提交 7ba95de3 编写于 作者: W wizardforcel

2020-08-01 15:33:56

上级 faa1670d
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from . import config
__author__ = "ApacheCN"
__email__ = "apachecn@163.com"
__license__ = "SATA"
__version__ = "2020.07.25.1"
__version__ = "2020.08.01"
RE_CODE = r'<(pre|code|tt|var|kbd)[^>]*?>[\s\S]*?</\1>'
RE_TAG = r'<[^>]*?>'
......@@ -97,9 +97,7 @@ def trans_one(html):
def trans_html(html):
# 预处理
html = re.sub(r'<\?xml[^>]*\?>', '', html)
html = re.sub(r'xmlns=".+?"', '', html)
html = process_code(html)
html = preprocess(html)
root = pq(html)
# 处理 <p> <h?>
......@@ -143,7 +141,12 @@ def trans_html(html):
return str(root)
def process_code(html):
def preprocess(html):
html = re.sub(r'<\?xml[^>]*\?>', '', html)
html = re.sub(r'xmlns=".+?"', '', html)
html = html.replace('&#160;', ' ') \
.replace('&nbsp;', ' ')
root = pq(html)
pres = root('div.code, div.Code')
......@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ from os import path
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from . import trans_html, config, api, __version__
is_html = lambda f: f.endswith('.html') or f.endswith('.htm')
is_html = lambda f: f.endswith('.html') or \
f.endswith('.htm') or \
def process_file(fname):
if not is_html(fname):
# 历史记录
+ 修复文字间空格的翻译问题
+ 改进内联代码的判断逻辑
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