yaml-cpp Build Status Documentation

    yaml-cpp is a YAML parser and emitter in C++ matching the YAML 1.2 spec.

    To get a feel for how it can be used, see the Tutorial or How to Emit YAML. For the old API (version < 0.5.0), see How To Parse A Document.


    If you find a bug, post an issue! If you have questions about how to use yaml-cpp, please post it on and tag it yaml-cpp.

    How to Build

    yaml-cpp uses CMake to support cross-platform building. The basic steps to build are:

    1. Download and install CMake (Resources -> Download).

    Note: If you don't use the provided installer for your platform, make sure that you add CMake's bin folder to your path.

    1. Navigate into the source directory, and type:
    mkdir build
    cd build
    1. Run CMake. The basic syntax is:
    cmake [-G generator] [-DYAML_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON|OFF] ..
    • The generator is whatever type of build system you'd like to use. To see a full list of generators on your platform, just run cmake (with no arguments). For example:

      • On Windows, you might use "Visual Studio 12 2013" to generate a Visual Studio 2013 solution or "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" to generate a 64-bit Visual Studio 2015 solution.
      • On OS X, you might use "Xcode" to generate an Xcode project
      • On a UNIX-y system, simply omit the option to generate a makefile
    • yaml-cpp defaults to building a static library, but you may build a shared library by specifying -DYAML_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON.

    • For more options on customizing the build, see the CMakeLists.txt file.

    1. Build it!

    2. To clean up, just remove the build directory.

    Recent Release

    yaml-cpp 0.6.0 has been released! This release requires C++11, and no longer depends on Boost.

    yaml-cpp 0.3.0 is still available if you want the old API.

    The old API will continue to be supported, and will still receive bugfixes! The 0.3.x and 0.4.x versions will be old API releases, and 0.5.x and above will all be new API releases.

    API Documentation

    The autogenerated API reference is hosted on CodeDocs

    Third Party Integrations

    The following projects are not officially supported:


    YAML(/ˈjæməl/,尾音类似camel骆驼)是一个可读性高,用来表达数据序列化的格式。YAML参考了其他多种语言,包括:C语言、Python、Perl,并从XML、电子邮件的数据格式(RFC 2822)中获得灵感。Clark Evans在2001年首次发表了这种语言,另外Ingy döt Net与Oren Ben-Kiki也是这语言的共同设计者。当前已经有数种编程语言或脚本语言支持(或者说解析)这种语言。



    贡献者 1

    XuanDai @xuan_xuan_2


    • C++ 85.6 %
    • Python 11.0 %
    • C 1.1 %
    • CMake 1.0 %
    • Shell 0.8 %