stun logo

A beautiful & simple theme for Hexo

Commitizen friendly GitHub hexo GitHub release

[English]( | [中文简体]( ## Demo - [liuyib`s Blog]( If you are using the stun theme and would like it to be shown here, you can fill in your website link by [PR]( ## Installation - Install stun Enter your hexo directory, run this. ``` bash git clone themes/stun ``` - Install pug and stylus If you don't have pug and stylus renderer, run this (If you`re not sure, just do it). ``` bash npm install --save-dev hexo-render-pug hexo-renderer-stylus ``` ## How to use Modify the `_config.yml` file in your hexo root directory. ``` yml theme: stun ``` ## Update ``` bash cd themes/stun git pull ``` ## Configuration Please see: []( ## Browser Support IE >= 10 ## License [MIT](