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## 章节列表
* 快速入门
* [开始使用TensorFlow 2.0](tutorials/quickstart/getting_started.md)
* [Effective TensorFlow 2]()
* [Migrate from TF 1 to TF 2]()
* [Convert with the upgrade script]()
* [Get started for beginners]()
* [Get started for experts]()
* 初学者教程
* ML basics
* [Overview]()
* [Classify images]()
* [Classify text]()
* [Classify structured data]()
* [Regression]()
* [Overfitting and underfitting]()
* [Save and restore models]()
* Images
* [Convolutional neural networks]()
* [Transfer learning with TFHub]()
* [Transfer learning with pretrained CNNs]()
* 文本和序列
* [Word Embeddings 简介](tutorials/text/word_embeddings.md)
* [Classify preprocessed text]()
* [Classify text with a RNN]()
* Estimators
* [Premade estimators]()
* [Linear models]()
* Customization
* [Overview]()
* [Tensors and operations]()
* [Custom layers]()
* [Automatic differentiation]()
* [Custom training: basics]()
* [Custom training: walkthrough]()
* [TF function and AutoGraph]()
* Text and sequences
* [Generate text with an RNN]()
* [Translation with attention]()
* [Image captioning]()
* [Transformer model for language understanding]()
* lmage generation
* [Style transfer]()
* [DCGAN]()
* [Pix2Pix]()
* [CycleGAN]()
* [Variational autoencoder]()
* [Adversarial FGSM]()
* Load and preprocess data
* [CSV]()
* [Numpy]()
* [Pandas]()
* [lmages]()
* [Text]()
* [TFRecords]()
* [Unicode]()
* [TF.Text]()
* Distributed training
* [Distributed training]()
* [Distributed training with custom]()
* [training loops]()
* [Multi worker training with]()
* [Estimator]()
* [Multi worker training with Keras]()
* [Eager essentials]()
* [Variables]()
* [AutoGraph]()
* Keras
* [Keras overview]()
* [Keras functional API]()
* [Train and evaluate]()
* [Write layers and models from scratch]()
* [Save and serialize models]()
* [Write custom callbacks]()
* Accelerators
* [Distribution strategy]()
* [Using GPU]()
* Data input pipelines
* [tf.data Overview]()
* [Performance]()
* Serialization
* [Checkpoints]()
* [Saved models]()
* Misc
* [Version compatibility]()
## 流程
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> 项目翻译 TensorFlow 2.0
* 贡献者: 记得留言和更新翻译进度
* 地址: xxxx
* 地址: <https://github.com/apachecn/tensorflow-doc-zh/issues/3>
## 项目看板
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> 第一期 (2017-06-08)
* 贡献者名单:xxxx
* 贡献者名单: <http://cwiki.apachecn.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=10029623>
> 第2期 (2019-xx-xx)
* [片刻](https://github.com/jiangzhonglian): 529815144
-- 负责人要求: (欢迎一起为 `Pytorch 中文版本` 做贡献)
-- 负责人要求: (欢迎一起为 `TensorFlow 中文版本` 做贡献)
* 热爱开源,喜欢装逼
* 愿意长期使用 TensorFlow
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* [Introduction](README.md)
* 快速入门
* [开始使用TensorFlow 2.0](getting_started.md)
* [开始使用TensorFlow 2.0](tutorials/quickstart/getting_started.md)
* [Effective TensorFlow 2]()
* [Migrate from TF 1 to TF 2]()
* [Convert with the upgrade script]()
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