (
CreateUserStmt "CREATE User statement"
CreateDatabaseStmt "Create Database Statement"
CreateIndexStmt "CREATE INDEX statement"
CreateBindingStmt "CREATE BINDING statement"
DoStmt "Do statement"
DropDatabaseStmt "DROP DATABASE statement"
DropIndexStmt "DROP INDEX statement"
......@@ -580,6 +583,7 @@ import (
DropTableStmt "DROP TABLE statement"
DropUserStmt "DROP USER"
DropViewStmt "DROP VIEW statement"
DropBindingStmt "DROP BINDING statement"
DeallocateStmt "Deallocate prepared statement"
DeleteFromStmt "DELETE FROM statement"
EmptyStmt "empty statement"
......@@ -723,6 +727,7 @@ import (
PartitionDefinitionListOpt "Partition definition list option"
PartitionOpt "Partition option"
PartitionNameList "Partition name list"
PartitionNameListOpt "table partition names list optional"
PartitionNumOpt "PARTITION NUM option"
PartDefValuesOpt "VALUES {LESS THAN {(expr | value_list) | MAXVALUE} | IN {value_list}"
PartDefOptionsOpt "PartDefOptionList option"
......@@ -1084,7 +1089,7 @@ AlterTableSpec:
Tp: ast.AlterTableDropPartition,
Name: $3,
$$ = &ast.AlterTableSpec{
......@@ -2988,7 +2993,7 @@ UnReservedKeyword:
......@@ -4719,7 +4724,7 @@ WindowFrameStart:
| "INTERVAL" Expression TimeUnit "PRECEDING"
$$ = ast.FrameBound{Type: ast.Preceding, Expr: ast.NewValueExpr($2), Unit: ast.NewValueExpr($3),}
$$ = ast.FrameBound{Type: ast.Preceding, Expr: $2, Unit: ast.NewValueExpr($3),}
......@@ -4751,7 +4756,7 @@ WindowFrameBound:
| "INTERVAL" Expression TimeUnit "FOLLOWING"
$$ = ast.FrameBound{Type: ast.Following, Expr: ast.NewValueExpr($2), Unit: ast.NewValueExpr($3),}
$$ = ast.FrameBound{Type: ast.Following, Expr: $2, Unit: ast.NewValueExpr($3),}
......@@ -4937,11 +4942,12 @@ TableRef:
TableName TableAsNameOpt IndexHintListOpt
TableName PartitionNameListOpt TableAsNameOpt IndexHintListOpt
tn := $1.(*ast.TableName)
tn.IndexHints = $3.([]*ast.IndexHint)
$$ = &ast.TableSource{Source: tn, AsName: $2.(model.CIStr)}
tn.PartitionNames = $2.([]model.CIStr)
tn.IndexHints = $4.([]*ast.IndexHint)
$$ = &ast.TableSource{Source: tn, AsName: $3.(model.CIStr)}
| '(' SelectStmt ')' TableAsName
......@@ -4959,6 +4965,16 @@ TableFactor:
$$ = $2
/* empty */
$$ = []model.CIStr{}
| "PARTITION" '(' PartitionNameList ')'
$$ = $3
$$ = model.CIStr{}
......@@ -5764,11 +5780,26 @@ AdminStmt:
Index: string($5),
$$ = &ast.AdminStmt{
Tp: ast.AdminRestoreTable,
JobIDs: $6.([]int64),
JobIDs: []int64{$6.(int64)},
$$ = &ast.AdminStmt{
Tp: ast.AdminRestoreTable,
Tables: []*ast.TableName{$4.(*ast.TableName)},
$$ = &ast.AdminStmt{
Tp: ast.AdminRestoreTable,
Tables: []*ast.TableName{$4.(*ast.TableName)},
JobNumber: $5.(int64),
| "ADMIN" "CLEANUP" "INDEX" TableName Identifier
......@@ -5884,7 +5915,7 @@ ShowStmt:
stmt := $2.(*ast.ShowStmt)
if $3 != nil {
if x, ok := $3.(*ast.PatternLikeExpr); ok {
if x, ok := $3.(*ast.PatternLikeExpr); ok && x.Expr == nil {
stmt.Pattern = x
} else {
stmt.Where = $3.(ast.ExprNode)
......@@ -5899,6 +5930,13 @@ ShowStmt:
Table: $4.(*ast.TableName),
| "SHOW" "CREATE" "VIEW" TableName
$$ = &ast.ShowStmt{
Tp: ast.ShowCreateView,
Table: $4.(*ast.TableName),
$$ = &ast.ShowStmt{
......@@ -5947,7 +5985,7 @@ ShowStmt:
Tp: ast.ShowStatsMeta,
if $3 != nil {
if x, ok := $3.(*ast.PatternLikeExpr); ok {
if x, ok := $3.(*ast.PatternLikeExpr); ok && x.Expr == nil {
stmt.Pattern = x
} else {
stmt.Where = $3.(ast.ExprNode)
......@@ -5961,7 +5999,7 @@ ShowStmt:
Tp: ast.ShowStatsHistograms,
if $3 != nil {
if x, ok := $3.(*ast.PatternLikeExpr); ok {
if x, ok := $3.(*ast.PatternLikeExpr); ok && x.Expr == nil {
stmt.Pattern = x
} else {
stmt.Where = $3.(ast.ExprNode)
......@@ -5975,7 +6013,7 @@ ShowStmt:
Tp: ast.ShowStatsBuckets,
if $3 != nil {
if x, ok := $3.(*ast.PatternLikeExpr); ok {
if x, ok := $3.(*ast.PatternLikeExpr); ok && x.Expr == nil {
stmt.Pattern = x
} else {
stmt.Where = $3.(ast.ExprNode)
......@@ -5989,7 +6027,7 @@ ShowStmt:
Tp: ast.ShowStatsHealthy,
if $3 != nil {
if x, ok := $3.(*ast.PatternLikeExpr); ok {
if x, ok := $3.(*ast.PatternLikeExpr); ok && x.Expr == nil {
stmt.Pattern = x
} else {
stmt.Where = $3.(ast.ExprNode)
......@@ -6102,6 +6140,13 @@ ShowTargetFilterable:
GlobalScope: $1.(bool),
| GlobalScope "BINDINGS"
$$ = &ast.ShowStmt{
Tp: ast.ShowBindings,
GlobalScope: $1.(bool),
$$ = &ast.ShowStmt{
......@@ -6277,6 +6322,7 @@ Statement:
| CreateTableStmt
| CreateViewStmt
| CreateUserStmt
| CreateBindingStmt
| DoStmt
| DropDatabaseStmt
| DropIndexStmt
......@@ -6284,6 +6330,7 @@ Statement:
| DropViewStmt
| DropUserStmt
| DropStatsStmt
| DropBindingStmt
| FlushStmt
| GrantStmt
| InsertIntoStmt
......@@ -7285,6 +7332,55 @@ HashString:
$$ = $1
* Create Binding Statement
* Example:
* CREATE GLOBAL BINDING FOR select Col1,Col2 from table USING select Col1,Col2 from table use index(Col1)
"CREATE" GlobalScope "BINDING" "FOR" SelectStmt "USING" SelectStmt
startOffset := parser.startOffset(&yyS[yypt-2])
endOffset := parser.startOffset(&yyS[yypt-1])
selStmt := $5.(*ast.SelectStmt)
startOffset = parser.startOffset(&yyS[yypt])
hintedSelStmt := $7.(*ast.SelectStmt)
x := &ast.CreateBindingStmt {
OriginSel: selStmt,
HintedSel: hintedSelStmt,
GlobalScope: $2.(bool),
$$ = x
* Drop Binding Statement
* Example:
* DROP GLOBAL BINDING FOR select Col1,Col2 from table
"DROP" GlobalScope "BINDING" "FOR" SelectStmt
startOffset := parser.startOffset(&yyS[yypt])
selStmt := $5.(*ast.SelectStmt)
x := &ast.DropBindingStmt {
OriginSel: selStmt,
GlobalScope: $2.(bool),
$$ = x
* Grant statement
* See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/grant.html
......@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ const (
// Add more as needed.
......@@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ var errClz2Str = map[ErrClass]string{
ClassJSON: "json",
ClassTiKV: "tikv",
ClassSession: "session",
ClassPlugin: "plugin",
// String implements fmt.Stringer interface.
......@@ -195,6 +195,61 @@ func (ft *FieldType) String() string {
return strings.Join(strs, " ")
// Restore implements Node interface.
func (ft *FieldType) Restore(ctx *format.RestoreCtx) error {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(TypeToStr(ft.Tp, ft.Charset))
switch ft.Tp {
case mysql.TypeEnum, mysql.TypeSet:
for i, e := range ft.Elems {
if i != 0 {
case mysql.TypeTimestamp, mysql.TypeDatetime, mysql.TypeDuration:
if ft.Flen > 0 && ft.Decimal > 0 {
ctx.WritePlainf("(%d)", ft.Decimal)
case mysql.TypeDouble, mysql.TypeFloat:
if ft.Flen > 0 && ft.Decimal > 0 {
ctx.WritePlainf("(%d,%d)", ft.Flen, ft.Decimal)
case mysql.TypeNewDecimal:
if ft.Flen > 0 && ft.Decimal > 0 {
ctx.WritePlainf("(%d,%d)", ft.Flen, ft.Decimal)
case mysql.TypeBit, mysql.TypeShort, mysql.TypeTiny, mysql.TypeInt24, mysql.TypeLong, mysql.TypeLonglong, mysql.TypeVarchar, mysql.TypeString, mysql.TypeVarString:
if ft.Flen > 0 {
ctx.WritePlainf("(%d)", ft.Flen)
if mysql.HasUnsignedFlag(ft.Flag) {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" UNSIGNED")
if mysql.HasZerofillFlag(ft.Flag) {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" ZEROFILL")
if mysql.HasBinaryFlag(ft.Flag) && ft.Charset != charset.CharsetBin {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" BINARY")
if IsTypeChar(ft.Tp) || IsTypeBlob(ft.Tp) {
if ft.Charset != "" && ft.Charset != charset.CharsetBin {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" CHARACTER SET " + ft.Charset)
if ft.Collate != "" && ft.Collate != charset.CharsetBin {
ctx.WriteKeyWord(" COLLATE ")
return nil
// FormatAsCastType is used for write AST back to string.
func (ft *FieldType) FormatAsCastType(w io.Writer) {
switch ft.Tp {
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ func (bj BinaryJSON) objectSearchKey(key []byte) (BinaryJSON, bool) {
idx := sort.Search(elemCount, func(i int) bool {
return bytes.Compare(bj.objectGetKey(i), key) >= 0
if idx < elemCount && bytes.Compare(bj.objectGetKey(idx), key) == 0 {
if idx < elemCount && bytes.Equal(bj.objectGetKey(idx), key) {
return bj.objectGetVal(idx), true
return BinaryJSON{}, false
......@@ -232,8 +232,7 @@ func (v weekBehaviour) test(flag weekBehaviour) bool {
func weekMode(mode int) weekBehaviour {
var weekFormat weekBehaviour
weekFormat = weekBehaviour(mode & 7)
weekFormat := weekBehaviour(mode & 7)
if (weekFormat & weekBehaviourMondayFirst) == 0 {
weekFormat ^= weekBehaviourFirstWeekday
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