提交 c70680d7 编写于 作者: J Joerg Jaspert

Update bikeshed commands

Signed-off-by: NJoerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>
上级 5dc19177
......@@ -83,15 +83,17 @@ class CommandFile(object):
'dm-remove': self.action_dm_remove,
'dm-migrate': self.action_dm_migrate,
'break-the-archive': self.action_break_the_archive,
'create-bs': self.action_create_bs, # create a bs
'drop-bs': self.action_drop_bs, # drop a bs
'modify-bs': self.action_modify_bs, # modify bs (breaks/depends)
'access-bs': self.action_access_bs, # modify access list
'add-bs': self.action_add_bs, # add a package from another suite
'rm-bs': self.action_rm_bs, # remove a package from a bs
'mergeback-bs': self.action_mergeback_bs, # merge contents back in base suite
'list-bs': self.action_list_bs, # list bs for fingerprint (where there is any access)
'info-bs': self.action_info_bs, # info about a specific bs
'bikeshed-create': self.action_create_bs, # create a bs
'bikeshed-drop': self.action_drop_bs, # drop a bs
'bikeshed-demolish': self.action_drop_bs, # drop a bs
'bikeshed-modify': self.action_modify_bs, # modify bs (breaks/depends)
'bikeshed-paint': self.action_modify_bs, # modify bs (breaks/depends)
'bikeshed-acl': self.action_acls_bs, # modify access list
'bikeshed-add': self.action_add_bs, # add a package from another suite
'bikeshed-rm': self.action_rm_bs, # remove a package from a bs
'bikeshed-mergeback': self.action_mergeback_bs, # merge contents back in base suite
'bikeshed-list': self.action_list_bs, # list bs for fingerprint (where there is any access)
'bikeshed-info': self.action_info_bs, # info about a specific bs
func = commandactions.get(action, self.action_unknown_command)
func(self.fingerprint, section, session, action)
......@@ -346,7 +348,7 @@ class CommandFile(object):
def action_modify_bs(self, fingerprint, section, session, action=None):
raise CommandError('Command {0} not implemented, what are you doing here?'.format(action))
def action_access_bs(self, fingerprint, section, session, action=None):
def action_acl_bs(self, fingerprint, section, session, action=None):
raise CommandError('Command {0} not implemented, what are you doing here?'.format(action))
def action_add_bs(self, fingerprint, section, session, action=None):
......@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ updated during dinstall. This file is machine-readable in the usual 822
format we here at Debian love so much, with stanzas like
[DMURL] https://ftp-master.debian.org/dm.txt
** create-bs
Options: Name (R)
** bikeshed-create
Options: Bikeshed (R)
Base-Suite (R)
Description (R)
Package (O)
......@@ -76,12 +76,13 @@ Create a new bikeshed, based on given base-suite. It can initially
import one or more packages given by the Package option from the base
Name: The name of the bikeshed, without any pre/postfix. bs- will be
added automatically, if the name conflicts with an existing bikeshed a
random string will be appended to it.
Bikeshed: The name of the bikeshed, must start with bs- abd otherwise
be unique.
Base-Suite: The name of the base suite. Must be the codename (wheezy,
jessie, ...)
Base-Suite: The name of the base suite. Can be the codename or alias
of a suite, but aliases (like unstable/testing) will be resolved at
creation time and the codename be used, bikesheds will not
automatically change during release time.
Description: A one-line description of the bikeshed.
......@@ -89,9 +90,9 @@ Package: A name of a source package to import from the base-suite.
Repeat as often as needed.
Master: The bikeshed will default to one master user (the uploader of
the commands file), this option can add as many more as wanted.
Master takes fingerprints as value. Note that any master can do
everything, including dropping a bikeshed.
the commands file), this option adds as many more as wanted. Master
takes fingerprints as value. Note that any master can do everything,
including demolishing a bikeshed.
Uploader: The bikeshed can allow uploads from a limited set of
people - or from everyone. If this option is not listed, then every DD
......@@ -119,8 +120,8 @@ architectures as the base suite. Otherwise list each architecture
needed in the bikeshed. (source and all are automatically added).
Action: create-bs
Name: theoneandonly
Action: bikeshed-create
Bikeshed: theoneandonly
Description: This is all you need, ever
Base-Suite: sid
Package: mailfilter
......@@ -134,8 +135,8 @@ the uploading keyrings, whenever mailfilter is updated in sid it will
also be put into theoneandonly bikeshed automatically.
Action: create-bs
Name: ohthisisevenbetter
Action: bikeshed-create
Bikeshed: ohthisisevenbetter
Description: But you may also want this as an addition
Base-Suite: rc-buggy
Package: mailfilter
......@@ -157,24 +158,30 @@ there are 4 additional fingerprints allowed to upload to this
bikeshed. None of the imported packages will be automagically updated
from an upload to the base suite.
** drop-bs
Options: Name (R)
** bikeshed-drop
Options: Bikeshed (R)
Drop a bikeshed. This is irreversible, be careful.
Any master of a bikeshed can do this.
** modify-bs
Options: Name (R)
** bikeshed-demolish
Alias for bikeshed-drop, see there for documentation.
** bikeshed-modify
Options: Bikeshed (R)
Description (O)
Breaks (O)
Depends (O)
Modify the description, breaks and depends settings of a bikeshed, see the
create-bs description for their meanings.
bikeshed-create description for their meanings.
** bikeshed-paint
Alias for bikeshed-modify, see there for documentation.
** access-bs
Options: Name (R)
** bikeshed-acl
Options: Bikeshed (R)
Master (O)
Uploader (O)
......@@ -184,21 +191,26 @@ full list has to be given. As a safety precaution to not fully loose
access to a bikeshed, the uploader of the commands file will be
included into the Master list, even if they are not listed anymore.
** add-bs
Options: Name (R)
** bikeshed-add
Options: Bikeshed (R)
Package (R)
Suite (O)
Add another package to the bikeshed.
Add another package from the bikesheds base-suite to the bikeshed.
The optional suite parameter changes the suite to import the package
from, if not given the base-suite will be used. This may be a suite
in the main archive, or any other bikeshed.
** rm-bs
Options: Name (R)
** bikeshed-rm
Options: Bikeshed (R)
Package (R)
Remove a package from the bikeshed. This can apply to packages
uploaded to the bikeshed and to packages imported from the base-suite.
** mergeback-bs
Options: Name (R)
** bikeshed-mergeback
Options: Bikeshed (R)
Package (O)
If the base-suite of a bikeshed supports the "mergeback" option, this
......@@ -210,16 +222,16 @@ constraints).
If no Package line is given, all packages are merged back, otherwise
only the packages listed.
** list-bs
** bikeshed-list
Options: None
List all bikesheds and the access level.
** info-bs
Options: Name (R)
** bikeshed-info
Options: Bikeshed (R)
Returns information about the named bikeshed in a format valid for the
create-bs command, so see there for the format/options outputted.
bikeshed-create command, so see there for the format/options outputted.
* Full example
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