field['class'] ) ) ? explode( ' ', $this->field['class'] ) : array();//$this->element_class() $editor = ( isset( $this->field['editor'] ) ) ? $this->field['editor'] : 'tinymce'; echo $this->element_before(); if ( $editor == 'tinymce' && isset( $this->field['sub'] ) && $this->field['sub'] ) { $classes[] = 'tinymce-js'; $classes = implode( ' ', $classes ); echo ''; } elseif ( $editor == 'trumbowyg' ) { $classes[] = 'trumbowyg-js'; $classes = implode( ' ', $classes ); echo ''; } else { $args = array( 'textarea_rows' => 15, 'editor_class' => implode( ' ', $classes ), 'textarea_name' => $this->element_name(), 'teeny' => false, // output the minimal editor config used in Press This 'dfw' => false, // replace the default fullscreen with DFW (supported on the front-end in WordPress 3.4) 'tinymce' => true, // load TinyMCE, can be used to pass settings directly to TinyMCE using an array() 'quicktags' => true // load Quicktags, can be used to pass settings directly to Quicktags using an array() ); wp_editor( $this->element_value(), $this->field['id'], $args ); } echo $this->element_after(); } public static function enqueue( $args ) { if ( isset( $args['field'] ) && isset( $args['field']['editor'] ) && is_array( $args['field']['editor'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['field']['editor'] as $editor ) { switch ( $editor ) { case 'trumbowyg': $resources = array( array( 'name' => 'trumbowyg', 'fn' => 'editors/trumbowyg/trumbowyg.min.css', 'type' => 'style', 'dependency' => array(), 'version' => '2.10.0', 'attr' => 'all', ), array( 'name' => 'trumbowyg-colors', 'fn' => 'editors/trumbowyg/trumbowyg.colors.min.css', 'type' => 'style', 'dependency' => array(), 'version' => '2.10.0', 'attr' => 'all', ), array( 'name' => 'trumbowyg-user', 'fn' => 'editors/trumbowyg/trumbowyg.user.min.css', 'type' => 'style', 'dependency' => array(), 'version' => '2.10.0', 'attr' => 'all', ), array( 'name' => 'trumbowyg', 'fn' => 'editors/trumbowyg/trumbowyg.min.js', 'type' => 'script', 'dependency' => array( 'jquery' ), 'version' => '1.8.2', 'attr' => true, ), array( 'name' => 'trumbowyg-base64', 'fn' => 'editors/trumbowyg/trumbowyg.base64.min.js', 'type' => 'script', 'dependency' => array( 'trumbowyg' ), 'version' => '1.8.2', 'attr' => true, ), array( 'name' => 'trumbowyg-colors', 'fn' => 'editors/trumbowyg/trumbowyg.colors.min.js', 'type' => 'script', 'dependency' => array( 'trumbowyg' ), 'version' => '1.8.2', 'attr' => true, ), array( 'name' => 'trumbowyg-fontfamily', 'fn' => 'editors/trumbowyg/trumbowyg.fontfamily.min.js', 'type' => 'script', 'dependency' => array( 'trumbowyg' ), 'version' => '1.8.2', 'attr' => true, ), array( 'name' => 'trumbowyg-fontsize', 'fn' => 'editors/trumbowyg/trumbowyg.fontsize.min.js', 'type' => 'script', 'dependency' => array( 'trumbowyg' ), 'version' => '1.8.2', 'attr' => true, ), array( 'name' => 'exopite-sof-trumbowyg-loader', 'fn' => 'loader-jquery-trumbowyg.min.js', 'type' => 'script', 'dependency' => array( 'trumbowyg' ), 'version' => '', 'attr' => true, ), ); parent::do_enqueue( $resources, $args ); break; } } } } } }