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......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
| 章节 | 译者 | 翻译进度 | 预计完成时间 |
| :------------- |:-------------:|:-----:| :-----:|
| [README.md](README.md) |[@xindoo](https://github.com/xindoo)| 翻译完成(版本:47ea81e) | 2019-09-13 |
| [review/developer/cl-descriptions.md](review/developer/cl-descriptions.md) | [@Ensteinjun](https://github.com/Ensteinjun) | | 2019-09-17 |
| [review/developer/cl-descriptions.md](review/developer/cl-descriptions.md) | [@Ensteinjun](https://github.com/Ensteinjun) | 翻译完成(版本:dda5915) | 2019-09-29 |
| [review/developer/handling-comments.md](review/developer/handling-comments.md) | | | |
| [review/developer/index.md](review/developer/index.md) | [@LargeOrange](https://github.com/LargeOrange) | 翻译完成(版本:47ea81e) | 2019-09-16 |
| [review/developer/small-cls.md](review/developer/small-cls.md) | | | |
# Writing good CL descriptions
# 写一个好的CL描述
## 第一行 {#firstline}
A CL description is a public record of **what** change is being made and **why**
it was made. It will become a permanent part of our version control history, and
will possibly be read by hundreds of people other than your reviewers over the
* 简短的摘要:将要做些什么
* 完整的句子:将它写成一个命令(祈使句)
* 接着紧跟一个空行
Future developers will search for your CL based on its description. Someone in
the future might be looking for your change because of a faint memory of its
relevance but without the specifics handy. If all the important information is
in the code and not the description, it's going to be a lot harder for them to
locate your CL.
例如,说\"**Delete** the FizzBuzz RPC and **replace** it with the new system.",而不是\"**Deleting** the FizzBuzz RPC and **replacing** it with the new system."。
## First Line {#firstline}
## 正文内容丰富 {#informative}
* Short summary of what is being done.
* Complete sentence, written as though it was an order.
* Follow by empty line.
The **first line** of a CL description should be a short summary of
*specifically* **what** *is being done by the CL*, followed by a blank line.
This is what most future code searchers will see when they are browsing the
version control history of a piece of code, so this first line should be
informative enough that they don't have to read your CL or its whole description
just to get a general idea of what your CL actually *did*.
## 不好的CL描述 {#bad}
By tradition, the first line of a CL description is a complete sentence, written
as though it were an order (an imperative sentence). For example, say
\"**Delete** the FizzBuzz RPC and **replace** it with the new system." instead
of \"**Deleting** the FizzBuzz RPC and **replacing** it with the new system."
You don't have to write the rest of the description as an imperative sentence,
## Body is Informative {#informative}
The rest of the description should be informative. It might include a brief
description of the problem that's being solved, and why this is the best
approach. If there are any shortcomings to the approach, they should be
mentioned. If relevant, include background information such as bug numbers,
benchmark results, and links to design documents.
Even small CLs deserve a little attention to detail. Put the CL in context.
## Bad CL Descriptions {#bad}
"Fix bug" is an inadequate CL description. What bug? What did you do to fix it?
Other similarly bad descriptions include:
"Fix bug"是一个不充分的CL描述。是什么bug?你是怎么修复它的?
- "Fix build."
- "Add patch."
......@@ -55,15 +37,13 @@ Other similarly bad descriptions include:
- "Add convenience functions."
- "kill weird URLs."
Some of those are real CL descriptions. Their authors may believe they are
providing useful information, but they are not serving the purpose of a CL
## Good CL Descriptions {#good}
## 好的CL描述 {#good}
Here are some examples of good descriptions.
### Functionality change
### 功能改变
> rpc: remove size limit on RPC server message freelist.
......@@ -72,11 +52,9 @@ Here are some examples of good descriptions.
> slowly over time, so that idle servers eventually release all freelist
> entries.
The first few words describe what the CL actually does. The rest of the
description talks about the problem being solved, why this is a good solution,
and a bit more information about the specific implementation.
### Refactoring
### 重构
> Construct a Task with a TimeKeeper to use its TimeStr and Now methods.
......@@ -91,12 +69,11 @@ and a bit more information about the specific implementation.
> Continuing the long-range goal of refactoring the Borglet Hierarchy.
The first line describes what the CL does and how this is a change from the
past. The rest of the description talks about the specific implementation, the
context of the CL, that the solution isn't ideal, and possible future direction.
It also explains *why* this change is being made.
### Small CL that needs some context
### 需要背景的小CL
> Create a Python3 build rule for status.py.
......@@ -106,14 +83,12 @@ It also explains *why* this change is being made.
> instead of Python2, and significantly simplifies some automated build file
> refactoring tools being worked on currently.
The first sentence describes what's actually being done. The rest of the
description explains *why* the change is being made and gives the reviewer a lot
of context.
## Review the description before submitting the CL
## 在提交CL之前,请review描述
CLs can undergo significant change during review. It can be worthwhile to review
a CL description before submitting the CL, to ensure that the description still
reflects what the CL does.
在提交CL之前,有必要review CL描述,以确保描述仍然反映CL所做的事情。
Next: [Small CLs](small-cls.md)
下一章: [小的CL](small-cls.md)
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