提交 2c3b5889 编写于 作者: aaronchen2k2k's avatar aaronchen2k2k

only support range like 0-9, a-z in []

上级 7d3bf127
......@@ -5,237 +5,237 @@ version: 1.0
# - field: test1
# - field: letters
# from: base.name.letters.v1.yaml
# use: letters
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test2
# - field: numbers
# from: base.name.numbers.v1.yaml
# use: numbers
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test3
# - field: given
# from: name.en.given.v1
# select: name
# where: "`index`='b'"
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test4
# - field: family
# from: name.en.family.v1
# select: name
# where: "`index`='c'"
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test5
# - field: enreal
# from: base.name.enreal.v1.yaml
# use: common
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]\t"
# - field: test6
# - field: enreal_male
# from: base.name.enreal.v1.yaml
# use: male_common
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]\t"
# - field: test7
# - field: enreal_female
# from: base.name.enreal.v1.yaml
# use: female_with_middle
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]\t"
# - field: test8
# - field: cnreal
# from: base.name.cnreal.v1.yaml
# use: two
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]\t"
# - field: test9
# - field: cnreal_male
# from: base.name.cnreal.v1.yaml
# use: male_three
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]\t"
# - field: test10
# - field: cnreal_female
# from: base.name.cnreal.v1.yaml
# use: female_four
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]\t"
# - field: test10
# - field: enaccount_common
# from: base.name.enaccount.v1.yaml
# use: common
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]\t"
# - field: test11
# - field: enaccount_underline
# from: base.name.enaccount.v1.yaml
# use: common_underline
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]\t"
# - field: test12
# - field: enaccount_dot
# from: base.name.enaccount.v1.yaml
# use: common_dot
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]\t"
# - field: test13
# - field: enaccount_reverse
# from: base.name.enaccount.v1.yaml
# use: reverse
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]\t"
# - field: test14
# - field: cnaccount_common
# from: base.name.cnaccount.v1.yaml
# use: common
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]\t"
# - field: test15
# - field: cnaccount_underline
# from: base.name.cnaccount.v1.yaml
# use: common_underline
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]\t"
# - field: test16
# - field: cnaccount_dot
# from: base.name.cnaccount.v1.yaml
# use: common_dot
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]\t"
# - field: test17
# - field: cnaccount_reverse
# from: base.name.cnaccount.v1.yaml
# use: reverse
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]\t"
# - field: test18
# - field: cnaccount_family
# from: base.name.cnaccount.v1.yaml
# use: family
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]\t"
# - field: test19
# - field: cnaccount_given
# from: base.name.cnaccount.v1.yaml
# use: given
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]\t"
# domain
# - field: test20
# - field: one_number_at_common
# from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
# use: one_number_at_common
# prefix: ""
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test21
# - field: one_number_at_cn
# from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
# use: one_number_at_cn
# prefix: ""
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test22
# - field: one_number_at_new
# from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
# use: one_number_at_new
# prefix: ""
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test23
# - field: one_letter_at_common
# from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
# use: one_letter_at_common
# prefix: ""
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test24
# - field: one_letter_at_cn
# from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
# use: one_letter_at_cn
# prefix: ""
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test25
# - field: one_letter_at_new
# from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
# use: one_letter_at_new
# prefix: ""
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test26
# - field: numbers_at_common
# from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
# use: numbers_at_common
# prefix: ""
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test27
# - field: numbers_at_cn
# from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
# use: numbers_at_cn
# prefix: ""
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test28
# - field: numbers_at_new
# from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
# use: numbers_at_new
# prefix: ""
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test29
# - field: letters_at_common
# from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
# use: letters_at_common
# prefix: ""
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test30
# - field: letters_at_cn
# from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
# use: letters_at_cn
# prefix: ""
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test31
# - field: letters_at_new
# from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
# use: letters_at_new
# prefix: ""
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test32
# - field: mixed_at_common
# from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
# use: mixed_at_common
# prefix: ""
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test33
# - field: mixed_at_cn
# from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
# use: mixed_at_cn
# prefix: ""
# postfix: "\t"
# - field: test34
# - field: mixed_at_new
# from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
# use: mixed_at_new
# prefix: ""
# postfix: "\t"
- field: test35
- field: number_with_esp
from: base.email.email.v1.yaml
use: number_with_esp
prefix: ""
postfix: "\t"
- field: test36
- field: number_with_self
from: base.email.email.v1.yaml
use: number_with_self
prefix: ""
postfix: "\t"
- field: test37
- field: letter_with_esp
from: base.email.email.v1.yaml
use: letter_with_esp
prefix: ""
postfix: "\t"
- field: test38
- field: letter_with_self
from: base.email.email.v1.yaml
use: letter_with_self
prefix: ""
postfix: "\t"
- field: test39
- field: western_with_esp
from: base.email.email.v1.yaml
use: western_with_esp
prefix: ""
postfix: "\t"
- field: test40
- field: western_with_self
from: base.email.email.v1.yaml
use: western_with_self
prefix: ""
postfix: "\t"
- field: test41
- field: pinyin_with_esp
from: base.email.email.v1.yaml
use: pinyin_with_esp
prefix: ""
postfix: "\t"
- field: test42
- field: pinyin_with_self
from: base.email.email.v1.yaml
use: pinyin_with_self
prefix: ""
......@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ instances:
use: numbers
postfix: "."
- field: part2
from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
use: mixed_at_common
range: "qq.com"
- instance: number_with_self
note: 数字加自有域名
......@@ -36,8 +35,7 @@ instances:
select: letters
postfix: "."
- field: part2
from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
use: mixed_at_cn
range: "qq.com"
- instance: letter_with_self
note: 字母加自有域名
......@@ -59,8 +57,7 @@ instances:
select: en
postfix: "."
- field: part2
from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
use: mixed_at_new
range: "qq.com"
- instance: western_with_self
note: 单词加自有域名
......@@ -82,8 +79,7 @@ instances:
select: pinyin
postfix: "."
- field: part2
from: base.domain.domain.v1.yaml
use: mixed_at_common
range: "qq.com"
- instance: pinyin_with_self
note: 拼音加自有域名
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