提交 676db712 编写于 作者: S songchenwen

FriendlyWrt Unlock CPU 1.5Ghz

上级 932d62ae
......@@ -101,6 +101,12 @@ jobs:
echo "cp /usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/charts.d.conf /etc/netdata/" >> friendlywrt/package/base-files/files/root/setup.sh
echo "echo 'temp=yes' >> /etc/netdata/charts.d.conf" >> friendlywrt/package/base-files/files/root/setup.sh
echo "/etc/init.d/netdata restart" >> friendlywrt/package/base-files/files/root/setup.sh
- name: Unlock CPU 1.5Ghz
run: |
cd friendlywrt-rk3328/kernel
wget https://github.com/armbian/build/raw/master/patch/kernel/rockchip64-dev/RK3328-enable-1512mhz-opp.patch
git apply RK3328-enable-1512mhz-opp.patch
- name: Download Clash Binary
if: steps.changelog.outputs.changelog != ''
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