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* @Description: 顺序循环队列
* @Author: 大熊人
* @LastEditTime: 2020-11-08 18:27:54
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "includes/SeqQueue.h"
* @description: 初始化顺序循环队列
* @param {struct *}Q
* @return {int}
int InitQueue(SeqQueue *Q)
Q->base = (QUEUE_DATA_TYPE *)malloc(sizeof(QUEUE_DATA_TYPE) * MAXSIZE);
if (Q->base == NULL)
return FALSE; //申请内存空失败
Q->front = 0;
Q->rear = 0;
return TRUE;
* @description: 判断队列是否为空
* @param {struct *}Q
* @return {int}
int IsEmpty(SeqQueue *Q)
if (QueueLength(Q) == 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* @description: 判断队列是否满
* @param {struct *}Q
* @return {int}
int IsFull(SeqQueue *Q)
if (QueueLength(Q) > 0 && Q->front == Q->rear)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* @description: 入列
* @param {struct *}Q
* @param {QUEUE_DATA_TYPE *}X
* @return {int}
int EnQueue(SeqQueue *Q, QUEUE_DATA_TYPE X)
if (IsFull(Q) == TRUE)
return FALSE; //队列满
Q->base[Q->rear] = X;
Q->rear = (Q->rear + 1) % MAXSIZE; //在MAXSIZE范围内指针后移
return TRUE;
* @description: 出列
* @param {struct *}Q
* @param {QUEUE_DATA_TYPE *}X
* @return {int}
int DeQueue(SeqQueue *Q, QUEUE_DATA_TYPE *X)
if (IsEmpty(Q) == TRUE)
return FALSE; //队列空
*X = Q->base[Q->front];
Q->front = (Q->front + 1) % MAXSIZE; //在MAXSIZE范围内指针后移
return TRUE;
* @description: 获取队头元素
* @param {struct *}Q
* @return {int}
int GetFront(SeqQueue *Q, QUEUE_DATA_TYPE *X)
if (IsEmpty(Q) == TRUE)
return FALSE;
*X = Q->base[Q->front];
return TRUE;
* @description: 获取队列长度
* @param {struct}Q
* @return {int}
int QueueLength(SeqQueue *Q)
return (Q->rear - Q->front + MAXSIZE) % MAXSIZE;
* @description: 测试顺序循环队列
void TestSeqQueue()
SeqQueue Q;
if (InitQueue(&Q))
printf("EnQueue:1 %s\n", EnQueue(&Q, 1) ? "TURE" : "FALSE");
printf("EnQueue:2 %s\n", EnQueue(&Q, 2) ? "TURE" : "FALSE");
printf("EnQueue:3 %s\n", EnQueue(&Q, 3) ? "TURE" : "FALSE");
printf("GetFront:%d %s\n", value, GetFront(&Q, &value) ? "TURE" : "FALSE");
while (DeQueue(&Q, &value))
printf("DeQueue:%d\n", value);
printf("GetFront: %s\n", GetFront(&Q, &value) ? "TURE" : "FALSE");
free(Q.base); //释放申请的内存空间
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* @Description: 顺序循环队列
* @Author: 大熊人
* @LastEditTime: 2020-11-08 18:28:38
#define QUEUE_DATA_TYPE int
#define MAXSIZE 10
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
/* 顺序循环队列结构体 */
typedef struct SeqQueue
int front; //头指针
int rear; //尾指针
} SeqQueue;
int InitQueue(SeqQueue *Q);
int IsEmpty(SeqQueue *Q);
int IsFull(SeqQueue *Q);
int EnQueue(SeqQueue *Q, QUEUE_DATA_TYPE X);
int DeQueue(SeqQueue *Q, QUEUE_DATA_TYPE *X);
int GetFront(SeqQueue *Q, QUEUE_DATA_TYPE *X);
int QueueLength(SeqQueue *Q);
void TestSeqQueue();
\ No newline at end of file
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