提交 6a4ce615 编写于 作者: A Ansgar

dakweb: doc: `/binary/by_metadata` queries for source package's metadata

上级 5aa20b55
......@@ -39,13 +39,14 @@ QueryRegister().register_path('/metadata_keys', binary_metadata_keys)
def binary_by_metadata(key=None):
Finds all Debian binary packages which have the specified metadata set.
Finds all Debian binary packages which have the specified metadata set
in their correspondig source package.
E.g., to find out the Go import paths of all Debian Go packages, query
@type key: string
@param key: Metadata key to search for.
@param key: Metadata key of the source package to search for.
@rtype: dictionary
@return: A list of dictionaries of
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