提交 84bdd440 编写于 作者: A antirez

HyperLogLog: fix comment in hllCount().

上级 ef1833b3
......@@ -1014,8 +1014,8 @@ uint64_t hllCount(struct hllhdr *hdr, int *invalid) {
double m = HLL_REGISTERS;
double E;
int j;
/* Note that reghisto could be just HLL_Q+1, becuase this is the
* maximum frequency of the "000...1" sequence the hash function is
/* Note that reghisto size could be just HLL_Q+2, becuase HLL_Q+1 is
* the maximum frequency of the "000...1" sequence the hash function is
* able to return. However it is slow to check for sanity of the
* input: instead we history array at a safe size: overflows will
* just write data to wrong, but correctly allocated, places. */
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