提交 48b726e3 编写于 作者: M Matt Bierner

Fix regex

Star was mistakenly removed in last commit
上级 5f6acfb6
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ export function templateToSnippet(template: string): vscode.SnippetString {
template = template.replace(/\$/g, '\\$');
template = template.replace(/^[ \t]*(?=(\/|[ ]\*))/gm, '');
template = template.replace(/^(\/\*\*\s*\*[ ]*)$/m, (x) => x + `\$0`);
template = template.replace(/\* @param([ ]\{\S+\})?\s+(\S+)[ \t]$/gm, (_param, type, post) => {
template = template.replace(/\* @param([ ]\{\S+\})?\s+(\S+)[ \t]*$/gm, (_param, type, post) => {
let out = '* @param ';
if (type === ' {any}' || type === ' {*}') {
out += `{\$\{${snippetIndex++}:*\}} `;
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