.. _actions: Actions ======= Glances can trigger actions on events. By ``action``, we mean all shell command line. For example, if you want to execute the ``foo.py`` script if the last 5 minutes load are critical then add the ``_action`` line to the Glances configuration file: .. code-block:: ini [load] critical=5.0 critical_action=python /path/to/foo.py All the stats are available in the command line through the use of the `{{mustache}}`_ syntax. Another example would be to create a log file containing used vs total disk space if a space trigger warning is reached: .. code-block:: ini [fs] warning=70 warning_action=echo {{mnt_point}} {{used}}/{{size}} > /tmp/fs.alert .. note:: You can use all the stats for the current plugin. See https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/wiki/The-Glances-2.x-API-How-to for the stats list. .. _{{mustache}}: https://mustache.github.io/