提交 ce878b6e 编写于 作者: A antirez

Redis 5.0.9.

上级 1fc8ef81
......@@ -11,6 +11,27 @@ CRITICAL: There is a critical bug affecting MOST USERS. Upgrade ASAP.
SECURITY: There are security fixes in the release.
Redis 5.0.9 Released Thu Apr 17 12:41:00 CET 2020
Upgrade urgency:CRITICAL if you use Streams with AOF ore replicas.
Otherwise the upgrade urgency is LOW.
This release has a speed improvement and a critical fix:
* FIX: XREADGROUP when fetching data in a blocking way, would not
emit the XCLAIM in the AOF file and to replicas. This means
that the last ID is not updated, and that restarting the server
will have the effect of reprocessing some entries.
* NEW: Clients blocked on the same key are now unblocked on
O(1) time. Backported from Redis 6.
1fc8ef81a Fix XCLAIM propagation in AOF/replicas for blocking XREADGROUP.
a5e24eabc Speedup: unblock clients on keys in O(1).
Redis 5.0.8 Released Thu Mar 12 16:05:41 CET 2020
#define REDIS_VERSION "5.0.8"
#define REDIS_VERSION "5.0.9"
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