提交 0759f77b 编写于 作者: D Dirk Baeumer

Fixes #40228: code --status doesn't work if your shell is PowerShell

上级 20f07c7e
...@@ -140,10 +140,10 @@ export function listProcesses(rootPid: number): Promise<ProcessItem> { ...@@ -140,10 +140,10 @@ export function listProcesses(rootPid: number): Promise<ProcessItem> {
} }
}; };
const execMain = path.basename(process.execPath).replace(/ /g, '` '); const execMain = path.basename(process.execPath);
const script = URI.parse(require.toUrl('vs/base/node/ps-win.ps1')).fsPath.replace(/ /g, '` '); const script = URI.parse(require.toUrl('vs/base/node/ps-win.ps1')).fsPath;
const commandLine = `${script} -ProcessName ${execMain} -MaxSamples 3`; const commandLine = `& {& '${script}' -ProcessName '${execMain}' -MaxSamples 3}`;
const cmd = spawn('powershell.exe', ['-ExecutionPolicy', 'Bypass', '-Command', commandLine]); const cmd = spawn('powershell.exe', ['-NoProfile', '-ExecutionPolicy', 'Bypass', '-Command', commandLine]);
let stdout = ''; let stdout = '';
let stderr = ''; let stderr = '';
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