提交 5a661d1d 编写于 作者: J Joerg Jaspert


上级 daa20c56
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ Options: Name (R)
Package (O)
Master: (O)
Uploader: (O)
Auto-Update: (O)
Create a new bikeshed, based on given base-suite. It can initially
import one or more packages given by the Package option from the base
......@@ -93,29 +94,44 @@ apply. (eg., DMs need an ACL set for their package).
To limit uploads to the bikeshed, include a list of fingerprints using
this option.
Auto-Update: True or False. Automatically update packages imported
from the base suite, whenever they get updated in the base suite. This
may possibly break packages uploaded directly to the bikeshed.
Action: create-bs
Name: theoneandonly
Base-Suite: sid
Package: mailfilter
Auto-Update: True
Create theoneandonly bikeshed based on sid including the mailfilter
package from sid at time of creation. Uploads are allowed by anyone in
the uploading keyrings, whenever mailfilter is updated in sid it will
also be put into theoneandonly bikeshed automatically.
Action: create-bs
Name: thisisevenbetter
Name: ohthisisevenbetter
Base-Suite: rc-buggy
Package: mailfilter
Package: emacs24
Package: xz-utils
Package: openvpn
Master: 1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF
Master: 234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF1
Master: 234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF1
Uploader: ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF1234567890
Uploader: BCDEF1234567890ABCDEF1234567890A
Uploader: CDEF1234567890ABCDEF1234567890AB
Uploader: DEF1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABC
[2015-09-17 Thu 11:05]
Create the ohthisisevenbetter bikeshed, this time based on
experimental (rc-buggy) importing not only mailfiter but also 3 more
packages. Besides the uploader of the command file there are 2 more
masters allowed to maintain the bikeshed, and besides the masters
there are 4 additional fingerprints allowed to upload to this
bikeshed. None of the imported packages will be automagically updated
from an upload to the base suite.
** drop-bs
** modify-bs
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