提交 538e726d 编写于 作者: G Guokai Chen

README: cleanup unnecessary escape character

上级 15988100
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ The main features of NEMU include
1. Compile a Linux kernel, with proper SD card driver integrated if you want to run Debian or Fedora. Currently Kernel v4.18 is verified to work.
2. Convert ```vmlinux``` to binary format using ```objcopy```.
3. Compile OpenSBI using ```build\_linux.sh``` where vmlinux path may need a modification.
3. Compile OpenSBI using ```build_linux.sh``` where vmlinux path may need a modification.
4. Compile NEMU using ```opensbi``` branch. You may want to change default sdcard image path in ```src/devices/sdcard.c``` to boot Debian or Fedora.
5. launch NEMU intepreter and load ```fw\_payload.bin``` generated by OpenSBI.
5. launch NEMU intepreter and load ```fw_payload.bin``` generated by OpenSBI.
6. If you are using a ```vmlinux``` with initramfs, you will likely be greeted with a ```Hello```, otherwise you may see startup logs and finally a login prompt from Debian or Fedora if SD card is configured properly.
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