提交 6dbbf2be 编写于 作者: J Joerg Jaspert

Add a bunch of (not-yet-working) commands for bikesheds

上级 f35b4e81
......@@ -82,6 +82,13 @@ class CommandFile(object):
'dm-remove': self.action_dm_remove,
'dm-migrate': self.action_dm_migrate,
'break-the-archive': self.action_break_the_archive,
'create-bs': self.action_create_bs, # create a bs
'drop-bs': self.action_drop_bs, # drop a bs
'modify-bs': self.action_modify_bs, # modify bs (breaks/depends)
'access-bs': self.action_access_bs, # modify access list
'add-bs': self.action_add_bs, # add a package from another suite
'rm-bs': self.action_rm_bs, # remove a package from a bs
'mergeback-bs': self.action_mergeback_bs, # merge contents back in base suite
func = commandactions.get(action, self.action_unknown_command)
func(self.fingerprint, section, session, action)
......@@ -326,3 +333,24 @@ class CommandFile(object):
name = uid.name.split()[0]
self.result.append("DAK9000: I'm sorry, {0}. I'm afraid I can't do that.".format(name))
def action_create_bs(self, fingerprint, section, session, action=None):
raise CommandError('Command {0} not implemented, what are you doing here?'.format(action))
def action_drop_bs(self, fingerprint, section, session, action=None):
raise CommandError('Command {0} not implemented, what are you doing here?'.format(action))
def action_modify_bs(self, fingerprint, section, session, action=None):
raise CommandError('Command {0} not implemented, what are you doing here?'.format(action))
def action_access_bs(self, fingerprint, section, session, action=None):
raise CommandError('Command {0} not implemented, what are you doing here?'.format(action))
def action_add_bs(self, fingerprint, section, session, action=None):
raise CommandError('Command {0} not implemented, what are you doing here?'.format(action))
def action_rm_bs(self, fingerprint, section, session, action=None):
raise CommandError('Command {0} not implemented, what are you doing here?'.format(action))
def action_mergeback_bs(self, fingerprint, section, session, action=None):
raise CommandError('Command {0} not implemented, what are you doing here?'.format(action))
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