提交 2eb807b0 编写于 作者: N nzomkxia

change package name

上级 ecdb41f2
......@@ -209,11 +209,11 @@ and license terms. Your use of these submodules is subject to the terms and
conditions of the following licenses.
For dubbo-admin-frontend/static/fonts
For dubbo-admin-ui/static/fonts
This product bundles files from google fonts roboto which is licensed under the Apache License v2
For details, see https://github.com/google/fonts/tree/master/apache/roboto
For dubbo-admin-frontend/static/OpenSans.css
For dubbo-admin-ui/static/OpenSans.css
This product bundles files from google material design icons which is licensed under the Apache License v2
For details, see https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/2.2.0/LICENSE
......@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
### Service Governance
service governance follows the version of Dubbo 2.7, and compatible for Dubbo 2.6, please refer to [here](https://github.com/apache/incubator-dubbo-ops/wiki/The-compatibility-of-service-governance)
### Frontend
### admin UI
- [Vue.js](https://vuejs.org) and [Vuetify](https://vuetifyjs.com)
- [dubbo-admin-frontend/README.md](dubbo-admin-frontend/README.md) for more detail
- [dubbo-admin-ui/README.md](dubbo-admin-ui/README.md) for more detail
### Backend
### admin Server
* Standard spring boot project
* [configurations in application.properties](https://github.com/apache/incubator-dubbo-ops/wiki/Dubbo-Admin-configuration)
......@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ service governance follows the version of Dubbo 2.7, and compatible for Dubbo 2.
2. Specify registry address in `dubbo-admin-server/src/main/resources/application-production.properties`
3. Build
> - `mvn clean package`
> - `mvn clean package`
**NOTICE** if a failure like `Cannot find module /xxxx/incubator-dubbo-ops/dubbo-admin-ui/node/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js`, please run `npm uninstall v9.11.1` first, and repeat this step
4. Start
* `mvn --projects dubbo-admin-server spring-boot:run`
......@@ -41,14 +42,14 @@ service governance follows the version of Dubbo 2.7, and compatible for Dubbo 2.
### Development Setup
* Run backend project
* Run admin server project
backend is a standard spring boot project, you can run it in any java IDE
* Run frontend project
* Run admin ui project
run with `npm run dev`.
* visit web page
visit `http://localhost:8081`, frontend supports hot reload.
* CORS problem
for the convenience of development, we deploy frontend and backend separately, so the frontend supports hot reload. In this mode, frontend will request `localhost:8080` to fetch data, this will cause a CORS problem, so we add a configuration in `dubbo-admin-frontend/config/index.js` to support CORS. This config will be activated under `npm run dev` mode.
for the convenience of development, we deploy ui and server separately, so the frontend supports hot reload. In this mode, frontend will request `localhost:8080` to fetch data, this will cause a CORS problem, so we add a configuration in `dubbo-admin-ui/config/index.js` to support CORS. This config will be activated under `npm run dev` mode.
### Swagger support
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
### 前端部分
- 使用[Vue.js](https://vuejs.org)作为javascript框架,[Vuetify](https://vuetifyjs.com)作为UI框架
- [dubbo-admin-frontend/README.md](dubbo-admin-frontend/README.md)中有更详细的介绍
- [dubbo-admin-ui/README.md](dubbo-admin-ui/README.md)中有更详细的介绍
### 后端部分
......@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
3. 构建
> - `mvn clean package`
> - `mvn clean package`
**注意** 如果出现 `Cannot find module '/xxx/incubator-dubbo-ops/dubbo-admin-ui/node/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js`,请先执行`npm uninstall v9.11.1`, 再执行本步骤
4. 启动
* `mvn --projects dubbo-admin-server spring-boot:run`
......@@ -41,14 +42,14 @@
### 开发环境配置
* 运行`dubbo admin backend`
`dubbo admin backend`是一个标准的spring boot项目, 可以在任何java IDE中运行它
* 运行`dubbo admin frontend`
`dubbo admin frontend`由npm管理和构建,在开发环境中,可以单独运行: `npm run dev`
* 运行`dubbo admin server`
`dubbo admin server`是一个标准的spring boot项目, 可以在任何java IDE中运行它
* 运行`dubbo admin ui`
`dubbo admin ui`由npm管理和构建,在开发环境中,可以单独运行: `npm run dev`
* 页面访问
访问 `http://localhost:8081`, 由于前后端分开部署,前端支持热加载,任何页面的修改都可以实时反馈,不需要重启应用。
* 跨域问题
为了方便开发,我们提供了这种前后端分离的部署模式,主要的好处是支持前端热部署,在这种模式下,前端会通过8080端口访问后端的restful api接口,获取数据, 这将导致跨域访问的问题。因此我们在`dubbo-admin-frontend/config/index.js`添加了支持跨域访问的配置,当前端通过`npm run dev`单独启动时,这些配置将被激活,允许跨域访问
为了方便开发,我们提供了这种前后端分离的部署模式,主要的好处是支持前端热部署,在这种模式下,前端会通过8080端口访问后端的restful api接口,获取数据, 这将导致跨域访问的问题。因此我们在`dubbo-admin-ui/config/index.js`添加了支持跨域访问的配置,当前端通过`npm run dev`单独启动时,这些配置将被激活,允许跨域访问
### Swagger 支持
# dubbo-admin-frontend
# dubbo-admin-ui
> dubbo ops frontend based on vuetify
> dubbo admin ui based on vuetify
> standard front end project
## Build Setup
"name": "dubbo-admin-frontend",
"name": "dubbo-admin-ui",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "A Vue.js project",
"author": "apache incubator dubbo",
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