提交 7e7b2c44 编写于 作者: N nzomkxia

update readme

上级 82ea140f
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ service governance follows the version of Dubbo 2.7, and compatible for Dubbo 2.
4. Start
* `mvn --projects dubbo-admin-server spring-boot:run`
* `cd dubbo-admin-server/target`; `java -jar dubbo-admin-server-0.1.jar`
* `cd dubbo-admin-distribution/target`; `java -jar dubbo-admin-0.1.jar`
5. Visit `http://localhost:8080`
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
4. 启动
* `mvn --projects dubbo-admin-server spring-boot:run`
* `cd dubbo-admin-server/target; java -jar dubbo-admin-server-0.1.jar`
* `cd dubbo-admin-distribution/target; java -jar dubbo-admin-0.1.jar`
5. 访问 `http://localhost:8080`
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