提交 095e430e 编写于 作者: H happyhust 提交者: LINGuanRen

fixed #266 ob_election_group_id.cpp with misspelled word (#410)

上级 89b27014
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ int ObElectionGroupId::init(const ObAddr& server, const int64_t create_time)
int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
if (OB_INVALID_TIMESTAMP == create_time) {
ELECT_ASYNC_LOG(WARN, "invalid arguemnt", K(ret), K(server), K(create_time));
ELECT_ASYNC_LOG(WARN, "invalid argument", K(ret), K(server), K(create_time));
} else {
server_ = server;
create_time_ = create_time;
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