提交 5edddd51 编写于 作者: ijianbo's avatar ijianbo


上级 5462faf8
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class RAM_REST_Live_Controller extends WP_REST_Controller{
public function refreshliveinfo($request){
$data = array(
'start' =>0,
'limit' =>100
'limit' =>10
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class RAM_REST_Live_Controller extends WP_REST_Controller{
if ($errcode==1 || $errcode=9410000)
if ($errcode==1 || $errcode==9410000)
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class RAM_REST_Live_Controller extends WP_REST_Controller{
$result = array('success' => $errcode ,'message'=>$message,'liveInfo'=>$liveInfo);
$result = array('success' => $errcode ,'message'=>$message,'liveInfo'=>$liveInfo,'data'=>$data);
$response = rest_ensure_response( $result );
return $response;
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class RAM_Weixin_API {
$access_token = array(
'access_token' => $result['access_token'],
'expire_time' => time() + intval( $result['expires_in'] )
'expire_time' => time() + intval( $result['expires_in'])-300
update_option( 'ram-access_token', $access_token );
return $access_token['access_token'];
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class RAM_Weixin_API {
// 发起API请求
private function request( $url, $method, $body ) {
if(strpos($url,'msg_sec_check') !==false)
if(strpos($url,'msg_sec_check') !=false)
$body =json_encode( $body,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'RestAPIMiniProgram' ) ) {
array_unshift( $links, $settings_link );
$settings_link = '<a href="https://www.minapper.net/" target="_blank"> <span style="color:green; font-weight:bold;">' . esc_html__( '技术支持', 'REST API TO MiniProgram' ) . '</span></a>';
$settings_link = '<a href="https://www.minapper.com/" target="_blank"> <span style="color:green; font-weight:bold;">' . esc_html__( '技术支持', 'REST API TO MiniProgram' ) . '</span></a>';
array_unshift( $links, $settings_link );
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