提交 4793a2c3 编写于 作者: A antirez

fixed typos in the comments of rpoplpushHandlePush()

上级 1d05b53f
......@@ -648,10 +648,12 @@ void rpoplpushHandlePush(redisClient *origclient, redisClient *c, robj *dstkey,
/* If we are pushing as a result of LPUSH against a key
* watched by BLPOPLPUSH, we need to rewrite the command vector.
* But if this is called directly by RPOPLPUSH (either directly
* watched by BRPOPLPUSH, we need to rewrite the command vector
* as an LPUSH.
* If this is called directly by RPOPLPUSH (either directly
* or via a BRPOPLPUSH where the popped list exists)
* we should replicate the BRPOPLPUSH command itself. */
* we should replicate the RPOPLPUSH command itself. */
if (c != origclient) {
aux = createStringObject("LPUSH",5);
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