提交 66df9e5c 编写于 作者: W wizardforcel

delete jpg encoder

上级 b5799d12
# coding: utf-8
import sys
import struct
import math
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
class JpgEncoder:
def __init__(self):
self.minw = 10
self.minh = 10
self.dep = 3
self.mode = 'RGB'
def extend_byte(bt):
if not (type(bt) is int and 0 <= bt <= 255 or \
type(bt) is bytes and len(bt) == 1):
return b''
if type(bt) is bytes:
bt = bt[0]
res = bytes([bt // 2 ** i % 2 * 255 for i in range(8)])
return res
def recover_byte(bts):
if not (type(bts) is bytes and len(bts) == 8):
return b''
res = sum([b // 128 * 2 ** i for i, b in enumerate(bts)])
return bytes([res])
def encode(self, data):
minw = self.minw
minh = self.minh
dep = self.dep
mode = self.mode
data = struct.pack('<I', len(data)) + data
data = b''.join([JpgEncoder.extend_byte(bt) for bt in data])
minsz = minw * minh * dep
if len(data) < minsz:
data += b'\0' * (minsz - len(data))
side = math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(data) / dep))
total = side * side * dep
if len(data) < total:
data += b'\0' * (total - len(data))
img = Image.frombytes(mode, (side, side), data)
bio = BytesIO()
img.save(bio, 'jpeg', quality=100, subsampling=0)
return bio.getvalue()
def decode(self, data):
img = Image.open(BytesIO(data))
data = img.tobytes()
data = b''.join([
for i in range(0, len(data), 8)
sz = struct.unpack('<I', data[:4])[0]
data = data[4:4+sz]
return data
def main():
op = sys.argv[1]
if op not in ['d', 'e']: return
fname = sys.argv[2]
data = open(fname, 'rb').read()
encoder = JpgEncoder()
if op == 'e':
data = encoder.encode(data)
fname = fname + '.jpg'
data = encoder.decode(data)
fname = fname + '.data'
with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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