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理念:1. reset 的目的不是清除浏览器的默认样式,这仅是部分工作。清除和重置是紧密不可分的。
2. reset 的目的不是让默认样式在所有浏览器下一致,而是减少默认样式有可能带来的问题。
3. reset 期望提供一套普适通用的基础样式。但没有银弹,推荐根据具体需求,裁剪和修改后再使用。
特色:1. 适应中文;2. 基于最新主流浏览器。
维护:玉伯<lifesinger@gmail.com>, 正淳<ragecarrier@gmail.com>
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<h1>IconFont 图标</h1>
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<div class="name">person</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xec88;</div>
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<i class="icon iconfont">&#xedac;</i>
<div class="name">work</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xedac;</div>
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<i class="icon iconfont">&#xebca;</i>
<div class="name">import_contacts</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xebca;</div>
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<i class="icon iconfont">&#xeaf8;</i>
<div class="name">create</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xeaf8;</div>
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<i class="icon iconfont">&#xead7;</i>
<div class="name">comment</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xead7;</div>
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<i class="icon iconfont">&#xeab6;</i>
<div class="name">call</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xeab6;</div>
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<i class="icon iconfont">&#x3488;</i>
<div class="name">微信</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#x3488;</div>
<div class="fontclass">.weixin</div>
<i class="icon iconfont">&#xeabe;</i>
<div class="name">camera</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xeabe;</div>
<div class="fontclass">.camera</div>
<i class="icon iconfont">&#xeaa2;</i>
<div class="name">build</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xeaa2;</div>
<div class="fontclass">.build</div>
<i class="icon iconfont">&#xea38;</i>
<div class="name">account_box</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xea38;</div>
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<i class="icon iconfont">&#xea7d;</i>
<div class="name">attach_money</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xea7d;</div>
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<i class="icon iconfont">&#xea95;</i>
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<div class="code">&amp;#xea95;</div>
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<i class="icon iconfont">&#xead2;</i>
<div class="name">chat_bubble_outline</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xead2;</div>
<div class="fontclass">.chatbubbleoutline</div>
<i class="icon iconfont">&#xead0;</i>
<div class="name">chat</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xead0;</div>
<div class="fontclass">.chat</div>
<i class="icon iconfont">&#xeadf;</i>
<div class="name">cloud</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xeadf;</div>
<div class="fontclass">.cloud</div>
<i class="icon iconfont">&#xeb0f;</i>
<div class="name">desktop_windows</div>
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<div class="name">edit</div>
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<div class="code">&amp;#xeb45;</div>
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<i class="icon iconfont">&#xeb48;</i>
<div class="name">extension</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xeb48;</div>
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<div class="name">flag</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xeb6f;</div>
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<i class="icon iconfont">&#xeb6e;</i>
<div class="name">fitness_center</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xeb6e;</div>
<div class="fontclass">.fitnesscenter</div>
<i class="icon iconfont">&#xeb9c;</i>
<div class="name">free_breakfast</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xeb9c;</div>
<div class="fontclass">.freebreakfast</div>
<i class="icon iconfont">&#xeb97;</i>
<div class="name">forum</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xeb97;</div>
<div class="fontclass">.forum</div>
<i class="icon iconfont">&#xeba3;</i>
<div class="name">goat</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xeba3;</div>
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<i class="icon iconfont">&#xebc2;</i>
<div class="name">home</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xebc2;</div>
<div class="fontclass">.home</div>
<i class="icon iconfont">&#xebc5;</i>
<div class="name">hourglass_empty</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xebc5;</div>
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<i class="icon iconfont">&#xec0a;</i>
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<div class="code">&amp;#xec10;</div>
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<i class="icon iconfont">&#xecae;</i>
<div class="name">playlist_add</div>
<div class="code">&amp;#xecae;</div>
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<div class="code">&amp;#xe676;</div>
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<div class="name">trophy</div>
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