提交 901ddc97 编写于 作者: EvanOne(文一)'s avatar EvanOne(文一)

docs: Fix broken links

上级 563717e3
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ $ git pull
## :handshake: 贡献
在提出 Pull request 之前,请务必先阅读[贡献指南](https://liuyib.github.io/hexo-theme-stun/zh-CN/contribute/)
在提出 Pull request 之前,请务必先阅读[贡献指南](https://liuyib.github.io/hexo-theme-stun/zh-CN/contribute/contribute.html)
感谢所有为 «Stun» 做出贡献的人!
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ If you have problems, please read [documentation](https://liuyib.github.io/hexo-
## :handshake: Contribution
Please make sure to read the [Contributing Guide](https://liuyib.github.io/hexo-theme-stun/contribute/) before making a pull request.
Please make sure to read the [Contributing Guide](https://liuyib.github.io/hexo-theme-stun/contribute/contribute.html) before making a pull request.
Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to «Stun»!
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ module.exports = {
text: 'Contribute',
link: '/contribute/',
link: '/contribute/contribute',
Markdown is supported
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