提交 01553866 编写于 作者: A antirez

Redis 2.4.14

上级 c6ee2fd5
......@@ -21,6 +21,21 @@ CHANGELOG
What's new in Redis 2.4.13
UPGRADE URGENCY: high, many non trivial bugs fixed in this release.
* [BUGFIX] Fixed issue #518 (Redis 99% CPU when master down).
* [BUGFIX] Fixed issue #516 (ZINTERSTORE mixing sets and zsets).
* [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug in install_server.sh when using chkconfig
* [BUGFIX] Fixes to --test-memory implementation.
* [BUGFIX] Allow PREFIX to be overridden in Makefile.
* [BUGFIX] The test is now more reliable on slow computers.
* redis-cli --pipe mode, see http://redis.io/topics/mass-insert
* Much better expired keys collection algorithm that makes the server much
more responsive when a lot of keys are expiring at the same time.
What's new in Redis 2.4.13
UPGRADE URGENCY: high for all the users of the KEYS command, otherwise low.
* [BUGFIX] Fix for KEYS command: if the DB contains keys with expires the KEYS
#define REDIS_VERSION "2.4.13"
#define REDIS_VERSION "2.4.14"
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