未验证 提交 50779ea1 编写于 作者: K Kerwin 提交者: GitHub

[Bug-12963] [Master] Fix dependent task node null pointer exception (#12965)

* Fix that there are both manual and scheduled workflow instances in dependent nodes, and one of them will report a null pointer exception during execution.
上级 31021730
......@@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ public class DependentExecute {
return lastManualProcess;
return (lastManualProcess.getEndTime().after(lastSchedulerProcess.getEndTime())) ? lastManualProcess
: lastSchedulerProcess;
// In the time range, there are both manual and scheduled workflow instances, return the last workflow instance
return lastManualProcess.getId() > lastSchedulerProcess.getId() ? lastManualProcess : lastSchedulerProcess;
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