提交 14160719 编写于 作者: P PyCaret

updated classification.py and preprocess.py

上级 06788307
......@@ -420,6 +420,10 @@ def setup(data,
#exception checking
import sys
import datetime, time
runtime_start = time.time()
#checking train size parameter
if type(train_size) is not float:
sys.exit('(Type Error): train_size parameter only accepts float value.')
......@@ -699,7 +703,6 @@ def setup(data,
import pandas as pd
import ipywidgets as ipw
from IPython.display import display, HTML, clear_output, update_display
import datetime, time
#import mlflow and logging utils
import mlflow
......@@ -771,7 +774,8 @@ def setup(data,
#declaring global variables to be accessed by other functions
global X, y, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, seed, prep_pipe, experiment__,\
folds_shuffle_param, n_jobs_param, create_model_container, master_model_container, display_container, exp_name_log, logging_param, log_plots_param
folds_shuffle_param, n_jobs_param, create_model_container, master_model_container,\
display_container, exp_name_log, logging_param, log_plots_param, USI
#generate seed to be used globally
if session_id is None:
......@@ -1636,20 +1640,32 @@ def setup(data,
experiment__.append(('y_test Set', y_test))
experiment__.append(('Transformation Pipeline', prep_pipe))
#end runtime
runtime_end = time.time()
runtime = np.array((runtime_end - runtime_start)/60).round(2)
#mlflow create experiment (name defined here)
if logging_param:
uniquekey = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=6)
if experiment_name is None:
exp_name_ = 'clf'
exp_name_ = 'clf-default-name'
exp_name_ = experiment_name
exp_name_log = exp_name_ + '-' + str(seed) + '-' + str(uniquekey)
URI = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=4)
USI = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=2)
exp_name_log = exp_name_
#mlflow logging
with mlflow.start_run(run_name='Session Initialized') as run:
run_name_ = 'Session Initialized ' + str(URI)
with mlflow.start_run(run_name=run_name_) as run:
k = functions.copy()
......@@ -1659,6 +1675,14 @@ def setup(data,
#set tag of compare_models
mlflow.set_tag("Source", "setup")
import secrets
URI = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=4)
mlflow.set_tag("URI", URI)
mlflow.set_tag("USI", USI)
mlflow.set_tag("Run Time", runtime)
# Log the transformation pipeline
save_model(prep_pipe, 'Transformation Pipeline', verbose=False)
......@@ -1684,7 +1708,8 @@ def setup(data,
return X, y, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, seed, prep_pipe, experiment__,\
folds_shuffle_param, n_jobs_param, html_param, create_model_container, master_model_container, display_container, exp_name_log, logging_param, log_plots_param
folds_shuffle_param, n_jobs_param, html_param, create_model_container, master_model_container,\
display_container, exp_name_log, logging_param, log_plots_param, USI
def create_model(estimator = None,
......@@ -1857,12 +1882,15 @@ def create_model(estimator = None,
import datetime, time
runtime_start = time.time()
#pre-load libraries
import pandas as pd
import ipywidgets as ipw
from IPython.display import display, HTML, clear_output, update_display
import datetime, time
#progress bar
progress = ipw.IntProgress(value=0, min=0, max=fold+4, step=1 , description='Processing: ')
......@@ -2053,6 +2081,27 @@ def create_model(estimator = None,
def get_model_name(e):
return str(e).split("(")[0]
model_dict_logging = {'ExtraTreesClassifier' : 'Extra Trees Classifier',
'GradientBoostingClassifier' : 'Gradient Boosting Classifier',
'RandomForestClassifier' : 'Random Forest Classifier',
'LGBMClassifier' : 'Light Gradient Boosting Machine',
'XGBClassifier' : 'Extreme Gradient Boosting',
'AdaBoostClassifier' : 'Ada Boost Classifier',
'DecisionTreeClassifier' : 'Decision Tree Classifier',
'RidgeClassifier' : 'Ridge Classifier',
'LogisticRegression' : 'Logistic Regression',
'KNeighborsClassifier' : 'K Neighbors Classifier',
'GaussianNB' : 'Naive Bayes',
'SGDClassifier' : 'SVM - Linear Kernel',
'SVC' : 'SVM - Radial Kernel',
'GaussianProcessClassifier' : 'Gaussian Process Classifier',
'MLPClassifier' : 'MLP Classifier',
'QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis' : 'Quadratic Discriminant Analysis',
'LinearDiscriminantAnalysis' : 'Linear Discriminant Analysis',
'CatBoostClassifier' : 'CatBoost Classifier',
'BaggingClassifier' : 'Bagging Classifier',
'VotingClassifier' : 'Voting Classifier'}
if y.value_counts().count() > 2:
mn = get_model_name(estimator.estimator)
......@@ -2060,32 +2109,19 @@ def create_model(estimator = None,
if 'catboost' in mn:
mn = 'CatBoostClassifier'
model_dict_logging = {'ExtraTreesClassifier' : 'Extra Trees Classifier',
'GradientBoostingClassifier' : 'Gradient Boosting Classifier',
'RandomForestClassifier' : 'Random Forest Classifier',
'LGBMClassifier' : 'Light Gradient Boosting Machine',
'XGBClassifier' : 'Extreme Gradient Boosting',
'AdaBoostClassifier' : 'Ada Boost Classifier',
'DecisionTreeClassifier' : 'Decision Tree Classifier',
'RidgeClassifier' : 'Ridge Classifier',
'LogisticRegression' : 'Logistic Regression',
'KNeighborsClassifier' : 'K Neighbors Classifier',
'GaussianNB' : 'Naive Bayes',
'SGDClassifier' : 'SVM - Linear Kernel',
'SVC' : 'SVM - Radial Kernel',
'GaussianProcessClassifier' : 'Gaussian Process Classifier',
'MLPClassifier' : 'MLP Classifier',
'QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis' : 'Quadratic Discriminant Analysis',
'LinearDiscriminantAnalysis' : 'Linear Discriminant Analysis',
'CatBoostClassifier' : 'CatBoost Classifier',
'BaggingClassifier' : 'Bagging Classifier',
'VotingClassifier' : 'Voting Classifier'}
full_name = model_dict_logging.get(mn)
full_name = get_model_name(estimator)
mn = get_model_name(estimator)
if 'catboost' in mn:
mn = 'CatBoostClassifier'
full_name = model_dict_logging.get(mn)
full_name = 'Custom Model'
progress.value += 1
......@@ -2320,6 +2356,10 @@ def create_model(estimator = None,
model.fit(data_X, data_y)
#end runtime
runtime_end = time.time()
runtime = np.array((runtime_end - runtime_start)/60).round(2)
#mlflow logging
if logging_param and system:
......@@ -2364,6 +2404,14 @@ def create_model(estimator = None,
#set tag of compare_models
mlflow.set_tag("Source", "create_model")
import secrets
URI = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=4)
mlflow.set_tag("URI", URI)
mlflow.set_tag("USI", USI)
mlflow.set_tag("Run Time", runtime)
# Log training time in seconds
mlflow.log_metric("Training Time", mean_training_time.round(round))
......@@ -2533,6 +2581,10 @@ def ensemble_model(estimator,
#exception checking
import sys
import datetime, time
runtime_start = time.time()
#Check for allowed method
available_method = ['Bagging', 'Boosting']
......@@ -2583,7 +2635,6 @@ def ensemble_model(estimator,
#pre-load libraries
import pandas as pd
import datetime, time
import ipywidgets as ipw
from IPython.display import display, HTML, clear_output, update_display
......@@ -2962,6 +3013,7 @@ def ensemble_model(estimator,
#refitting the model on complete X_train, y_train
monitor.iloc[1,1:] = 'Finalizing Model'
monitor.iloc[2,1:] = 'Almost Finished'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
......@@ -3009,6 +3061,10 @@ def ensemble_model(estimator,
nam = str(model_name) + ' Score Grid'
tup = (nam, model_results)
#end runtime
runtime_end = time.time()
runtime = np.array((runtime_end - runtime_start)/60).round(2)
if logging_param:
......@@ -3051,6 +3107,14 @@ def ensemble_model(estimator,
#set tag of compare_models
mlflow.set_tag("Source", "ensemble_model")
import secrets
URI = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=4)
mlflow.set_tag("URI", URI)
mlflow.set_tag("USI", USI)
mlflow.set_tag("Run Time", runtime)
# Log training time in seconds
mlflow.log_metric("Training Time", mean_training_time.round(round))
......@@ -3795,6 +3859,10 @@ def compare_models(blacklist = None,
#exception checking
import sys
import datetime, time
runtime_start = time.time()
#checking error for blacklist (string)
available_estimators = ['lr', 'knn', 'nb', 'dt', 'svm', 'rbfsvm', 'gpc', 'mlp', 'ridge', 'rf', 'qda', 'ada',
'gbc', 'lda', 'et', 'xgboost', 'lightgbm', 'catboost']
......@@ -4418,6 +4486,10 @@ def compare_models(blacklist = None,
#end runtime
runtime_end = time.time()
runtime = np.array((runtime_end - runtime_start)/60).round(2)
if logging_param:
#Creating Logs message monitor
......@@ -4448,6 +4520,14 @@ def compare_models(blacklist = None,
#set tag of compare_models
mlflow.set_tag("Source", "compare_models")
import secrets
URI = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=4)
mlflow.set_tag("URI", URI)
mlflow.set_tag("USI", USI)
mlflow.set_tag("Run Time", runtime)
# Log internal parameters
mlflow.log_param("compare_models_blacklist", blacklist)
......@@ -4617,6 +4697,10 @@ def tune_model(estimator = None,
#exception checking
import sys
import datetime, time
runtime_start = time.time()
#checking estimator if string
if type(estimator) is str:
sys.exit('(Type Error): The behavior of tune_model in version 1.0.1 is changed. Please pass trained model object.')
......@@ -4664,7 +4748,6 @@ def tune_model(estimator = None,
#pre-load libraries
import pandas as pd
import time, datetime
import ipywidgets as ipw
from IPython.display import display, HTML, clear_output, update_display
......@@ -5514,6 +5597,7 @@ def tune_model(estimator = None,
#refitting the model on complete X_train, y_train
monitor.iloc[1,1:] = 'Finalizing Model'
monitor.iloc[2,1:] = 'Almost Finished'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
......@@ -5564,6 +5648,10 @@ def tune_model(estimator = None,
tup = (nam, model_results)
#end runtime
runtime_end = time.time()
runtime = np.array((runtime_end - runtime_start)/60).round(2)
#mlflow logging
if logging_param:
......@@ -5606,6 +5694,14 @@ def tune_model(estimator = None,
#set tag of compare_models
mlflow.set_tag("Source", "tune_model")
import secrets
URI = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=4)
mlflow.set_tag("URI", URI)
mlflow.set_tag("USI", USI)
mlflow.set_tag("Run Time", runtime)
# Log training time in seconds
mlflow.log_metric("Training Time", mean_training_time.round(round))
......@@ -5782,6 +5878,10 @@ def blend_models(estimator_list = 'All',
#exception checking
import sys
import datetime, time
runtime_start = time.time()
#checking error for estimator_list (string)
......@@ -5843,7 +5943,6 @@ def blend_models(estimator_list = 'All',
#pre-load libraries
import pandas as pd
import time, datetime
import ipywidgets as ipw
from IPython.display import display, HTML, clear_output, update_display
......@@ -6349,6 +6448,10 @@ def blend_models(estimator_list = 'All',
tup = (nam, model_results)
#end runtime
runtime_end = time.time()
runtime = np.array((runtime_end - runtime_start)/60).round(2)
if logging_param:
#Creating Logs message monitor
......@@ -6390,6 +6493,14 @@ def blend_models(estimator_list = 'All',
#set tag of compare_models
mlflow.set_tag("Source", "blend_models")
import secrets
URI = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=4)
mlflow.set_tag("URI", URI)
mlflow.set_tag("USI", USI)
mlflow.set_tag("Run Time", runtime)
# Log training time of compare_models
mlflow.log_metric("Training Time", mean_training_time)
......@@ -6544,13 +6655,17 @@ def stack_models(estimator_list,
#no active test
#exception checking
import sys
import datetime, time
runtime_start = time.time()
#change method param to 'hard' for multiclass
if y.value_counts().count() > 2:
method = 'hard'
#exception checking
import sys
#checking error for estimator_list
for i in estimator_list:
if 'sklearn' not in str(type(i)) and 'CatBoostClassifier' not in str(type(i)):
......@@ -6604,7 +6719,6 @@ def stack_models(estimator_list,
import pandas as pd
import ipywidgets as ipw
from IPython.display import display, HTML, clear_output, update_display
import time, datetime
from copy import deepcopy
from sklearn.base import clone
......@@ -7058,6 +7172,10 @@ def stack_models(estimator_list,
ax.set_ylim(sorted(ax.get_xlim(), reverse=True))
#end runtime
runtime_end = time.time()
runtime = np.array((runtime_end - runtime_start)/60).round(2)
if logging_param:
import mlflow
......@@ -7096,8 +7214,16 @@ def stack_models(estimator_list,
mlflow.log_param("stack_models_finalize", finalize)
mlflow.log_param("stack_models_verbose", verbose)
#set tag of compare_models
#set tag of stack_models
mlflow.set_tag("Source", "stack_models")
import secrets
URI = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=4)
mlflow.set_tag("URI", URI)
mlflow.set_tag("USI", USI)
mlflow.set_tag("Run Time", runtime)
# Log model and transformation pipeline
save_model(models_, 'Trained Model', verbose=False)
......@@ -7262,13 +7388,17 @@ def create_stacknet(estimator_list,
#global inter_level_names
#exception checking
import sys
import datetime, time
runtime_start = time.time()
#change method param to 'hard' for multiclass
if y.value_counts().count() > 2:
method = 'hard'
#exception checking
import sys
#checking estimator_list
if type(estimator_list[0]) is not list:
sys.exit("(Type Error): estimator_list parameter must be list of list. ")
......@@ -7842,6 +7972,10 @@ def create_stacknet(estimator_list,
tup = (nam, model_results)
#end runtime
runtime_end = time.time()
runtime = np.array((runtime_end - runtime_start)/60).round(2)
if logging_param:
import mlflow
......@@ -7878,8 +8012,16 @@ def create_stacknet(estimator_list,
mlflow.log_param("create_stacknet_finalize", finalize)
mlflow.log_param("create_stacknet_verbose", verbose)
#set tag of compare_models
#set tag of create_stacknet
mlflow.set_tag("Source", "create_stacknet")
import secrets
URI = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=4)
mlflow.set_tag("URI", URI)
mlflow.set_tag("USI", USI)
mlflow.set_tag("Run Time", runtime)
# Log model and transformation pipeline
save_model(models_, 'Trained Model', verbose=False)
......@@ -8192,7 +8334,11 @@ def calibrate_model(estimator,
#exception checking
import sys
import datetime, time
runtime_start = time.time()
#Statement to find CatBoost and change name
model_name = str(estimator).split("(")[0]
......@@ -8228,7 +8374,6 @@ def calibrate_model(estimator,
import pandas as pd
import ipywidgets as ipw
from IPython.display import display, HTML, clear_output, update_display
import datetime, time
#progress bar
progress = ipw.IntProgress(value=0, min=0, max=fold+4, step=1 , description='Processing: ')
......@@ -8563,6 +8708,10 @@ def calibrate_model(estimator,
tup = (nam, model_results)
#end runtime
runtime_end = time.time()
runtime = np.array((runtime_end - runtime_start)/60).round(2)
#mlflow logging
if logging_param:
......@@ -8606,6 +8755,14 @@ def calibrate_model(estimator,
#set tag of compare_models
mlflow.set_tag("Source", "calibrate_model")
import secrets
URI = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=4)
mlflow.set_tag("URI", URI)
mlflow.set_tag("USI", USI)
mlflow.set_tag("Run Time", runtime)
# Log training time in seconds
mlflow.log_metric("Training Time", mean_training_time.round(round))
......@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@ class Cluster_Entire_Data(BaseEstimator,TransformerMixin):
self.k_object = cluster.KMeans(n_clusters= c,init='k-means++',precompute_distances='auto',n_init=10,random_state=self.random_state)
self.ph.iloc[k,1] = metrics.silhouette_score(data_t1,self.k_object.labels_)
self.ph.iloc[k,2] = metrics.calinski_harabaz_score(data_t1,self.k_object.labels_)
self.ph.iloc[k,2] = metrics.calinski_harabasz_score(data_t1,self.k_object.labels_)
# now standardize the scores and make a total column
m = MinMaxScaler((-1,1))
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