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# 解释器 API

原文链接 : [http://zeppelin.apache.org/docs/0.7.2/rest-api/rest-interpreter.html](http://zeppelin.apache.org/docs/0.7.2/rest-api/rest-interpreter.html)

译文链接 : [http://www.apache.wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=10030697](http://www.apache.wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=10030697)

贡献者 : [小瑶](/display/~chenyao) [ApacheCN](/display/~apachecn) [Apache中文网](/display/~apachechina)

## Overview ( 概述 )

**Apache Zeppelin** 提供了几个 **REST API** ,用于交互和远程激活 **zeppelin** 功能。所有 **REST API** 都可以从以下端点。请注意,**Apache Zeppelin REST API** 接收或返回 **JSON** 对象,建议您安装 **JSON** 查看器如 **[JSONView](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jsonview/chklaanhfefbnpoihckbnefhakgolnmc) **

如果您使用 **Apache Zeppelin** 并发现需要一个额外的 **REST API** ,请 [提出问题或向我们发送电子邮件](http://zeppelin.apache.org/community.html)

## 解释器REST API列表

这里介绍了 **registered interpreters** , **settings** ( 设置 ) 和 **interpreters group** 的作用。

### 注册解释器人员名单

| 描述 | 该 GET 方法返回服务器上可用的 all the registered interpreters ( 所有已注册的解释器 ) 。 |
| URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter |
| 成功代码 | 200 |
| 失败代码 | 500 |
| JSON 响应示例 | 

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "",
  "body": {
    "md.md": {
      "name": "md",
      "group": "md",
      "className": "org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown",
      "properties": {},
      "path": "/zeppelin/interpreter/md"
    "spark.spark": {
      "name": "spark",
      "group": "spark",
      "className": "org.apache.zeppelin.spark.SparkInterpreter",
      "properties": {
        "spark.executor.memory": {
          "defaultValue": "1g",
          "description": "Executor memory per worker instance. ex) 512m, 32g"
        "spark.cores.max": {
          "defaultValue": "",
          "description": "Total number of cores to use. Empty value uses all available core."
      "path": "/zeppelin/interpreter/spark"
    "spark.sql": {
      "name": "sql",
      "group": "spark",
      "className": "org.apache.zeppelin.spark.SparkSqlInterpreter",
      "properties": {
        "zeppelin.spark.maxResult": {
          "defaultValue": "1000",
          "description": "Max number of Spark SQL result to display."
      "path": "/zeppelin/interpreter/spark"


### 注册解释器设定清单

| 描述 | 该 GET 方法返回服务器上注册的所有解释器设置。 |
| URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter/setting |
| 成功代码 | 200 |
| 失败代码 | 500 |
| JSON 响应示例 | 

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "",
  "body": [
      "id": "2AYUGP2D5",
      "name": "md",
      "group": "md",
      "properties": {
        "empty": ""
      "interpreterGroup": [
          "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown",
          "name": "md"
      "dependencies": []

      "id": "2AY6GV7Q3",
      "name": "spark",
      "group": "spark",
      "properties": {
        "spark.cores.max": "",
        "spark.executor.memory": "1g",
      "interpreterGroup": [
          "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.spark.SparkInterpreter",
          "name": "spark"
          "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.spark.SparkSqlInterpreter",
          "name": "sql"
      "dependencies": [
          "groupArtifactVersion": "com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.3.0"


### 通过设置 ID 获取注册的解释器设置

| 描述 | 该 GET 方法在服务器上返回已注册的解释器设置 |
| URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter/setting/[setting ID] |
| 成功代码 | 200 |
| 失败代码 | 400 如果这样的解释器设置 id 不存在500 任何其他错误 |
| JSON 响应示例 | 

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "",
  "body": {
    "id": "2AYW25ANY",
    "name": "Markdown setting name",
    "group": "md",
    "properties": {
      "propname": "propvalue"
    "interpreterGroup": [
        "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown",
        "name": "md"
    "dependencies": [
        "groupArtifactVersion": "groupId:artifactId:version",
        "exclusions": [


### 创建一个新的解释器设置 

| 描述 | 此 POST 方法使用注册的解释器将新的解释器设置添加到服务器。 |
| URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter/setting |
| 成功代码 | 201 |
| 失败代码 | 400 如果输入 JSON 为空500 则为其他任何错误 |
| 示例 JSON 输入 | 

  "name": "Markdown setting name",
  "group": "md",
  "properties": {
    "propname": "propvalue"
  "interpreterGroup": [
      "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown",
      "name": "md"
  "dependencies": [
      "groupArtifactVersion": "groupId:artifactId:version",
      "exclusions": [

| 示例 JSON 响应 | 

  "status": "CREATED",
  "message": "",
  "body": {
    "id": "2AYW25ANY",
    "name": "Markdown setting name",
    "group": "md",
    "properties": {
      "propname": "propvalue"
    "interpreterGroup": [
        "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown",
        "name": "md"
    "dependencies": [
        "groupArtifactVersion": "groupId:artifactId:version",
        "exclusions": [


### 更新解释器设置

| 描述 | 此 PUT 方法使用新属性更新解释器设置 |
| URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter/setting/[interpreter ID] |
| 成功代码 | 200 |
| 失败代码 | 500 |
| 示例 JSON 输入 | 

  "name": "Markdown setting name",
  "group": "md",
  "properties": {
    "propname": "Otherpropvalue"
  "interpreterGroup": [
      "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown",
      "name": "md"
  "dependencies": [
      "groupArtifactVersion": "groupId:artifactId:version",
      "exclusions": [

| 示例 JSON 响应 | 

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "",
  "body": {
    "id": "2AYW25ANY",
    "name": "Markdown setting name",
    "group": "md",
    "properties": {
      "propname": "Otherpropvalue"
    "interpreterGroup": [
        "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown",
        "name": "md"
    "dependencies": [
        "groupArtifactVersion": "groupId:artifactId:version",
        "exclusions": [


### 删除解释器设置

| 描述 | 此 DELETE 方法删除给定的解释器设置 |
| URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter/setting/[interpreter ID] |
| 成功代码 | 200 |
| 失败代码 | 500 |
| 示例 JSON 响应 | {"status":"OK"} |

### 重新启动解释器

| 描述 | 此 PUT 方法重新启动给定的解释器标识。 |
| URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter/setting/restart/[interpreter ID] |
| 成功代码 | 200 |
| 失败代码 | 500 |
| JSON 输入示例(可选) | 


| 示例 JSON 响应 | {"status":"OK"} |

### 添加用于依赖关系解析的新存储库

| 描述 | 此 POST 方法添加新的存储库。 |
| URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter/repository |
| 成功代码 | 201 |
| 失败代码 | 500 |
| 示例 JSON 输入 | 

  "id": "securecentral",
  "url": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2",
  "snapshot": false

| 示例 JSON 响应 | {"status":"OK"} |

### 删除依赖关系解析的存储库

| 描述 | 此 DELETE 方法删除具有给定 ID 的存储库。 |
| URL | http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/interpreter/repository/[repository ID] |
| 成功代码 | 200 |
| 失败代码 | 500 |