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## pycaret
pycaret is the free software and open source machine learning library for python programming language. It is built around several popular machine learning libraries in python. Its primary objective is to reduce the cycle time of hypothesis to insights by providing an easy to use high level unified API. pycaret's vision is to become defacto standard for teaching machine learning and data science. Our strength is in our easy to use unified interface for both supervised and unsupervised machine learning problems. It saves time and effort that citizen data scientists, students and researchers spent on coding or learning to code using different interfaces, so that now they can focus on business problem and value creation.
#### pycaret is the free software and open source machine learning library for python programming language. It is built around several popular machine learning libraries in python. Its primary objective is to simplify problem solving through machine learning by providing an easy to use unified API.
## Key Features
* Ease of Use
* Focus on Business Problem
* 10x efficient
* Collaboration
* Business Ready
* Cloud Ready
## Current Release
The current release is beta 0.0.4 (as of 23/12/2019). A full release for public is targetted to be available by 31/12/2020.
## Installation
#### Dependencies
Please read requirements.txt for list of requirements. They are automatically installed when pycaret is installed using pip.
#### User Installation
The easiest way to install pycaret is using pip.
pip install pycaret
## Documentation
Documentation and detailed tutorials are underconstruction. They will be uploaded on our git as well as http://www.pycaret.org
## Contributions
Contributions are most welcome. To make contribution please reach out moez.ali@queensu.ca
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