1. 22 7月, 2020 8 次提交
  2. 21 7月, 2020 8 次提交
  3. 20 7月, 2020 7 次提交
  4. 19 7月, 2020 5 次提交
    • L
      Refactor global function signature (#3240) · 7d965b29
      Li Xinqi 提交于
      * replace FixedTensorDef with Numpy.Def
      * oneflow.Numpy.Def demo
      * support eager global_function input signature
    • L
      Refactor global function signature (#3237) · 65105be4
      Li Xinqi 提交于
      * replace FixedTensorDef with Numpy.Def
      * oneflow.Numpy.Def demo
    • J
      Remove if ENABLE_USER_OP (#3236) · 719ccc72
      Juncheng 提交于
    • D
      refactor UserOpBuilder.Attr method (#3227) · 229b2e71
      doombeaker 提交于
      * remove code in Attr relevant to 'attr_type_name'
      * refine Attr call of array_ops.py
      * refine Attr call of categorical_ordinal_encode_op.py constant_op.py data_ops.py
      * refine Attr call of layers.py loss_ops.py
      * refine Attr call in eager_nccl_ops.py  layers.py linalg.py math_ops.py
      * refine Attr call in math_ops.py
      * refactor Attr call in nn_ops.py
      * refactor Attr call in 6 files
      * refactor Attr call in user_data_ops.py
      * refactor Attr call in 9 files
      * remove 3rd argument of Attr method
      * reformat
      * refactor Attr call in nn_ops.py line 710
      * add 'attr_type_name=None' for downward compatibility
      * add warning message for deprecated Attr call
      Co-authored-by: NYao Chi <yaochi@oneflow.org>
      Co-authored-by: NLi Xinqi <lixinqi2010@gmail.com>
    • qq_22305325's avatar
      replace old api of fix_placement (#3234) · 33f512e6
      qq_22305325 提交于
  5. 18 7月, 2020 8 次提交
    • J
      Dev rm boxing v1 (#3149) · 4bfec0d9
      Juncheng 提交于
      * remove boxing_v1
      * of_format
      * Remove MayConsumeModelDiff
      * rm RankContext
      * remove LossLogicalNode
      * add deprecated info
      * remove  outdated code
      * Revert BoxingOp/Kernel
      * always do DiffStaticShapeCast
      * fix
      Co-authored-by: NLi Xinqi <lixinqi2010@gmail.com>
    • J
      Cast model_diff to static shape (#3230) · 9de10ac1
      Juncheng 提交于
      * AddDiffStaticShapeCast
      * PruneCastToStaticShapeOpsPass
      * only enable when boxing_v2
      * boxing v2
      Co-authored-by: NLi Xinqi <lixinqi2010@gmail.com>
    • D
      Dev refactor depreacted call (#3229) · 5b4888cc
      doombeaker 提交于
      * add alias to some python api
      1. oneflow.device_prior_placement -> oneflow.scope.placement
      2. oneflow.distribute.consistent_strategy -> oneflow.scope.consistent_view
      3. oneflow.distribute.mirrored_strategy -> oneflow.scope.mirrored_view
      4. oneflow.name_scope -> oneflow.scope.namespace
      deprecated api names are NOT removed yet
      * updates revelant docstrings
      docstrings of functions below updated:
      1. scope.consistent_view
      2. scope.mirrored_view
      3. scope.namespace
      * run make of_format
      * add deprecated function wrapper
      1. deprecated_consistent_strategy for "distribute.consistent_strategy"
      2. deprecated_mirrored_strategy for "distribute.mirrored_strategy"
      3. deprecated_name_scope for "name_scope", "experimental.name_scope", "deprecated.variable_scope"
      * refine fixed_placement/device_prior_placement
      1. add "fxied_placment"/"device_prior_placement" wrapper for depreacted functions
      2. rename "api_device_prior_placement" to "api_placement"
      * using (*args, **kwargs) for depreacted function
      1. def deprecated_placement(*args, **kwargs)
      2. def deprecated_name_scope(*args, **kwargs)
      3. update docstring: consistent/mirroed strategy view -> consistent/mirroed view
      * exported twice of 'fixed_placement', solved
      * use traceback with warning on deprecated functions
      relevant items:
      * reformat code
      * index range [-2:-1] -> [-2] when print traceback
      * using index instead of index range when print traceback info
      * print depreacted function name using literal string instead of _ONEFLOW_API
      * name scope -> namespace
      * fix docstring typos of scope.namespace
      * Dev change api (#3220)
      * change consistent_strategy and mirrored_strategy api
      * change api (device_prior_placement to scope.placement)
      * change name_scope api to scope.namespace
      * add middle layer for outdated api
      Co-authored-by: NYao Chi <yaochi@oneflow.org>
      Co-authored-by: qq_22305325's avatarbinbinHan <han_binbin@163.com>
    • L
      test job shared variable in lazy model (#3225) · 7609a9b0
      leaves-zwx 提交于
      * test_lazy_get_job_shared_variable
      * minor modification
      * new test and fix bug
      * update test
      * cannot override __eq__
      Co-authored-by: NLi Xinqi <lixinqi2010@gmail.com>
    • L
    • O
      add signature to math api (#3223) · 765d0db7
      OuYang Yu 提交于
      Co-authored-by: NShenghang Tsai <jackalcooper@gmail.com>
    • D
      add api alias (#3187) · ec996775
      doombeaker 提交于
      * add alias to some python api
      1. oneflow.device_prior_placement -> oneflow.scope.placement
      2. oneflow.distribute.consistent_strategy -> oneflow.scope.consistent_view
      3. oneflow.distribute.mirrored_strategy -> oneflow.scope.mirrored_view
      4. oneflow.name_scope -> oneflow.scope.namespace
      deprecated api names are NOT removed yet
      * updates revelant docstrings
      docstrings of functions below updated:
      1. scope.consistent_view
      2. scope.mirrored_view
      3. scope.namespace
      * run make of_format
      * add deprecated function wrapper
      1. deprecated_consistent_strategy for "distribute.consistent_strategy"
      2. deprecated_mirrored_strategy for "distribute.mirrored_strategy"
      3. deprecated_name_scope for "name_scope", "experimental.name_scope", "deprecated.variable_scope"
      * refine fixed_placement/device_prior_placement
      1. add "fxied_placment"/"device_prior_placement" wrapper for depreacted functions
      2. rename "api_device_prior_placement" to "api_placement"
      * using (*args, **kwargs) for depreacted function
      1. def deprecated_placement(*args, **kwargs)
      2. def deprecated_name_scope(*args, **kwargs)
      3. update docstring: consistent/mirroed strategy view -> consistent/mirroed view
      * exported twice of 'fixed_placement', solved
      * use traceback with warning on deprecated functions
      relevant items:
      * reformat code
      * index range [-2:-1] -> [-2] when print traceback
      * using index instead of index range when print traceback info
      * print depreacted function name using literal string instead of _ONEFLOW_API
      * name scope -> namespace
      * fix docstring typos of scope.namespace
      * add 'return' in deprecated_name_scope func
      Co-authored-by: NYao Chi <yaochi@oneflow.org>
    • S
      v0.1.2 (#3217) · 81466cdd
      Shenghang Tsai 提交于
      * bump version
      * deconv use conv tolenrance
      * larger tolerance
      * larger tolerance
  6. 17 7月, 2020 4 次提交