未验证 提交 30bf4382 编写于 作者: P PyCaret 提交者: GitHub

Delete pycaret 1.0.1 - development.txt

上级 74f43ecb
In addition to bug fix, following upgrades are being considered for 1.0.1 release. To upvote, please email moez@pycaret.org.
- Return models from compare_models. Currently compare_models() donot return any trained model object. (Impact: pycaret.classification, pycaret.regression)
- tune_model() function to work with model object directly. In current version string parameter is passed for example tune_model('lr'). In 1.0.1 this will be changed to tune_model(lr) where lr will be an object created using create_model (Impact: pycaret.classification, pycaret.regression)
- Allow custom tuning grids to be passed into tune_model function. Currently user cannot pass custom grid. (Impact: pycaret.classification, pycaret.regression)
- Add matthews_corrcoef, log_loss metrics in classification. (Impact: pycaret.classification)
- Add shuffle parameter for train-test-split in setup() function (Impact: pycaret.classification, pycaret.regression)
- Add shuffle parameter for Kfold in setup() function (Impact: pycaret.classification, pycaret.regression)
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