提交 c2e7b634 编写于 作者: A Arjen Poutsma


上级 e75556bc
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public class SynchronossPartHttpMessageReaderTests {
public void gh23768() throws IOException {
ReadableByteChannel channel = new ClassPathResource("invalid.multipart", getClass()).readableChannel();
Flux<DataBuffer> body = DataBufferUtils.readByteChannel(() -> channel, this.bufferFactory, 1024);
Flux<DataBuffer> body = DataBufferUtils.readByteChannel(() -> channel, new DefaultDataBufferFactory(), 1024);
MediaType contentType = new MediaType("multipart", "form-data",
singletonMap("boundary", "NbjrKgjbsaMLdnMxMfDpD6myWomYc0qNX0w"));
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ public class SynchronossPartHttpMessageReaderTests {
Mono<MultiValueMap<String, Part>> parts = this.reader.readMono(PARTS_ELEMENT_TYPE, request, emptyMap());
.assertNext(result -> assertThat(result).isEmpty())
.assertNext(result -> assertTrue(result.isEmpty()))
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