提交 5bfb99a7 编写于 作者: M Micha Kiener

SPR-6423, fixing bug while adding new nested conversation

上级 19daba5b
......@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ public class ConversationManagerImpl implements ConversationManager {
// nest the new conversation to the current one, if available and
// set the current one as the parent of the new one
if (joinMode.mustBeNested()) {
newConversation.setParentConversation(currentConversation, joinMode.mustBeIsolated());
currentConversation.addChildConversation(newConversation, joinMode.mustBeIsolated());
currentConversation.deactivated(joinMode.mustBeIsolated() ? ConversationDeactivationType.NEW_ISOLATED
: ConversationDeactivationType.NEW_NESTED, newConversation);
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