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A beautiful & simple theme for Hexo

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hexo GitHub release Gitter

Language: [English]( | [中文简体]( ## :sparkles: Demo - [Liuyib's Blog]( - [弥枳's Blog]( - [轻尘's Blog]( - [impressionyang's Blog]( - [峡州仙士之页]( - [Cheeks's Blog]( - [lingan1996's Blog]( - [MikyMing's Blog]( If you plan to use «Stun» theme for a long time and want to show it here, you just need to modify the [README_en-US]( to fill in your website and submit PR. ## :crystal_ball: Feature - Simple & Fast & Easy to Use & **Highly Customizable** - Responsive design - [Secondary navigation menu](二级导航菜单) - Support [image lazy loading](图片懒加载) - Support [Pjax]( - Support [PWA]( - Support [Fancybox]( - Support [Quicklink]( - Support [MathJax](、[KaTex]( - Support [Gitalk](、[Valine](、[Livere](、[Disqus](、[Utterances]( comments - [Album page]( of waterfall streaming - Built-in [Google ads]( - Multiple code [highlighting themes](代码高亮) - Beautiful [background effects]( - Detailed [documentation]( ## :package: Install - Install `Stun` Enter your hexo directory, run this: ```bash $ git clone themes/stun ``` - Install dependency `hexo-renderer-pug` Enter your hexo directory, run this: ```bash $ npm install --save hexo-renderer-pug ``` ## :hammer: Usage Change the `_config.yml` file in your hexo root directory: ```yml theme: stun ``` Run your hexo server: ```bash $ hexo clean && hexo s ``` ## :art: Update ```bash $ cd themes/stun $ git pull ``` ## :page_facing_up: Documentation Please see: []( ## :question: Question If you have problems, please read [documentation]( firstly, or check [FAQ]( You can open an `issue` when the above methods can't help you :hugs:. ## :handshake: Contribution Please make sure to read the [Contributing Guide]( before making a pull request. Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to «Stun»! ## :computer: Browser Support | IE
IE | Edge
Edge | Firefox
Firefox | Chrome
Chrome | Safari
Safari | Opera
Opera | | :---: | :---: | :---: |:---: | :---: | :---: | | Not Supported | 12+ | 41+ | 45+ | 10+ | 32+ | ## :page_with_curl: License [MIT]( Copyright (c) 2019 liuyib