提交 2cbb9fa2 编写于 作者: XuanDai's avatar XuanDai

add tevent code

_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_context_pop_use: void (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_context_push_use: bool (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_context_wrapper_create: struct tevent_context *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_wrapper_ops *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_threaded_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_threaded_context *, struct tevent_immediate *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_abort: void (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_double_free: void (TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_have_events: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_invoke_fd_handler: int (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_immediate_handler: int (struct tevent_immediate *, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_signal_handler: int (struct tevent_signal *, int, int, void *, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_timer_handler: int (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval, bool *)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_threaded_activate_immediate: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup_fd: int (int)
tevent_common_wakeup_init: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_context_is_wrapper: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_same_loop: bool (struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_entry_untrigger: void (struct tevent_queue_entry *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_get_profile: const struct tevent_req_profile *(struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_move_profile: struct tevent_req_profile *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_profile_append_sub: void (struct tevent_req_profile *, struct tevent_req_profile **)
tevent_req_profile_create: struct tevent_req_profile *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_profile_get_name: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **)
tevent_req_profile_get_start: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **, struct timeval *)
tevent_req_profile_get_status: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, pid_t *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_profile_get_stop: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **, struct timeval *)
tevent_req_profile_get_subprofiles: const struct tevent_req_profile *(const struct tevent_req_profile *)
tevent_req_profile_next: const struct tevent_req_profile *(const struct tevent_req_profile *)
tevent_req_profile_set_name: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *)
tevent_req_profile_set_start: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_profile_set_status: void (struct tevent_req_profile *, pid_t, enum tevent_req_state, uint64_t)
tevent_req_profile_set_stop: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_reset_endtime: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_req_set_profile: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_threaded_context_create: struct tevent_threaded_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_update_timer: void (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_context_pop_use: void (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_context_push_use: bool (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_context_wrapper_create: struct tevent_context *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_wrapper_ops *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_threaded_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_threaded_context *, struct tevent_immediate *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_abort: void (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_double_free: void (TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_have_events: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_invoke_fd_handler: int (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_immediate_handler: int (struct tevent_immediate *, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_signal_handler: int (struct tevent_signal *, int, int, void *, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_timer_handler: int (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval, bool *)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_threaded_activate_immediate: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup_fd: int (int)
tevent_common_wakeup_init: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_context_is_wrapper: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_same_loop: bool (struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_entry_untrigger: void (struct tevent_queue_entry *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_get_profile: const struct tevent_req_profile *(struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_move_profile: struct tevent_req_profile *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_profile_append_sub: void (struct tevent_req_profile *, struct tevent_req_profile **)
tevent_req_profile_create: struct tevent_req_profile *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_profile_get_name: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **)
tevent_req_profile_get_start: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **, struct timeval *)
tevent_req_profile_get_status: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, pid_t *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_profile_get_stop: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **, struct timeval *)
tevent_req_profile_get_subprofiles: const struct tevent_req_profile *(const struct tevent_req_profile *)
tevent_req_profile_next: const struct tevent_req_profile *(const struct tevent_req_profile *)
tevent_req_profile_set_name: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *)
tevent_req_profile_set_start: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_profile_set_status: void (struct tevent_req_profile *, pid_t, enum tevent_req_state, uint64_t)
tevent_req_profile_set_stop: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_reset_endtime: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_req_set_profile: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_threaded_context_create: struct tevent_threaded_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_update_timer: void (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_context_pop_use: void (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_context_push_use: bool (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_context_wrapper_create: struct tevent_context *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_wrapper_ops *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_threaded_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_threaded_context *, struct tevent_immediate *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_abort: void (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_double_free: void (TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_have_events: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_invoke_fd_handler: int (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_immediate_handler: int (struct tevent_immediate *, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_signal_handler: int (struct tevent_signal *, int, int, void *, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_timer_handler: int (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval, bool *)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_threaded_activate_immediate: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup_fd: int (int)
tevent_common_wakeup_init: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_context_is_wrapper: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_same_loop: bool (struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_entry_untrigger: void (struct tevent_queue_entry *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_get_profile: const struct tevent_req_profile *(struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_move_profile: struct tevent_req_profile *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_profile_append_sub: void (struct tevent_req_profile *, struct tevent_req_profile **)
tevent_req_profile_create: struct tevent_req_profile *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_profile_get_name: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **)
tevent_req_profile_get_start: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **, struct timeval *)
tevent_req_profile_get_status: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, pid_t *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_profile_get_stop: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **, struct timeval *)
tevent_req_profile_get_subprofiles: const struct tevent_req_profile *(const struct tevent_req_profile *)
tevent_req_profile_next: const struct tevent_req_profile *(const struct tevent_req_profile *)
tevent_req_profile_set_name: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *)
tevent_req_profile_set_start: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_profile_set_status: void (struct tevent_req_profile *, pid_t, enum tevent_req_state, uint64_t)
tevent_req_profile_set_stop: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_reset_endtime: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_req_set_profile: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_threaded_context_create: struct tevent_threaded_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_update_timer: void (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_threaded_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_threaded_context *, struct tevent_immediate *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_have_events: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_threaded_activate_immediate: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup_init: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_threaded_context_create: struct tevent_threaded_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_threaded_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_threaded_context *, struct tevent_immediate *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_have_events: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_threaded_activate_immediate: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup_fd: int (int)
tevent_common_wakeup_init: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_reset_endtime: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_threaded_context_create: struct tevent_threaded_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_update_timer: void (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_threaded_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_threaded_context *, struct tevent_immediate *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_have_events: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_threaded_activate_immediate: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup_fd: int (int)
tevent_common_wakeup_init: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_reset_endtime: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_threaded_context_create: struct tevent_threaded_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_update_timer: void (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_threaded_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_threaded_context *, struct tevent_immediate *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_have_events: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_threaded_activate_immediate: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup_fd: int (int)
tevent_common_wakeup_init: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_reset_endtime: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_threaded_context_create: struct tevent_threaded_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_update_timer: void (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_threaded_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_threaded_context *, struct tevent_immediate *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_have_events: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_threaded_activate_immediate: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup_fd: int (int)
tevent_common_wakeup_init: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_reset_endtime: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_threaded_context_create: struct tevent_threaded_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_update_timer: void (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_threaded_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_threaded_context *, struct tevent_immediate *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_have_events: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_threaded_activate_immediate: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup_fd: int (int)
tevent_common_wakeup_init: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_reset_endtime: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_threaded_context_create: struct tevent_threaded_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_update_timer: void (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_threaded_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_threaded_context *, struct tevent_immediate *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_have_events: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_threaded_activate_immediate: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup_fd: int (int)
tevent_common_wakeup_init: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_entry_untrigger: void (struct tevent_queue_entry *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_reset_endtime: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_threaded_context_create: struct tevent_threaded_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_update_timer: void (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_context_pop_use: void (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_context_push_use: bool (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_context_wrapper_create: struct tevent_context *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_wrapper_ops *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_threaded_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_threaded_context *, struct tevent_immediate *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_abort: void (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_double_free: void (TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_have_events: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_invoke_fd_handler: int (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_immediate_handler: int (struct tevent_immediate *, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_signal_handler: int (struct tevent_signal *, int, int, void *, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_timer_handler: int (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval, bool *)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_threaded_activate_immediate: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup_fd: int (int)
tevent_common_wakeup_init: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_context_is_wrapper: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_same_loop: bool (struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_entry_untrigger: void (struct tevent_queue_entry *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_get_profile: const struct tevent_req_profile *(struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_move_profile: struct tevent_req_profile *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_profile_append_sub: void (struct tevent_req_profile *, struct tevent_req_profile **)
tevent_req_profile_create: struct tevent_req_profile *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_profile_get_name: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **)
tevent_req_profile_get_start: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **, struct timeval *)
tevent_req_profile_get_status: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, pid_t *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_profile_get_stop: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **, struct timeval *)
tevent_req_profile_get_subprofiles: const struct tevent_req_profile *(const struct tevent_req_profile *)
tevent_req_profile_next: const struct tevent_req_profile *(const struct tevent_req_profile *)
tevent_req_profile_set_name: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *)
tevent_req_profile_set_start: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_profile_set_status: void (struct tevent_req_profile *, pid_t, enum tevent_req_state, uint64_t)
tevent_req_profile_set_stop: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_reset_endtime: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_req_set_profile: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_threaded_context_create: struct tevent_threaded_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_update_timer: void (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_context_pop_use: void (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_context_push_use: bool (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_context_wrapper_create: struct tevent_context *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_wrapper_ops *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_threaded_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_threaded_context *, struct tevent_immediate *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_abort: void (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_double_free: void (TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_have_events: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_invoke_fd_handler: int (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_immediate_handler: int (struct tevent_immediate *, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_signal_handler: int (struct tevent_signal *, int, int, void *, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_timer_handler: int (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval, bool *)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_threaded_activate_immediate: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup_fd: int (int)
tevent_common_wakeup_init: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_context_is_wrapper: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_same_loop: bool (struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_entry_untrigger: void (struct tevent_queue_entry *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_get_profile: const struct tevent_req_profile *(struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_move_profile: struct tevent_req_profile *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_profile_append_sub: void (struct tevent_req_profile *, struct tevent_req_profile **)
tevent_req_profile_create: struct tevent_req_profile *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_profile_get_name: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **)
tevent_req_profile_get_start: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **, struct timeval *)
tevent_req_profile_get_status: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, pid_t *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_profile_get_stop: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **, struct timeval *)
tevent_req_profile_get_subprofiles: const struct tevent_req_profile *(const struct tevent_req_profile *)
tevent_req_profile_next: const struct tevent_req_profile *(const struct tevent_req_profile *)
tevent_req_profile_set_name: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *)
tevent_req_profile_set_start: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_profile_set_status: void (struct tevent_req_profile *, pid_t, enum tevent_req_state, uint64_t)
tevent_req_profile_set_stop: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_reset_endtime: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_req_set_profile: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_threaded_context_create: struct tevent_threaded_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_update_timer: void (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_context_pop_use: void (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_context_push_use: bool (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_context_wrapper_create: struct tevent_context *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_wrapper_ops *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_oom: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_threaded_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_threaded_context *, struct tevent_immediate *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_abort: void (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer_v2: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_double_free: void (TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_have_events: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_invoke_fd_handler: int (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_immediate_handler: int (struct tevent_immediate *, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_signal_handler: int (struct tevent_signal *, int, int, void *, bool *)
tevent_common_invoke_timer_handler: int (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval, bool *)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_threaded_activate_immediate: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_wakeup_fd: int (int)
tevent_common_wakeup_init: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_context_init_ops: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const struct tevent_ops *, void *)
tevent_context_is_wrapper: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_context_same_loop: bool (struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_get_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t *, void *)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_num_signals: size_t (void)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_entry: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_add_optimize_empty: struct tevent_queue_entry *(struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_entry_untrigger: void (struct tevent_queue_entry *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_running: bool (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_wait_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_queue_wait_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_defer_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_get_profile: const struct tevent_req_profile *(struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_move_profile: struct tevent_req_profile *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_profile_append_sub: void (struct tevent_req_profile *, struct tevent_req_profile **)
tevent_req_profile_create: struct tevent_req_profile *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_profile_get_name: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **)
tevent_req_profile_get_start: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **, struct timeval *)
tevent_req_profile_get_status: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, pid_t *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_profile_get_stop: void (const struct tevent_req_profile *, const char **, struct timeval *)
tevent_req_profile_get_subprofiles: const struct tevent_req_profile *(const struct tevent_req_profile *)
tevent_req_profile_next: const struct tevent_req_profile *(const struct tevent_req_profile *)
tevent_req_profile_set_name: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *)
tevent_req_profile_set_start: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_profile_set_status: void (struct tevent_req_profile *, pid_t, enum tevent_req_state, uint64_t)
tevent_req_profile_set_stop: bool (struct tevent_req_profile *, const char *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_reset_endtime: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cleanup_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_req_set_profile: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_sa_info_queue_count: size_t (void)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_set_trace_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_trace_callback_t, void *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_create: struct tevent_thread_proxy *(struct tevent_context *)
tevent_thread_proxy_schedule: void (struct tevent_thread_proxy *, struct tevent_immediate **, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *)
tevent_threaded_context_create: struct tevent_threaded_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_trace_point_callback: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_trace_point)
tevent_update_timer: void (struct tevent_timer *, struct timeval)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
_tevent_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_create_immediate: struct tevent_immediate *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_once: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_until: int (struct tevent_context *, bool (*)(void *), void *, const char *)
_tevent_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
_tevent_queue_create: struct tevent_queue *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_callback_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_cancel: bool (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_create: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, void *, size_t, const char *, const char *)
_tevent_req_data: void *(struct tevent_req *)
_tevent_req_done: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, uint64_t, const char *)
_tevent_req_nomem: bool (const void *, struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_req_notify_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, const char *)
_tevent_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_backend_list: const char **(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_cleanup_pending_signal_handlers: void (struct tevent_signal *)
tevent_common_add_fd: struct tevent_fd *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, uint16_t, tevent_fd_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_signal: struct tevent_signal *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, int, int, tevent_signal_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_add_timer: struct tevent_timer *(struct tevent_context *, TALLOC_CTX *, struct timeval, tevent_timer_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_common_check_signal: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_context_destructor: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_fd_destructor: int (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_common_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_common_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_common_loop_immediate: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_timer_delay: struct timeval (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_common_loop_wait: int (struct tevent_context *, const char *)
tevent_common_schedule_immediate: void (struct tevent_immediate *, struct tevent_context *, tevent_immediate_handler_t, void *, const char *, const char *)
tevent_context_init: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_context_init_byname: struct tevent_context *(TALLOC_CTX *, const char *)
tevent_debug: void (struct tevent_context *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, ...)
tevent_fd_get_flags: uint16_t (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_auto_close: void (struct tevent_fd *)
tevent_fd_set_close_fn: void (struct tevent_fd *, tevent_fd_close_fn_t)
tevent_fd_set_flags: void (struct tevent_fd *, uint16_t)
tevent_loop_allow_nesting: void (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_loop_set_nesting_hook: void (struct tevent_context *, tevent_nesting_hook, void *)
tevent_queue_add: bool (struct tevent_queue *, struct tevent_context *, struct tevent_req *, tevent_queue_trigger_fn_t, void *)
tevent_queue_length: size_t (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_start: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_queue_stop: void (struct tevent_queue *)
tevent_re_initialise: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_register_backend: bool (const char *, const struct tevent_ops *)
tevent_req_default_print: char *(struct tevent_req *, TALLOC_CTX *)
tevent_req_is_error: bool (struct tevent_req *, enum tevent_req_state *, uint64_t *)
tevent_req_is_in_progress: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_poll: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_post: struct tevent_req *(struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *)
tevent_req_print: char *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_received: void (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_req_set_callback: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_fn, void *)
tevent_req_set_cancel_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_cancel_fn)
tevent_req_set_endtime: bool (struct tevent_req *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
tevent_req_set_print_fn: void (struct tevent_req *, tevent_req_print_fn)
tevent_set_abort_fn: void (void (*)(const char *))
tevent_set_debug: int (struct tevent_context *, void (*)(void *, enum tevent_debug_level, const char *, va_list), void *)
tevent_set_debug_stderr: int (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_set_default_backend: void (const char *)
tevent_signal_support: bool (struct tevent_context *)
tevent_timeval_add: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_compare: int (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_current: struct timeval (void)
tevent_timeval_current_ofs: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_is_zero: bool (const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_set: struct timeval (uint32_t, uint32_t)
tevent_timeval_until: struct timeval (const struct timeval *, const struct timeval *)
tevent_timeval_zero: struct timeval (void)
tevent_wakeup_recv: bool (struct tevent_req *)
tevent_wakeup_send: struct tevent_req *(TALLOC_CTX *, struct tevent_context *, struct timeval)
# simple makefile wrapper to run waf
WAF_BIN=`PATH=buildtools/bin:../../buildtools/bin:$$PATH which waf`
$(WAF) build
$(WAF) install
$(WAF) uninstall
touch .tmplock
WAFLOCK=.tmplock $(WAF) dist
touch .tmplock
WAFLOCK=.tmplock $(WAF) distcheck
$(WAF) clean
$(WAF) distclean
reconfigure: configure
$(WAF) reconfigure
$(WAF) --help
# some compatibility make targets
everything: all
testsuite: all
check: test
# this should do an install as well, once install is finished
installcheck: test
$(WAF) etags
$(WAF) ctags
# Python integration for tevent - tests
# Copyright (C) Jelmer Vernooij 2010
# ** NOTE! The following LGPL license applies to the tevent
# ** library. This does NOT imply that all of Samba is released
# ** under the LGPL
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import signal
from unittest import TestCase, TestProgram
import gc
import _tevent
class BackendListTests(TestCase):
def test_backend_list(self):
self.assertTrue(isinstance(_tevent.backend_list(), list))
class CreateContextTests(TestCase):
def test_by_name(self):
ctx = _tevent.Context(_tevent.backend_list()[0])
self.assertTrue(ctx is not None)
def test_no_name(self):
ctx = _tevent.Context()
self.assertTrue(ctx is not None)
class ContextTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(ContextTests, self).setUp()
self.ctx = _tevent.Context()
def test_signal_support(self):
self.assertTrue(type(self.ctx.signal_support) is bool)
def test_reinitialise(self):
def test_loop_wait(self):
def test_add_signal(self):
sig = self.ctx.add_signal(signal.SIGINT, 0, lambda callback: None)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(sig, _tevent.Signal))
def test_timer(self):
"""Test a timer is can be scheduled"""
collecting_list = []
# time "0" has already passed, callback will be scheduled immediately
timer = self.ctx.add_timer(0, lambda t: collecting_list.append(True))
self.assertEqual(collecting_list, [])
self.assertEqual(collecting_list, [True])
def test_timer_deallocate_timer(self):
"""Test timer is scheduled even if reference to it isn't held"""
collecting_list = []
def callback(t):
timer = self.ctx.add_timer(0, lambda t: collecting_list.append(True))
self.assertEqual(collecting_list, [])
self.assertEqual(collecting_list, [True])
def test_timer_deallocate_context(self):
"""Test timer is unscheduled when context is freed"""
collecting_list = []
def callback(t):
timer = self.ctx.add_timer(0, lambda t: collecting_list.append(True))
del self.ctx
self.assertEqual(collecting_list, [])
def test_timer_offset(self):
"""Test scheduling timer with an offset"""
collecting_list = []
self.ctx.add_timer_offset(0.2, lambda t: collecting_list.append(2))
self.ctx.add_timer_offset(0.1, lambda t: collecting_list.append(1))
self.assertEqual(collecting_list, [])
self.assertEqual(collecting_list, [1])
self.assertEqual(collecting_list, [1, 2])
if __name__ == '__main__':
See http://code.google.com/p/waf/ for more information on waf
You can get a svn copy of the upstream source with:
svn checkout http://waf.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ waf-read-only
Samba currently uses waf 1.5, which can be found at:
To update the current copy of waf, use the update-waf.sh script in this
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: latin-1
# Thomas Nagy, 2005-2018
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
import os, sys, inspect
cwd = os.getcwd()
join = os.path.join
if sys.hexversion<0x206000f:
raise ImportError('Python >= 2.6 is required to create the waf file')
def b(x):
return x
if sys.hexversion>0x300000f:
def b(x):
return x.encode()
def err(m):
print(('\033[91mError: %s\033[0m' % m))
def unpack_wafdir(dir, src):
f = open(src,'rb')
c = 'corrupt archive (%d)'
while 1:
line = f.readline()
if not line: err('run waf-light from a folder containing waflib')
if line == b('#==>\n'):
txt = f.readline()
if not txt: err(c % 1)
if f.readline() != b('#<==\n'): err(c % 2)
if not txt: err(c % 3)
txt = txt[1:-1].replace(b(C1), b('\n')).replace(b(C2), b('\r')).replace(b(C3), b('\x00'))
import shutil, tarfile
try: shutil.rmtree(dir)
except OSError: pass
for x in ('Tools', 'extras'):
os.makedirs(join(dir, 'waflib', x))
except OSError:
err("Cannot unpack waf lib into %s\nMove waf in a writable directory" % dir)
tmp = 't.bz2'
t = open(tmp,'wb')
try: t.write(txt)
finally: t.close()
t = tarfile.open(tmp)
os.system('bunzip2 t.bz2')
t = tarfile.open('t')
tmp = 't'
try: shutil.rmtree(dir)
except OSError: pass
err("Waf cannot be unpacked, check that bzip2 support is present")
for x in t: t.extract(x)
for x in ('Tools', 'extras'):
os.chmod(join('waflib',x), 493)
if sys.hexversion<0x300000f:
sys.path = [join(dir, 'waflib')] + sys.path
import fixpy2
try: dir = unicode(dir, 'mbcs')
except: pass
from ctypes import windll
windll.kernel32.SetFileAttributesW(dir, 2)
def test(dir):
os.stat(join(dir, 'waflib'))
return os.path.abspath(dir)
except OSError:
def find_lib():
path = '../../third_party/waf'
paths = [path, path+'/waflib']
return [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), x)) for x in paths]
wafdir = find_lib()
for p in wafdir:
sys.path.insert(0, p)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#import extras.compat15#PRELUDE
import sys
from waflib.Tools import ccroot, c, ar, compiler_c, gcc
sys.modules['cc'] = c
sys.modules['ccroot'] = ccroot
sys.modules['ar'] = ar
sys.modules['compiler_cc'] = compiler_c
sys.modules['gcc'] = gcc
from waflib import Options
Options.lockfile = os.environ.get('WAFLOCK', '.lock-wscript')
if os.path.isfile(Options.lockfile) and os.stat(Options.lockfile).st_size == 0:
os.environ['NOCLIMB'] = "1"
# there is a single top-level, but libraries must build independently
os.environ['NO_LOCK_IN_TOP'] = "1"
from waflib import Task
class o(object):
display = None
Task.classes['cc_link'] = o
from waflib import Scripting
Scripting.waf_entry_point(cwd, VERSION, wafdir[0])
# compare the generated config.h from a waf build with existing samba
# build
grep "^.define" bin/default/source4/include/config.h | sort > waf-config.h
grep "^.define" $HOME/samba_old/source4/include/config.h | sort > old-config.h
comm -23 old-config.h waf-config.h
#diff -u old-config.h waf-config.h
# compare the generated files from a waf
gen_files=$(cd bin/default && find . -type f -name '*.[ch]')
cat $in_file |
grep -v 'The following definitions come from' |
grep -v 'Automatically generated at' |
grep -v 'Generated from' |
sed 's|/home/tnagy/samba/source4||g' |
sed 's|/home/tnagy/samba/|../|g' |
sed 's|bin/default/source4/||g' |
sed 's|bin/default/|../|g' |
sed 's/define _____/define ___/g' |
sed 's/define __*/define _/g' |
sed 's/define _DEFAULT_/define _/g' |
sed 's/define _SOURCE4_/define ___/g' |
sed 's/define ___/define _/g' |
sed 's/ifndef ___/ifndef _/g' |
sed 's|endif /* ____|endif /* __|g' |
sed s/__DEFAULT_SOURCE4/__/ |
sed s/__DEFAULT_SOURCE4/__/ |
sed s/__DEFAULT/____/ > $out_file
bname=$(basename $f)
strip_file $old_build/$f $t1
strip_file bin/default/$f $t2
diff -u -b $t1 $t2 2>&1
rm -f $t1 $t2
for f in $gen_files; do
compare_file $f
(cd $prefix1 && find . ) | sort > p1.txt
(cd $prefix2 && find . ) | sort > p2.txt
diff -u p[12].txt
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Sample run-on-target script
# This is a script that can be used as cross-execute parameter to samba
# configuration process, running the command on a remote target for which
# the cross-compiled configure test was compiled.
# To use:
# ./configure \
# --cross-compile \
# '--cross-execute=./buildtools/example/run_on_target.py --host=<host>'
# A more elaborate example:
# ./configure \
# --cross-compile \
# '--cross-execute=./buildtools/example/run_on_target.py --host=<host> --user=<user> "--ssh=ssh -i <some key file>" --destdir=/path/to/dir'
# Typically this is to be used also with --cross-answers, so that the
# cross answers file gets built and further builds can be made without
# the help of a remote target.
# The following assumptions are made:
# 1. rsync is available on build machine and target machine
# 2. A running ssh service on target machine with password-less shell login
# 3. A directory writable by the password-less login user
# 4. The tests on the target can run and provide reliable results
# from the login account's home directory. This is significant
# for example in locking tests which
# create files in the current directory. As a workaround to this
# assumption, the TESTDIR environment variable can be set on the target
# (using ssh command line or server config) and the tests shall
# chdir to that directory.
import sys
import os
import subprocess
from optparse import OptionParser
# those are defaults, but can be overidden using command line
SSH = 'ssh'
USER = None
HOST = 'localhost'
def xfer_files(ssh, srcdir, host, user, targ_destdir):
"""Transfer executable files to target
Use rsync to copy the directory containing program to run
INTO a destination directory on the target. An exact copy
of the source directory is created on the target machine,
possibly deleting files on the target machine which do not
exist on the source directory.
The idea is that the test may include files in addition to
the compiled binary, and all of those files reside alongside
the binary in a source directory.
For example, if the test to run is /foo/bar/test and the
destination directory on the target is /tbaz, then /tbaz/bar
on the target shall be an exact copy of /foo/bar on the source,
including deletion of files inside /tbaz/bar which do not exist
on the source.
userhost = host
if user:
userhost = '%s@%s' % (user, host)
cmd = 'rsync --verbose -rl --ignore-times --delete -e "%s" %s %s:%s/' % \
(ssh, srcdir, userhost, targ_destdir)
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
(out, err) = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
raise Exception('failed syncing files\n stdout:\n%s\nstderr:%s\n'
% (out, err))
def exec_remote(ssh, host, user, destdir, targdir, prog, args):
"""Run a test on the target
Using password-less ssh, run the compiled binary on the target.
An assumption is that there's no need to cd into the target dir,
same as there's no need to do it on a native build.
userhost = host
if user:
userhost = '%s@%s' % (user, host)
cmd = '%s %s %s/%s/%s' % (ssh, userhost, destdir, targdir, prog)
if args:
cmd = cmd + ' ' + ' '.join(args)
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
(out, err) = p.communicate()
return (p.returncode, out)
def main(argv):
usage = "usage: %prog [options] <prog> [args]"
parser = OptionParser(usage)
parser.add_option('--ssh', help="SSH client and additional flags",
parser.add_option('--host', help="target host name or IP address",
parser.add_option('--user', help="login user on target",
parser.add_option('--destdir', help="work directory on target",
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)
if len(args) < 1:
parser.error("please supply test program to run")
progpath = args[0]
# assume that a test that was not compiled fails (e.g. getconf)
if progpath[0] != '/':
return (1, "")
progdir = os.path.dirname(progpath)
prog = os.path.basename(progpath)
targ_progdir = os.path.basename(progdir)
(rc, out) = exec_remote(options.ssh,
prog, args[1:])
return (rc, out)
if __name__ == '__main__':
(rc, out) = main(sys.argv[1:])
# simple makefile wrapper to run waf
$(WAF) build
$(WAF) install
$(WAF) uninstall
@echo NOTE: to run extended waf options use $(WAF_BINARY) or modify your PATH
$(WAF) --help
$(WAF) test --testenv $(TEST_OPTIONS)
$(WAF) test --quick $(TEST_OPTIONS)
$(WAF) dist
$(WAF) distcheck
$(WAF) clean
$(WAF) distclean
reconfigure: configure
$(WAF) reconfigure
$(WAF) --help
# some compatibility make targets
everything: all
testsuite: all
check: test
torture: all
# this should do an install as well, once install is finished
installcheck: test
$(WAF) etags
$(WAF) ctags
bin/%:: FORCE
$(WAF) --targets=$@
configure: autogen-waf.sh BUILDTOOLS/scripts/configure.waf
Makefile: autogen-waf.sh configure BUILDTOOLS/scripts/Makefile.waf
# generate a set of ABI signatures from a shared library
cat <<EOF
set height 0
set width 0
nm "$SHAREDLIB" | cut -d' ' -f2- | egrep '^[BDGTRVWS]' | grep -v @ | egrep -v ' (__bss_start|_edata|_init|_fini|_end)' | cut -c3- | sort | while read s; do
echo "echo $s: "
echo p $s
# forcing the terminal avoids a problem on Fedora12
TERM=none gdb -n -batch -x $GDBSCRIPT "$SHAREDLIB" < /dev/null
p=`dirname $0`
echo "Setting up for waf build"
echo "Looking for the buildtools directory"
while test \! -d "$p/$d"; do d="../$d"; done
echo "Found buildtools in $p/$d"
echo "Setting up configure"
rm -f $p/configure $p/include/config*.h*
sed "s|BUILDTOOLS|$d|g;s|BUILDPATH|$p|g" < "$p/$d/scripts/configure.waf" > $p/configure
chmod +x $p/configure
echo "Setting up Makefile"
rm -f $p/makefile $p/Makefile
sed "s|BUILDTOOLS|$d|g" < "$p/$d/scripts/Makefile.waf" > $p/Makefile
echo "done. Now run $p/configure or $p/configure.developer then make."
if [ $p != "." ]; then
echo "Notice: The build invoke path is not 'source4'! Use make with the parameter"
echo "-C <'source4' path>. Example: make -C source4 all"
PREVPATH=`dirname $0`
# using JOBS=1 gives maximum compatibility with
# systems like AIX which have broken threading in python
export JOBS
cd BUILDPATH || exit 1
$WAF configure "$@" || exit 1
set -e
set -x
d=$(dirname $0)
cd $d/..
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
tests="lib/replace lib/talloc lib/tevent lib/tdb lib/ldb"
echo "testing in dirs $tests"
for d in $tests; do
echo "`date`: testing $d"
pushd $d
rm -rf bin
type waf
waf dist
./configure -C --enable-developer --prefix=$PREFIX
time make
make install
make distcheck
case $d in
ldd bin/ldbadd
ldd bin/replace_testsuite
ldd bin/talloc_testsuite
ldd bin/tdbtool
echo "testing python portability"
pushd lib/talloc
versions="python2.4 python2.5 python2.6 python3.0 python3.1"
for p in $versions; do
ret=$(which $p || echo "failed")
if [ $ret = "failed" ]; then
echo "$p not found, skipping"
echo "Testing $p"
$p ../../buildtools/bin/waf configure -C --enable-developer --prefix=$PREFIX
$p ../../buildtools/bin/waf build install
echo "testing cross compiling"
pushd lib/talloc
ret=$(which arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc || echo "failed")
if [ $ret != "failed" ]; then
CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc ./configure -C --prefix=$PREFIX --cross-compile --cross-execute='runarm'
make && make install
echo "Cross-compiler not installed, skipping test"
This is a set of waf 'tools' to help make building the Samba
components easier, by having common functions in one place. This gives
us a more consistent build, and ensures that our project rules are
see http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Waf
# handle substitution of variables in .in files
import sys
import re
import os
from waflib import Build, Logs
from samba_utils import SUBST_VARS_RECURSIVE
def subst_at_vars(task):
'''substiture @VAR@ style variables in a file'''
env = task.env
s = task.inputs[0].read()
# split on the vars
a = re.split('(@\w+@)', s)
out = []
for v in a:
if re.match('@\w+@', v):
vname = v[1:-1]
if not vname in task.env and vname.upper() in task.env:
vname = vname.upper()
if not vname in task.env:
Logs.error("Unknown substitution %s in %s" % (v, task.name))
v = SUBST_VARS_RECURSIVE(task.env[vname], task.env)
contents = ''.join(out)
return 0
def CONFIGURE_FILE(bld, in_file, **kwargs):
'''configure file'''
t = bld.SAMBA_GENERATOR('INFILE_%s' % base,
rule = subst_at_vars,
source = in_file + '.in',
target = in_file,
vars = kwargs)
# compiler definition for a generic C compiler
# based on suncc.py from waf
import os, optparse
from waflib import Errors
from waflib.Tools import ccroot, ar
from waflib.Configure import conf
# Let waflib provide useful defaults, but
# provide generic_cc as last resort fallback on
# all platforms
from waflib.Tools.compiler_c import c_compiler
for key in c_compiler.keys():
def find_generic_cc(conf):
v = conf.env
cc = None
if v.CC:
cc = v.CC
elif 'CC' in conf.environ:
cc = conf.environ['CC']
if not cc:
cc = conf.find_program('cc', var='CC')
if not cc:
conf.fatal('generic_cc was not found')
conf.cmd_and_log(cc + ['--version'])
except Errors.WafError:
conf.fatal('%r --version could not be executed' % cc)
v.CC = cc
v.CC_NAME = 'generic_cc'
def generic_cc_common_flags(conf):
v = conf.env
v.CC_SRC_F = ''
v.CC_TGT_F = ['-c', '-o']
v.CPPPATH_ST = '-I%s'
v.DEFINES_ST = '-D%s'
if not v.LINK_CC:
v.LINK_CC = v.CC
v.CCLNK_SRC_F = ''
v.CCLNK_TGT_F = ['-o']
v.LIB_ST = '-l%s' # template for adding libs
v.LIBPATH_ST = '-L%s' # template for adding libpaths
v.STLIB_ST = '-l%s'
v.cprogram_PATTERN = '%s'
v.cshlib_PATTERN = 'lib%s.so'
v.cstlib_PATTERN = 'lib%s.a'
def configure(conf):
# handle substitution of variables in pc files
import os, re, sys
from waflib import Build, Logs
from samba_utils import SUBST_VARS_RECURSIVE, TO_LIST
def subst_at_vars(task):
'''substiture @VAR@ style variables in a file'''
s = task.inputs[0].read()
# split on the vars
a = re.split('(@\w+@)', s)
out = []
done_var = {}
back_sub = [ ('PREFIX', '${prefix}'), ('EXEC_PREFIX', '${exec_prefix}')]
for v in a:
if re.match('@\w+@', v):
vname = v[1:-1]
if not vname in task.env and vname.upper() in task.env:
vname = vname.upper()
if not vname in task.env:
Logs.error("Unknown substitution %s in %s" % (v, task.name))
v = SUBST_VARS_RECURSIVE(task.env[vname], task.env)
# now we back substitute the allowed pc vars
for (b, m) in back_sub:
s = task.env[b]
if s == v[0:len(s)]:
if not b in done_var:
# we don't want to substitute the first usage
done_var[b] = True
v = m + v[len(s):]
contents = ''.join(out)
return 0
def PKG_CONFIG_FILES(bld, pc_files, vnum=None, extra_name=None):
'''install some pkg_config pc files'''
dest = '${PKGCONFIGDIR}'
dest = bld.EXPAND_VARIABLES(dest)
for f in TO_LIST(pc_files):
if extra_name:
target = f.split('.pc')[0] + extra_name + ".pc"
target = f
t = bld.SAMBA_GENERATOR('PKGCONFIG_%s' % base,
bld.add_manual_dependency(bld.path.find_or_declare(f), bld.env['PREFIX'].encode('utf8'))
t.vars = []
t.env.LIB_RPATH = t.env.RPATH_ST % t.env.LIBDIR
t.env.LIB_RPATH = ''
if vnum:
t.env.PACKAGE_VERSION = vnum
for v in [ 'PREFIX', 'EXEC_PREFIX', 'LIB_RPATH' ]:
bld.INSTALL_FILES(dest, target, flat=True, destname=base)
# a waf tool to add autoconf-like macros to the configure section
# and for SAMBA_ macros for building libraries, binaries etc
import os
from waflib import Build
from samba_utils import TO_LIST
from samba_autoconf import library_flags
def SAMBA3_IS_STATIC_MODULE(bld, module):
'''Check whether module is in static list'''
if module in bld.env['static_modules']:
return True
return False
def SAMBA3_IS_SHARED_MODULE(bld, module):
'''Check whether module is in shared list'''
if module in bld.env['shared_modules']:
return True
return False
def SAMBA3_IS_ENABLED_MODULE(bld, module):
'''Check whether module is in either shared or static list '''
return SAMBA3_IS_STATIC_MODULE(bld, module) or SAMBA3_IS_SHARED_MODULE(bld, module)
def s3_fix_kwargs(bld, kwargs):
'''fix the build arguments for s3 build rules to include the
necessary includes, subdir and cflags options '''
s3dir = os.path.join(bld.env.srcdir, 'source3')
s3reldir = os.path.relpath(s3dir, bld.path.abspath())
# the extra_includes list is relative to the source3 directory
extra_includes = [ '.', 'include', 'lib' ]
# local heimdal paths only included when USING_SYSTEM_KRB5 is not set
extra_includes += [ '../source4/heimdal/lib/com_err',
'../bin/default/source4/heimdal/lib/asn1' ]
(tdb_includes, tdb_ldflags, tdb_cpppath) = library_flags(bld, 'tdb')
extra_includes += tdb_cpppath
extra_includes += [ '../lib/tdb/include' ]
(tevent_includes, tevent_ldflags, tevent_cpppath) = library_flags(bld, 'tevent')
extra_includes += tevent_cpppath
extra_includes += [ '../lib/tevent' ]
(talloc_includes, talloc_ldflags, talloc_cpppath) = library_flags(bld, 'talloc')
extra_includes += talloc_cpppath
extra_includes += [ '../lib/talloc' ]
(popt_includes, popt_ldflags, popt_cpppath) = library_flags(bld, 'popt')
extra_includes += popt_cpppath
extra_includes += [ '../lib/popt' ]
# s3 builds assume that they will have a bunch of extra include paths
includes = []
for d in extra_includes:
includes += [ os.path.join(s3reldir, d) ]
# the rule may already have some includes listed
if 'includes' in kwargs:
includes += TO_LIST(kwargs['includes'])
kwargs['includes'] = includes
# these wrappers allow for mixing of S3 and S4 build rules in the one build
def SAMBA3_LIBRARY(bld, name, *args, **kwargs):
s3_fix_kwargs(bld, kwargs)
return bld.SAMBA_LIBRARY(name, *args, **kwargs)
def SAMBA3_MODULE(bld, name, *args, **kwargs):
s3_fix_kwargs(bld, kwargs)
return bld.SAMBA_MODULE(name, *args, **kwargs)
def SAMBA3_SUBSYSTEM(bld, name, *args, **kwargs):
s3_fix_kwargs(bld, kwargs)
return bld.SAMBA_SUBSYSTEM(name, *args, **kwargs)
def SAMBA3_BINARY(bld, name, *args, **kwargs):
s3_fix_kwargs(bld, kwargs)
return bld.SAMBA_BINARY(name, *args, **kwargs)
def SAMBA3_PYTHON(bld, name, *args, **kwargs):
s3_fix_kwargs(bld, kwargs)
return bld.SAMBA_PYTHON(name, *args, **kwargs)
# functions for handling ABI checking of libraries
import os
import sys
import re
import fnmatch
from waflib import Options, Utils, Logs, Task, Build, Errors
from waflib.TaskGen import feature, before, after
from wafsamba import samba_utils
# these type maps cope with platform specific names for common types
# please add new type mappings into the list below
abi_type_maps = {
'_Bool' : 'bool',
'struct __va_list_tag *' : 'va_list'
version_key = lambda x: list(map(int, x.split(".")))
def normalise_signature(sig):
'''normalise a signature from gdb'''
sig = sig.strip()
sig = re.sub('^\$[0-9]+\s=\s\{(.+)\}$', r'\1', sig)
sig = re.sub('^\$[0-9]+\s=\s\{(.+)\}(\s0x[0-9a-f]+\s<\w+>)+$', r'\1', sig)
sig = re.sub('^\$[0-9]+\s=\s(0x[0-9a-f]+)\s?(<\w+>)?$', r'\1', sig)
sig = re.sub('0x[0-9a-f]+', '0xXXXX', sig)
sig = re.sub('", <incomplete sequence (\\\\[a-z0-9]+)>', r'\1"', sig)
for t in abi_type_maps:
# we need to cope with non-word characters in mapped types
m = t
m = m.replace('*', '\*')
if m[-1].isalnum() or m[-1] == '_':
m += '\\b'
if m[0].isalnum() or m[0] == '_':
m = '\\b' + m
sig = re.sub(m, abi_type_maps[t], sig)
return sig
def normalise_varargs(sig):
'''cope with older versions of gdb'''
sig = re.sub(',\s\.\.\.', '', sig)
return sig
def parse_sigs(sigs, abi_match):
'''parse ABI signatures file'''
abi_match = samba_utils.TO_LIST(abi_match)
ret = {}
a = sigs.split('\n')
for s in a:
if s.find(':') == -1:
sa = s.split(':')
if abi_match:
matched = False
negative = False
for p in abi_match:
if p[0] == '!' and fnmatch.fnmatch(sa[0], p[1:]):
negative = True
elif fnmatch.fnmatch(sa[0], p):
matched = True
if (not matched) and negative:
Logs.debug("%s -> %s" % (sa[1], normalise_signature(sa[1])))
ret[sa[0]] = normalise_signature(sa[1])
return ret
def save_sigs(sig_file, parsed_sigs):
'''save ABI signatures to a file'''
sigs = "".join('%s: %s\n' % (s, parsed_sigs[s]) for s in sorted(parsed_sigs.keys()))
return samba_utils.save_file(sig_file, sigs, create_dir=True)
def abi_check_task(self):
'''check if the ABI has changed'''
abi_gen = self.ABI_GEN
libpath = self.inputs[0].abspath(self.env)
libname = os.path.basename(libpath)
sigs = samba_utils.get_string(Utils.cmd_output([abi_gen, libpath]))
parsed_sigs = parse_sigs(sigs, self.ABI_MATCH)
sig_file = self.ABI_FILE
old_sigs = samba_utils.load_file(sig_file)
if old_sigs is None or Options.options.ABI_UPDATE:
if not save_sigs(sig_file, parsed_sigs):
raise Errors.WafError('Failed to save ABI file "%s"' % sig_file)
Logs.warn('Generated ABI signatures %s' % sig_file)
parsed_old_sigs = parse_sigs(old_sigs, self.ABI_MATCH)
# check all old sigs
got_error = False
for s in parsed_old_sigs:
if not s in parsed_sigs:
Logs.error('%s: symbol %s has been removed - please update major version\n\tsignature: %s' % (
libname, s, parsed_old_sigs[s]))
got_error = True
elif normalise_varargs(parsed_old_sigs[s]) != normalise_varargs(parsed_sigs[s]):
Logs.error('%s: symbol %s has changed - please update major version\n\told_signature: %s\n\tnew_signature: %s' % (
libname, s, parsed_old_sigs[s], parsed_sigs[s]))
got_error = True
for s in parsed_sigs:
if not s in parsed_old_sigs:
Logs.error('%s: symbol %s has been added - please mark it _PRIVATE_ or update minor version\n\tsignature: %s' % (
libname, s, parsed_sigs[s]))
got_error = True
if got_error:
raise Errors.WafError('ABI for %s has changed - please fix library version then build with --abi-update\nSee http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Waf#ABI_Checking for more information\nIf you have not changed any ABI, and your platform always gives this error, please configure with --abi-check-disable to skip this check' % libname)
t = Task.task_factory('abi_check', abi_check_task, color='BLUE', ext_in='.bin')
t.quiet = True
# allow "waf --abi-check" to force re-checking the ABI
if '--abi-check' in sys.argv:
t.always_run = True
def abi_check(self):
'''check that ABI matches saved signatures'''
env = self.bld.env
if not env.ABI_CHECK or self.abi_directory is None:
# if the platform doesn't support -fvisibility=hidden then the ABI
# checks become fairly meaningless
topsrc = self.bld.srcnode.abspath()
abi_gen = os.path.join(topsrc, 'buildtools/scripts/abi_gen.sh')
abi_file = "%s/%s-%s.sigs" % (self.abi_directory, self.version_libname,
tsk = self.create_task('abi_check', self.link_task.outputs[0])
tsk.ABI_FILE = abi_file
tsk.ABI_MATCH = self.abi_match
tsk.ABI_GEN = abi_gen
def abi_process_file(fname, version, symmap):
'''process one ABI file, adding new symbols to the symmap'''
for line in Utils.readf(fname).splitlines():
symname = line.split(":")[0]
if not symname in symmap:
symmap[symname] = version
def abi_write_vscript(f, libname, current_version, versions, symmap, abi_match):
"""Write a vscript file for a library in --version-script format.
:param f: File-like object to write to
:param libname: Name of the library, uppercased
:param current_version: Current version
:param versions: Versions to consider
:param symmap: Dictionary mapping symbols -> version
:param abi_match: List of symbols considered to be public in the current
invmap = {}
for s in symmap:
invmap.setdefault(symmap[s], []).append(s)
last_key = ""
versions = sorted(versions, key=version_key)
for k in versions:
symver = "%s_%s" % (libname, k)
if symver == current_version:
f.write("%s {\n" % symver)
if k in sorted(invmap.keys()):
for s in invmap.get(k, []):
f.write("\t\t%s;\n" % s);
f.write("}%s;\n\n" % last_key)
last_key = " %s" % symver
f.write("%s {\n" % current_version)
local_abi = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] == '!', abi_match))
global_abi = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] != '!', abi_match))
if len(global_abi) > 0:
for x in global_abi:
f.write("\t\t%s;\n" % x)
# Always hide symbols that must be local if exist
local_abi.extend(["!_end", "!__bss_start", "!_edata"])
for x in local_abi:
f.write("\t\t%s;\n" % x[1:])
if global_abi != ["*"]:
if len(global_abi) > 0:
def abi_build_vscript(task):
'''generate a vscript file for our public libraries'''
tgt = task.outputs[0].bldpath(task.env)
symmap = {}
versions = []
for f in task.inputs:
fname = f.abspath(task.env)
basename = os.path.basename(fname)
version = basename[len(task.env.LIBNAME)+1:-len(".sigs")]
abi_process_file(fname, version, symmap)
f = open(tgt, mode='w')
abi_write_vscript(f, task.env.LIBNAME, task.env.VERSION, versions,
symmap, task.env.ABI_MATCH)
def ABI_VSCRIPT(bld, libname, abi_directory, version, vscript, abi_match=None):
'''generate a vscript file for our public libraries'''
if abi_directory:
source = bld.path.ant_glob('%s/%s-[0-9]*.sigs' % (abi_directory, libname), flat=True)
def abi_file_key(path):
return version_key(path[:-len(".sigs")].rsplit("-")[-1])
source = sorted(source.split(), key=abi_file_key)
source = ''
libname = os.path.basename(libname)
version = os.path.basename(version)
libname = libname.replace("-", "_").replace("+","_").upper()
version = version.replace("-", "_").replace("+","_").upper()
t = bld.SAMBA_GENERATOR(vscript,
if abi_match is None:
abi_match = ["*"]
abi_match = samba_utils.TO_LIST(abi_match)
t.env.ABI_MATCH = abi_match
t.env.VERSION = version
t.env.LIBNAME = libname
t.vars = ['LIBNAME', 'VERSION', 'ABI_MATCH']
# waf build tool for building automatic prototypes from C source
import os
from waflib import Build
from samba_utils import SET_TARGET_TYPE
def SAMBA_AUTOPROTO(bld, header, source):
'''rule for samba prototype generation'''
relpath = os.path.relpath(bld.path.abspath(), bld.srcnode.abspath())
name = os.path.join(relpath, header)
t = bld(
name = name,
source = source,
target = header,
before ='c',
rule = '${PERL} "${SCRIPT}/mkproto.pl" --srcdir=.. --builddir=. --public=/dev/null --private="${TGT}" ${SRC}'
t.env.SCRIPT = os.path.join(bld.srcnode.abspath(), 'source4/script')
# functions to support bundled libraries
import sys
from waflib import Build, Options, Logs
from waflib.Configure import conf
from wafsamba import samba_utils
def PRIVATE_NAME(bld, name, private_extension, private_library):
'''possibly rename a library to include a bundled extension'''
if not private_library:
return name
# we now use the same private name for libraries as the public name.
# see http://git.samba.org/?p=tridge/junkcode.git;a=tree;f=shlib for a
# demonstration that this is the right thing to do
# also see http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba-technical/2011-January/075816.html
if private_extension:
return name
extension = bld.env.PRIVATE_EXTENSION
if extension and name.startswith('%s' % extension):
return name
if extension and name.endswith('%s' % extension):
return name
return "%s-%s" % (name, extension)
def target_in_list(target, lst, default):
for l in lst:
if target == l:
return True
if '!' + target == l:
return False
if l == 'ALL':
return True
if l == 'NONE':
return False
return default
def BUILTIN_LIBRARY(bld, name):
'''return True if a library should be builtin
instead of being built as a shared lib'''
return target_in_list(name, bld.env.BUILTIN_LIBRARIES, False)
def BUILTIN_DEFAULT(opt, builtins):
'''set a comma separated default list of builtin libraries for this package'''
if 'BUILTIN_LIBRARIES_DEFAULT' in Options.options.__dict__:
Options.options.__dict__['BUILTIN_LIBRARIES_DEFAULT'] = builtins
def PRIVATE_EXTENSION_DEFAULT(opt, extension, noextension=''):
'''set a default private library extension'''
if 'PRIVATE_EXTENSION_DEFAULT' in Options.options.__dict__:
Options.options.__dict__['PRIVATE_EXTENSION_DEFAULT'] = extension
Options.options.__dict__['PRIVATE_EXTENSION_EXCEPTION'] = noextension
def minimum_library_version(conf, libname, default):
'''allow override of mininum system library version'''
minlist = Options.options.MINIMUM_LIBRARY_VERSION
if not minlist:
return default
for m in minlist.split(','):
a = m.split(':')
if len(a) != 2:
Logs.error("Bad syntax for --minimum-library-version of %s" % m)
if a[0] == libname:
return a[1]
return default
def LIB_MAY_BE_BUNDLED(conf, libname):
if libname in conf.env.SYSTEM_LIBS:
return False
if libname in conf.env.BUNDLED_LIBS:
return True
if '!%s' % libname in conf.env.BUNDLED_LIBS:
return False
if 'NONE' in conf.env.BUNDLED_LIBS:
return False
return True
def LIB_MUST_BE_BUNDLED(conf, libname):
if libname in conf.env.BUNDLED_LIBS:
return True
if '!%s' % libname in conf.env.BUNDLED_LIBS:
return False
if 'ALL' in conf.env.BUNDLED_LIBS:
return True
return False
def LIB_MUST_BE_PRIVATE(conf, libname):
return ('ALL' in conf.env.PRIVATE_LIBS or
libname in conf.env.PRIVATE_LIBS)
def CHECK_BUNDLED_SYSTEM_PKG(conf, libname, minversion='0.0.0',
maxversion=None, version_blacklist=[],
onlyif=None, implied_deps=None, pkg=None):
'''check if a library is available as a system library.
This only tries using pkg-config
return conf.CHECK_BUNDLED_SYSTEM(libname,
def CHECK_BUNDLED_SYSTEM(conf, libname, minversion='0.0.0',
maxversion=None, version_blacklist=[],
checkfunctions=None, headers=None, checkcode=None,
onlyif=None, implied_deps=None,
require_headers=True, pkg=None, set_target=True):
'''check if a library is available as a system library.
this first tries via pkg-config, then if that fails
tries by testing for a specified function in the specified lib
# We always do a logic validation of 'onlyif' first
missing = []
if onlyif:
for l in samba_utils.TO_LIST(onlyif):
f = 'FOUND_SYSTEMLIB_%s' % l
if not f in conf.env:
Logs.error('ERROR: CHECK_BUNDLED_SYSTEM(%s) - ' % (libname) +
'missing prerequisite check for ' +
'system library %s, onlyif=%r' % (l, onlyif))
if not conf.env[f]:
found = 'FOUND_SYSTEMLIB_%s' % libname
if found in conf.env:
return conf.env[found]
if conf.LIB_MUST_BE_BUNDLED(libname):
conf.env[found] = False
return False
# see if the library should only use a system version if another dependent
# system version is found. That prevents possible use of mixed library
# versions
if missing:
if not conf.LIB_MAY_BE_BUNDLED(libname):
Logs.error('ERROR: Use of system library %s depends on missing system library/libraries %r' % (libname, missing))
conf.env[found] = False
return False
def check_functions_headers_code():
'''helper function for CHECK_BUNDLED_SYSTEM'''
if require_headers and headers and not conf.CHECK_HEADERS(headers, lib=libname):
return False
if checkfunctions is not None:
ok = conf.CHECK_FUNCS_IN(checkfunctions, libname, headers=headers,
empty_decl=False, set_target=False)
if not ok:
return False
if checkcode is not None:
define='CHECK_BUNDLED_SYSTEM_%s' % libname.upper()
ok = conf.CHECK_CODE(checkcode, lib=libname,
headers=headers, local_include=False,
msg=msg, define=define)
if not ok:
return False
return True
minversion = minimum_library_version(conf, libname, minversion)
msg = 'Checking for system %s' % libname
msg_ver = []
if minversion != '0.0.0':
msg_ver.append('>=%s' % minversion)
if maxversion is not None:
msg_ver.append('<=%s' % maxversion)
for v in version_blacklist:
msg_ver.append('!=%s' % v)
if msg_ver != []:
msg += " (%s)" % (" ".join(msg_ver))
if pkg is None:
pkg = libname
version_checks = '%s >= %s' % (pkg, minversion)
if maxversion is not None:
version_checks += ' %s <= %s' % (pkg, maxversion)
version_checks += "".join(' %s != %s' % (pkg, v) for v in version_blacklist)
# try pkgconfig first
if (conf.CHECK_CFG(package=pkg,
args='"%s" --cflags --libs' % (version_checks),
msg=msg, uselib_store=uselib_store) and
if set_target:
conf.SET_TARGET_TYPE(libname, 'SYSLIB')
conf.env[found] = True
if implied_deps:
conf.SET_SYSLIB_DEPS(libname, implied_deps)
return True
if checkfunctions is not None:
if check_functions_headers_code():
conf.env[found] = True
if implied_deps:
conf.SET_SYSLIB_DEPS(libname, implied_deps)
if set_target:
conf.SET_TARGET_TYPE(libname, 'SYSLIB')
return True
conf.env[found] = False
if not conf.LIB_MAY_BE_BUNDLED(libname):
Logs.error('ERROR: System library %s of version %s not found, and bundling disabled' % (libname, minversion))
return False
def tuplize_version(version):
return tuple([int(x) for x in version.split(".")])
def CHECK_BUNDLED_SYSTEM_PYTHON(conf, libname, modulename, minversion='0.0.0'):
'''check if a python module is available on the system and
has the specified minimum version.
if conf.LIB_MUST_BE_BUNDLED(libname):
return False
# see if the library should only use a system version if another dependent
# system version is found. That prevents possible use of mixed library
# versions
minversion = minimum_library_version(conf, libname, minversion)
m = __import__(modulename)
except ImportError:
found = False
version = m.__version__
except AttributeError:
found = False
found = tuplize_version(version) >= tuplize_version(minversion)
if not found and not conf.LIB_MAY_BE_BUNDLED(libname):
Logs.error('ERROR: Python module %s of version %s not found, and bundling disabled' % (libname, minversion))
return found
def NONSHARED_BINARY(bld, name):
'''return True if a binary should be built without non-system shared libs'''
return target_in_list(name, bld.env.NONSHARED_BINARIES, False)
# functions for handling cross-compilation
import os, sys, re, shlex
from waflib import Utils, Logs, Options, Errors, Context
from waflib.Configure import conf
from wafsamba import samba_utils
real_Popen = None
ANSWER_UNKNOWN = (254, "")
ANSWER_NO = (1, "")
ANSWER_OK = (0, "")
cross_answers_incomplete = False
def add_answer(ca_file, msg, answer):
'''add an answer to a set of cross answers'''
f = open(ca_file, 'a')
Logs.error("Unable to open cross-answers file %s" % ca_file)
(retcode, retstring) = answer
# if retstring is more than one line then we probably
# don't care about its actual content (the tests should
# yield one-line output in order to comply with the cross-answer
# format)
retstring = retstring.strip()
if len(retstring.split('\n')) > 1:
retstring = ''
answer = (retcode, retstring)
if answer == ANSWER_OK:
f.write('%s: OK\n' % msg)
elif answer == ANSWER_UNKNOWN:
f.write('%s: UNKNOWN\n' % msg)
elif answer == ANSWER_NO:
f.write('%s: NO\n' % msg)
if retcode == 0:
f.write('%s: "%s"\n' % (msg, retstring))
f.write('%s: (%d, "%s")\n' % (msg, retcode, retstring))
def cross_answer(ca_file, msg):
'''return a (retcode,retstring) tuple from a answers file'''
f = open(ca_file, 'r')
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line == '' or line[0] == '#':
if line.find(':') != -1:
a = line.split(':', 1)
thismsg = a[0].strip()
if thismsg != msg:
ans = a[1].strip()
if ans == "OK" or ans == "YES":
return ANSWER_OK
elif ans == "UNKNOWN":
elif ans == "FAIL" or ans == "NO":
return ANSWER_NO
elif ans[0] == '"':
return (0, ans.strip('"'))
elif ans[0] == "'":
return (0, ans.strip("'"))
m = re.match('\(\s*(-?\d+)\s*,\s*\"(.*)\"\s*\)', ans)
if m:
return (int(m.group(1)), m.group(2))
raise Errors.WafError("Bad answer format '%s' in %s" % (line, ca_file))
class cross_Popen(Utils.subprocess.Popen):
'''cross-compilation wrapper for Popen'''
def __init__(*k, **kw):
(obj, args) = k
use_answers = False
# Three possibilities:
# 1. Only cross-answers - try the cross-answers file, and if
# there's no corresponding answer, add to the file and mark
# the configure process as unfinished.
# 2. Only cross-execute - get the answer from cross-execute
# 3. Both - try the cross-answers file, and if there is no
# corresponding answer - use cross-execute to get an answer,
# and add that answer to the file.
if '--cross-answers' in args:
# when --cross-answers is set, then change the arguments
# to use the cross answers if available
use_answers = True
i = args.index('--cross-answers')
ca_file = args[i+1]
msg = args[i+2]
ans = cross_answer(ca_file, msg)
if '--cross-execute' in args and ans == ANSWER_UNKNOWN:
# when --cross-execute is set, then change the arguments
# to use the cross emulator
i = args.index('--cross-execute')
newargs = shlex.split(args[i+1])
if use_answers:
p = real_Popen(newargs,
env=kw.get('env', {}))
ce_out, ce_err = p.communicate()
ans = (p.returncode, samba_utils.get_string(ce_out))
add_answer(ca_file, msg, ans)
args = newargs
if use_answers:
global cross_answers_incomplete
cross_answers_incomplete = True
add_answer(ca_file, msg, ans)
(retcode, retstring) = ans
args = ['/bin/sh', '-c', "echo -n '%s'; exit %d" % (retstring, retcode)]
real_Popen.__init__(*(obj, args), **kw)
def SAMBA_CROSS_ARGS(conf, msg=None):
'''get test_args to pass when running cross compiled binaries'''
if not conf.env.CROSS_COMPILE:
return []
global real_Popen
if real_Popen is None:
real_Popen = Utils.subprocess.Popen
Utils.subprocess.Popen = cross_Popen
Utils.run_process = Utils.run_regular_process
Utils.get_process = Utils.alloc_process_pool = Utils.nada
ret = []
if conf.env.CROSS_EXECUTE:
ret.extend(['--cross-execute', conf.env.CROSS_EXECUTE])
if conf.env.CROSS_ANSWERS:
if msg is None:
raise Errors.WafError("Cannot have NULL msg in cross-answers")
ret.extend(['--cross-answers', os.path.join(Context.launch_dir, conf.env.CROSS_ANSWERS), msg])
if ret == []:
raise Errors.WafError("Cannot cross-compile without either --cross-execute or --cross-answers")
return ret
'''check if we have some unanswered questions'''
global cross_answers_incomplete
if conf.env.CROSS_COMPILE and cross_answers_incomplete:
raise Errors.WafError("Cross answers file %s is incomplete" % conf.env.CROSS_ANSWERS)
return True
# Run the waf duplicate symbol check, wrapped in subunit.
. testprogs/blackbox/subunit.sh
subunit_start_test duplicate_symbols
if $PYTHON ./buildtools/bin/waf build --dup-symbol-check; then
subunit_pass_test duplicate_symbols
echo | subunit_fail_test duplicate_symbols
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