提交 e256afac 编写于 作者: I ihse

8237879: make 4.3 breaks build

Reviewed-by: erikj, tbell
上级 a96304ee
......@@ -1036,15 +1036,16 @@ DependOnVariableFileName = \
# Param 2 - (optional) name of file to store value in
DependOnVariableHelper = \
$(strip \
$(eval -include $(call DependOnVariableFileName, $1, $2)) \
$(eval $1_filename := $(call DependOnVariableFileName, $1, $2)) \
$(if $(wildcard $($1_filename)), $(eval include $($1_filename))) \
$(if $(call equals, $(strip $($1)), $(strip $($1_old))),,\
$(call MakeDir, $(dir $(call DependOnVariableFileName, $1, $2))) \
$(call MakeDir, $(dir $($1_filename))) \
$(if $(findstring $(LOG_LEVEL), trace), \
$(info NewVariable $1: >$(strip $($1))<) \
$(info OldVariable $1: >$(strip $($1_old))<)) \
$(call WriteFile, $1_old:=$(call DoubleDollar,$(call EscapeHash,$($1))), \
$(call DependOnVariableFileName, $1, $2))) \
$(call DependOnVariableFileName, $1, $2) \
$($1_filename))) \
$($1_filename) \
# Main macro
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