# Contribution

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Hi! I'm really excited that you are interested in contributing to «Stun». Before submitting your contribution, please make sure to take a moment and read through the following guidelines:

# Pull Request Guidelines

The master branch is just a snapshot of the latest stable release. All development should be done in dedicated branches. Do not submit PRs against the master branch.

  • Fork the repository to your Github and clone it.
  • Switch to a new branch (e.g. patch-1) to develop.
  • Submit changes locally (If you modified source code, please run npm run lint:fix).
  • Push the commit to the repository of fork.
  • Create a Pull request to the dev branch of the Stun theme repository.

# Development Setup

You need to install Node.js and npm.

After cloning the repo, run:

$ npm install

# Commit Messages Rules

We agree on the format of Git commit information, and each commit information is composed of type + subject, which will improve the readability of the project log.

  • type Describes the meaning of this submission, all lowercase, including only the following types:
    • feat: A new feature
    • fix: A bug fix
    • refactor: A code change that neither adds a feature nor fixes a bug
    • docs: Documentation only changes
    • style: Code format changes (white-space, indentation, line breaks, semicolons, etc.)
    • test: Code test correlation
    • chore: Changes to basic build tools or dependent libraries (no source code involved)
    • revert: Revert some existing commits
  • subject contains a succinct description of the change, like Update quick start in readme.md
    • No dot (.) at the end
    • Use the imperative, present tense ("change" not "changed" nor "changes")

# Contributors

Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to «Stun»!