• C
    Add fastdeploy server and client component (#1169) · a418dd44
    chenjian 提交于
    * add backend support for fastdeploy server
    * fix
    * add code
    * fix
    * fix
    * add fastdeploy server component
    * add fastdeploy server and client
    * add exception description
    * fix
    * add model repository judgement
    * add component tab for fastdeploy client
    * update more tasks in fastdeploy client
    * sort filenames
    * backup config
    * noqa for autogenerated file
    * add data validation
    * add __init__ for package
    * add calculating layout for frontend
    * add alive server detection and optimize client
    * add alive server detection and optimize client
    * add alive server detection and optimize client
    * add metrics in gradio client
    * update presentation
    * Change return value to None for frontend performance data when server not ready
    * add get_server_config and download_pretrain_model api
    * add get_server_config and download_pretrain_model api
    * add unit for metric table
    * add unit for metric table
    * fix a bug
    * add judgement pretrained model download
    * add judgement pretrained model download
    * add version info for frontend
    * rename download model
    * fix a bug
    * add fastdeploy model list
    * optimize for choose configuration files
    * modify according to frontend need
    * fix name in config to model name
    * optimize for server list and alive judgement
    * keep server name as string type
    * optimize process judgement logic
    * optimize for deleting resource files
    * add rename resource file
    * fix
    * fix a bug
    * optimize code structure
    * optimize code structure
    * remove chinese tips and remove fastdeploy-python in requirements
api.py 18.0 KB