提交 41c41789 编写于 作者: F fatedier

plugin: socks5 support user password auth, close #484

上级 68dfc89b
......@@ -142,9 +142,16 @@ plugin = http_proxy
plugin_http_user = abc
plugin_http_passwd = abc
type = tcp
remote_port = 6005
plugin = socks5
plugin_user = abc
plugin_passwd = abc
type = tcp
remote_port = 6006
plugin = static_file
plugin_local_path = /var/www/blog
plugin_strip_prefix = static
......@@ -32,13 +32,23 @@ func init() {
type Socks5Plugin struct {
Server *gosocks5.Server
user string
passwd string
func NewSocks5Plugin(params map[string]string) (p Plugin, err error) {
sp := &Socks5Plugin{}
sp.Server, err = gosocks5.New(&gosocks5.Config{
user := params["plugin_user"]
passwd := params["plugin_passwd"]
cfg := &gosocks5.Config{
Logger: log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", log.LstdFlags),
if user != "" || passwd != "" {
cfg.Credentials = gosocks5.StaticCredentials(map[string]string{user: passwd})
sp := &Socks5Plugin{}
sp.Server, err = gosocks5.New(cfg)
p = sp
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