提交 da503182 编写于 作者: aaronchen2k2k's avatar aaronchen2k2k

fix a issue caused by : in []

上级 21c11bc8
......@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ instances:
- instance: privateC
note: C类IP地址
prefix: 192.168.
# loop: 2
# loopfix: "-"
- field: part3
range: 0-254
......@@ -20,7 +18,6 @@ instances:
- instance: privateB
note: B类IP地址
prefix: 172.
# postfix: "\t"
- field: part2
range: 16-31
title: number
author: wwccss
author: zentao
version: 1.0
field: number
note: 数值类型数据
#prefix: "'"
#postfix: "'"
#loop: 2
#loopfix: "-"
note: 数字类型
small: 1-9
medium: 11-99
large: 10001-99999
small: 0-3
medium: 11-13
large: 101-103
......@@ -4,58 +4,57 @@ author: zentao
version: 1.0
- field: field0
note: 基本属性
range: abc*5,123,456
- field: field1
note: 字符区间步长、随机
range: a-f:R,0-9:2
loop: 3
loopfix: ","
prefix: "'"
postfix: "'"
prefix: "["
postfix: "] "
- field: field1
- field: field2
note: 单词、重复
range: [bug,task,story]:2{2},[testcase]{2}
postfix: " "
- field: field3
note: 引用同级目录中的yaml文件,取small和large两个分组的值
from: numb.yaml
use: small,large
# loop: 3
# loopfix: " "
# prefix: "["
# postfix: "]"
expect: 1,2,3,101,102...
use: large
postfix: " "
expect: 101,102,103...
- field: field2
- field: field4
note: 引用內置IP地址数据定义中的C类地址
from: system.ip.v1.yaml
use: privateC
prefix: "["
postfix: "]"
loop: 3
loopfix: " "
postfix: " "
expect: ...​
- field: field3
- field: field5
node: 检索、引用內置城市Excel中的数据
from: system.address.v1.city
select: name
where: state like '%山东%'
where: state like '%西藏%'
expect: 青岛、济南 ...​
- field: field4
- field: fieldA
node: 嵌套字段
- field: field4.1
- field: fieldA.1
type: list
range: 1-9
postfix: ". "
- field: field4.2
- field: fieldA.2
prefix: '['
postfix: ']'
loop: 2
loopfix: ","
- field: field4.2.1
- field: fieldA.2.1
type: list
range: X-Z
- field: field4.2.2
- field: fieldA.2.2
type: list
range: 1-9
loop: 2
......@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ type ResInsts struct {
type ResInst struct {
FieldBase `yaml:",inline"`
Instance string `yaml:"instance"`
Range string `yaml:"range"`
Fields []DefField `yaml:"fields,flow"`
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