提交 c286f15d 编写于 作者: N Nicolargo

Add auto deployment through Travis: on tag on master branch

上级 a0b05348
language: python language: python
python: python:
- "2.7" - '2.7'
- "3.3" - '3.3'
- "3.4" - '3.4'
- "3.5" - '3.5'
- "3.6" - '3.6'
- "pypy" - pypy
install: install:
- pip install -U pip setuptools - pip install -U pip setuptools
- pip install -r requirements.txt - pip install -r requirements.txt
- pip install coveralls - pip install coveralls
script: script:
- python setup.py install - python setup.py install
- coverage run --source=glances unitest.py - coverage run --source=glances unitest.py
after_success: after_success:
- coveralls - coveralls
provider: pypi
user: nicolargo
secure: Fms23jiiKKq6qJMsZYrmBz5mC753VGrjCxzVrsioENfH3KaFf6kUc9fTYntaLvjLPTNBkU3R2IORfVOikJKmNWqWVZOdJ/nq8zPl6o9MgdNcX7qWTvY8Fi9MW7tIZHrehhm0LvWFVq8ZSc8iYzw3/741lvBh8vpJZSQs3sq/1QI=
tags: true
branch: master
distributions: sdist bdist_wheel
repo: nicolargo/glances
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