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......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ OReilly Hands On Machine Learning with Scikit Learn and TensorFlow
| 一、机器学习概览 | [@SeanCheney](https://www.jianshu.com/u/130f76596b02) | [@Lisanaaa](https://github.com/Lisanaaa) [@飞龙](https://github.com/wizardforcel) |
| 二、一个完整的机器学习项目 | [@SeanCheney](https://www.jianshu.com/u/130f76596b02) | [*@Lisanaaa*](https://github.com/Lisanaaa) [@飞龙](https://github.com/wizardforcel) |
| 三、分类 | [@时间魔术师](https://github.com/hewind1992) | [@Lisanaaa](https://github.com/Lisanaaa) [@飞龙](https://github.com/wizardforcel) |
| 四、训练模型 | [*@C-PIG*](https://github.com/C-PIG) |
| 四、训练模型 | [@C-PIG](https://github.com/C-PIG) |
| 五、支持向量机 | [@QiaoXie](https://github.com/QiaoXie) | [@飞龙](https://github.com/wizardforcel) |
| 六、决策树 | [*@Lisanaaa*](https://github.com/Lisanaaa) |
| 七、集成学习和随机森林 | [@friedhelm739](https://github.com/friedhelm739) | [@飞龙](https://github.com/wizardforcel) |
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